Ask Gov. Bruce Rauner to Defund Planned Parenthood of ALL Taxdollars

Last month, Illinois Family Institute and the Christian Emergency League held a Jericho Prayer March around the executive mansion in Springfield.  More than two hundred people joined us to pray, protest, and call on Governor Bruce Rauner to end all state business with Planned Parenthood.  (See video report here.)

This is not, nor can it be, a one time effort.  Pro-life citizens across the state of Illinois must continue to apply pressure by insisting Governor Rauner stop this barbaric organization from getting tax dollars.

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to send Governor Rauner an email or fax.  

Other options:

By Phone:
Main Line: (217) 782-0244
Chicago: (312) 814-2121

By U.S. Mail:
The Honorable Bruce Rauner
Governor of Illinois
207 State House.
Springfield, IL 62706

By Social Media:
Tweet out: “@GovRauner please terminate all state business with Planned Parenthood #ILdefundPP”

Hashtag: #ILDefundPP

Facebook Shareable Image: HERE

Twitter: In-Stream Image HERE

Forward this email to all your pro-life friends!

We have a moral responsibility to speak out. We must work together to stop this evil in our state and communities. Governor Rauner has the ability to terminate all Illinois government business with Planned Parenthood and allocate those funds to one of the other qualified healthcare providers who can provide real health services for women.

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