Articles by Laurie Higgins
Chicago Public Schools Promote  Hindu Religious Practice of Transcendental Meditation
By Laurie Higgins   |   12.02.19
image_pdfimage_printNext time you hear some arch-defender of the a-constitutional “wall” of separation between the church and state whose knickers are in a twist because a school allows ten seconds of silence during which students may pray, remember this story, reported...
Christians Caving to “Trans”-Cultists’ Language Rules
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.26.19
image_pdfimage_printWhile theologians Dr. Denny Burk, Dr. Robert A. J. Gagnon, Dr. John Piper, and Pastor Douglas Wilson say Christians should not use incorrect pronouns when referring to people who pretend to be the sex they aren’t, increasing numbers of purportedly...
Chick-fil-A Betrays Principles and Faithful Customers
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.19.19
image_pdfimage_printIn a stunning act of betrayal, Chick-fil-A’s charitable foundation, the Chick-fil-A Foundation, has announced it will no longer donate to the Salvation Army, Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), or Paul Anderson Youth Home (PAYH). Though Chick-fil-A has not publicly acknowledged...
The SPLC Goes After Franklin Graham and IFI
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.18.19
image_pdfimage_printThere may have been some optimistic naïfs somewhere in America hoping that the bipartisan condemnation of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for a host of ethical ills followed by  the “resignations” of Morris Dees, Mark Potok, and Heidi Beirich...
A Kindler, Gentler Anti-Christian SPLC?
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.12.19
image_pdfimage_printOn Friday Oct. 8, IFI received this strangely kind email from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) “investigative reporter” Brett Barrouquere (an email similar, I learned, to one sent to Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies,...
If This Can Happen in a Wheaton, Illinois Elementary School…
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.11.19
A lesbian activist who promotes cultural approval of both the “LGBT” ideology and the legalized slaughter of the unborn was invited to speak to 8-11-year-olds at Longfellow Elementary School  in Wheaton, Illinois, home of America’s most prestigious evangelical college, Wheaton College; evangelical Christian publishing company Crossway Books; and approximately 45 churches. If this could happen in Wheaton, Illinois, it could happen anywhere.
LGBTyranny Spreading in Purportedly Free Countries
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.07.19
image_pdfimage_printSeveral months ago, Paivi Räsänen, a Finnish lawmaker, physician, mother of five, and wife of a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland was investigated by the police for her posting on Twitter and Facebook of Romans 1: 24-27...
Professor Anthony Esolen: “Reviving the Chest”
By Laurie Higgins   |   11.05.19
image_pdfimage_printProfessor Anthony Esolen is one of America’s cultural treasures. He writes about moral decline in America with insight, boldness, and eloquence—no timid, hesitant, evasive speech from Professor Esolen. Professor Esolen writes and speaks about the pernicious lies with which leftists...
E-Racing Women’s Sports
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.30.19
image_pdfimage_printBurly, unpleasant cyclist, and pretend-woman “Rachel” McKinnon, previously known as Rhys McKinnon, recently “dominated the competition at the Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Manchester, England… celebrating her [sic] second consecutive world title and world record in the 200-meter match...
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.25.19
Adults who impersonate the opposite sex have created the derogatory acronym “TERF,” which stands for “trans-exclusionary radical feminists,” to insult and marginalize those feminists who don’t want men in women’s private spaces. "Gender critical" feminists, many of whom are lesbians, have been at the forefront of a growing schism in the LGB/T alliance, a schism of which many remain unaware.
MENstruating Men
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.17.19
A freakish new world where inclusivity erases sex. Spouting absurd gibberish about “inclusivity,” the feminist company Thinx, which makes “washable, reusable undies” to “replace pads, tampons, liners, and cups” for women’s menstrual cycles, just released a bizarre ad featuring nine different images of biological males menstruating:....
Illinois School District “LGBT” Activists Call K-8 Indoctrination “Equity”
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.15.19
image_pdfimage_printLast week School District 65, which serves the racially, ethnically, and religiously diverse Evanston and Skokie, Illinois communities, went whole hog on disseminating a controversial ideology to captive audiences of other people’s children who came to school with open minds...
Trans Deception Scam
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.11.19
Given the fallen nature of humans, absolute, unquestioning trust is due no human, institution, or organization—not elected leaders, not the CIA, not the FBI, not the press, and not professional medical and mental health organizations. No organization or institution, however, is free from the corrosive effects of money and bias. When the bias is driven by that most powerful of human appetites—sex—it becomes all the more important to ferret out truth.
Privacy in Bathrooms Going, Going, Soon Gone
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.10.19
image_pdfimage_printFor those who find unpersuasive the warnings of conservatives about the cultural implications of “trans”-cultism, perhaps the words of “progressive” New York City father George Packer who experienced firsthand the effects in his children’s grade school of the totalitarian, anti-liberal...
Trans Wreck
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.09.19
Anyone born before 1990 likely remembers the "tomboys" they grew up with. Well, that was then. This is now. Today those girls are told they're boys trapped in girls' bodies, acquiring new names and invented pronouns, cross-dressing, and having their natural puberty treated as an endocrine disorder.
Laurie Higgins
Cultural Affairs Writer
Laurie Higgins

Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years in Deerfield High School’s writing center in Deerfield, Illinois.

Her cultural commentaries have been carried on a number of pro-family websites nationally and internationally, and Laurie has appeared on numerous radio programs across the country. In addition, Laurie has spoken at the Council for National Policy and educational conferences sponsored by the Constitutional Coalition.

She has been married to her husband for forty-four years, and they have four grown children and ten grandchildren.

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The Push to Limit “Choice” to Abortion in Illinois
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