Articles by Laurie Higgins
Mostly Tyrannical Thanksgiving Orders of California Governor Newsom
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.13.20
image_pdfimage_printHere are a few of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s mostly tyrannical Thanksgiving “Mandatory Requirements for All Gatherings” (emphasis added): All persons planning to host or participate in a private gathering … must comply with the following requirements. … Gatherings that...
Vital & Timely Sermon: Christians in America
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.27.20
Pastor Johnson of Gospel Fellowship Church in Wheaton recently preached a powerful sermon for such a time as this titled “Christians in America: Persevering Faithfully (Part 1)” regarding the blessing of self-government and how Christians should steward that blessing today.  He makes clear that through the promotion of abortion, homosexuality, riots, and gubernatorial abuse of power, we are living in a time in which evil is celebrated as good. Pastor Johnson’s sermon is exactly the kind of sermon for which Christians all across the country pray their pastors and priests will preach.
Does a Diverse, Tolerant, and Just Society Call Names or Debate Freely?
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.20.20
image_pdfimage_printI understand that leftists believe conservative views on homosexuality and cross-sex passing are harmful to the homosexual and “trans” communities. Similarly, conservatives believe leftist views on homosexuality and cross-sex passing are harmful to those communities and other communities as well....
A Story of Actual Racial Injustice in an Illinois School District
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.12.20
image_pdfimage_printHere’s a story of actual racial injustice that happened in a liberal North Shore school district: District 113. As you read this, imagine if the Hispanic community in Highland Park and Highwood, Illinois had known this story as it was...
U.S. Senator Duckworth’s Foolish Attack on Amy Coney Barrett
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.08.20
Illinois’ feckless U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth opposes the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the U. S. Supreme Court because Barrett signed a 2006 newspaper ad sponsored by an Indiana pro-life organization that said, "We, the following citizens of Michiana, oppose abortion on demand and defend the right to life from fertilization to natural death. Please continue to pray to end abortion." In an October 2nd letter to her Senate colleagues, Duckworth said the pro-life organization whose ad Barrett signed 14 years ago opposes, "a critical step of the in-vitro fertilization (IVF) process that gave me my children."

Duckworth conveniently omitted what that critical step is.
Hey You with the Spooky White Skin, You’re a Racist!
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.29.20
In June 2020, Kennedy Mitchum, a 22-year-old graduate of Drake University, needed a way to call non-racists “racists,” so she emailed Merriam-Webster Dictionary to tell them to change the definition of "racism" in such a way as to enable people to use the Merriam-Webster Dictionary to call non-racists “racists.” 
BLM’s™ Totalitarian Youth—Sieg Heil
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.27.20
Videos have been circulating of young bestial thugs—whites and blacks, women and men—shrieking in the faces of al fresco diners, commanding them to raise a fist in solidarity with BLM/Antifa totalitarians. To leftists nothing says freedom quite like coerced performative acts.

Maybe these young bestial thugs never learned about Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution and the Red Guard composed of young people that Mao used to intimidate, humiliate, and attack his political enemies. The New York Times described the Red Guard’s efforts...
What Our Taxes Subsidize<br>(Warning–It’s Creepy)
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.17.20
Before anyone gets angry at me for the content of this article, please understand that you have paid for the research I’m about to describe, so don’t shoot the messenger.

Our tax dollars are funding research into the deviant sexual practices of homosexuals—much of it conducted by homosexuals. While countless Americans struggle to feed their families, “progressives” in academia are scarfing up tax dollars to fund pseudo-science about perverse erotic interests and the harmful effects caused by those interests. Unless and until Americans hold their elected leaders accountable, this outrageous abuse of the public trust and scarce resources will continue.
How May & Should Christians Speak About Evil
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.06.20
On July 23, 2020, conservative University of North Carolina professor, Townhall writer, and Christian, Mike Adams, was driven to suicide by the vile and relentless bullying of devotees of diversity and teachers of tolerance who fancy themselves “progressive.” They were aided and abetted by spineless Christians who failed to come alongside a brother in Christ because of his “sins” of violating leftist language rules.
Leftist Lawmakers and Activists Call for Cancellation of All History Classes
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.04.20
Before you read this, you might want to have a fire extinguisher at the ready, because this news just may light your hair on fire. State Representative La Shawn K. Ford (D-Chicago) held a press conference on Sunday in which he called for all Illinois schools to cease teaching history because he’s “Concerned that current school history teaching leads to white privilege and a racist society.” In a press release titled in part “Call for the Abolishment of History Classes in Illinois Schools,” Ford proclaimed from his high horse,...
“Education” in a Pro-Propaganda Culture
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.22.20
On July 10 at Walled Lake Western High School in Michigan, popular teacher Justin Kucera who taught AP World History and coached varsity baseball and basketball and who by all accounts never brought his politics into his teaching or coaching was fired for tweeting, “I’m done being silent. Donald Trump is our president.” Meanwhile...
Leftists Canceling and Cannibalizing Their Own
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.17.20
In their pursuit of replacing culture with anti-culture, the spanking new 21st Century culture Reformers are going to be very busy. Rather than nailing 95 theses on a church door, they're going to tear down 950,000 monuments and place names honoring imperfect and altogether yucky colorless people and replace them I guess with the names of perfect colorful people.
The NFL and the Black National Anthem
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.06.20
In a cowardly effort to lick the jackboots of Black Lives Matter, the NFL is reportedly going to have every NFL game during Week 1 open with the song “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing,” long known as the “black national anthem,” followed by the American national anthem, the “Star-Spangled Banner.” According to the Associated Press, the NFL is also “considering putting names of victims of police brutality on helmet decals or jersey patches.”
Chief Justice Roberts Votes with Liberals Against Tiny Humans and Women
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.30.20
In June Medical Services v. Russo, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts again disappoints conservatives. Roberts voted with the politically “progressive”/morally regressive majority to strike down a Louisiana law requiring abortionists to have hospital privileges within 30 miles of the slaughterhouse in which they kill tiny humans and occasionally end up killing or maiming their mothers. This law would have required abortuaries in which surgical procedures are performed to adhere to the same safety regulations as all other ambulatory surgical centers.
Fomenting Racism in the 21st Century
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.24.20
The ideology of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and other “social justice” organizations teaches that all whites are racist oppressors, thereby justifying verbal attacks on people who are deemed inveterate racists and justifying riots to destroy everything that has emerged from an allegedly irremediable racist system. In promoting an explicitly racist ideology, BLM and other “social justice” organizations institutionalize racism, the fruits of which we are still suffering.
Laurie Higgins
Cultural Affairs Writer
Laurie Higgins

Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years in Deerfield High School’s writing center in Deerfield, Illinois.

Her cultural commentaries have been carried on a number of pro-family websites nationally and internationally, and Laurie has appeared on numerous radio programs across the country. In addition, Laurie has spoken at the Council for National Policy and educational conferences sponsored by the Constitutional Coalition.

She has been married to her husband for forty-four years, and they have four grown children and ten grandchildren.

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The Push to Limit “Choice” to Abortion in Illinois
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