Oct. 23rd Defend Marriage Lobby Day!
Oct. 23rd Defend Marriage Lobby Day!
Written By Kathy Valente   |   09.13.13
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Join IFI and Illinois families from around the state to take a stand to protect marriage, religious freedom, parental rights and the innocence of our children! Plan to bring your family and friends, AND organize your church to support the second Defend Marriage Lobby Day this year.


Wednesday, October 23rd
at the Illinois State Capitol
9 AM — 3 PM

401 South 2nd Street
Springfield, Illinois  62701 (map)

Download full-page flyer HERE.
Download half-page flyer HERE

Please read the entire article if you plan to attend. 


9:00 AM – 10:30 AM   Prayer Rally at the Lincoln Statue 
(east side of Capitol)

11:00 AM – 1:00 PM   Marriage Rally in Rotunda

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM   Prayer Rally  in the Rotunda

1:00 PM – Jericho Prayer Walk around Capitol (meet at Lincoln Statue)

9:00 AM – 3:00 PM   Visit your state representatives

It is critically important that we have a strong showing because Leftist activists continue to press for counterfeit “marriage” (SB 10), which will affect all of society, especially children and religious freedom.  The chief sponsor of the legislation to redefine marriage, State Representative Gregg Harris (D-Chicago), is on record saying that he plans to call the bill for a vote during the fall Veto Session (October 22-24 and November 5-6).

In addition, homosexual activists with the Civil Rights Agenda, Equality Illinois, Stonewall Democrats, Illinois Log Cabin Republicans, and the ACLU of Illinois continue to push hard for the passage of this anti-marriage bill.  They recently launched a two million dollar “Fight Back for Marriage” campaign to pass this bill. Their pledge: “we’ll keep fighting until we win” must be taken very seriously.

A number of high profile politicians are also calling for its passage including President Barack Obama, Governor Pat Quinn, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, State Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka, U.S. Senator Mark Kirk, Attorney General Lisa Madigan and former GOP State Chairman Pat Brady who is now lobbying for SB 10 on behalf of the ACLU.

We cannot ignore this situation! Illinois citizens will send a strong and clear message to lawmakers by joining us at the Capitol on October 23rd to rally, to pray and to lobby their legislators.  


Know what your state representative looks like before coming to Springfield. To do this, click HERE and type in your address. Click on the representative’s name to access their picture and contact information. Print it out and bring it with you on October 23rd.

Upon arriving at the Capitol, you will go through security and a metal detector. Bring a photo ID. Proceed to the IFI table in the north hallway or attend one of the functions outside or inside the Rotunda. At the IFI tables, you will find people on laptops on one side of the hallway and tables with handout materials on the other side. Please make sure you pick up a button to wear, a sign (which can’t be taken above the first floor), a letter that you can sign and deliver to your state representative, and  a small card to call your rep off of the House Floor (along with the instructions on how to call them off the Floor) if your representative is in session.

There will be volunteers to direct you to the lawmakers’ offices in the Stratton Building by way of the underground tunnel.

Once you arrive at your state representative’s office, ask the secretary if you can have a few minutes with him/her. If you’re able to see them, tell him/her that you are a constituent and have traveled to Springfield to urge them to oppose the same-sex “marriage” bill, SB 10. Ask how he/she plans to vote. Feel free to share your concerns about the bill. Be respectful of their time. Leave the signed letter you picked up from the IFI table. Feel free to add your personal remarks in a kind and respectful manner.

There is a large cafeteria in the lower level of the Capitol. It’s suggested that you bring snacks for the ride to Springfield and back.


We would like to post a list of all buses or church van locations to help people who are looking for a way to get to Springfield. If you’re planning to charter a bus or your church is providing a van, please let us know. Please include the following information which will be posted on our web site: location and time of departure, time of return, number of passengers, cost per person (It’s strongly suggested that you get payment ahead of time.) contact person and phone number.

For those looking for a ride, visit the IFI web site and look for the BUS RIDE button.

PLEASE PRAY that God will continue to hold back this bill. As a believer, your presence as Christ’s ambassador (2 Cor. 5:20) has tremendous spiritual impact. The fact that several thousands will take the time to travel to the Capitol, wearing bright yellow buttons depicting marriage as one man and one woman has more impact than you realize. Many lawmakers will be hard-pressed to vote on a bill that may cost them their next election.

WATCH the three minute video from the Feb. 20th Marriage Lobby Day:

Please forward this article to your
like-minded family and friends in Illinois.

Click HERE to support the work & ministry of IFI. 

Defend Marriage Lobby Day
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Kathy Valente
Kathy joined the IFI team as our Director of Operations in 2008. Previously, Kathy was the state director for Concerned Women for America for 4 years. But even before that,...
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