Articles by Dr. Michael L. Brown
From Gulag to Google
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   12.19.20
It is true that Google is not imprisoning dissenters in a vast network of prison camps, similar to what Alexander Solzhenitsyn described in The Gulag Archipelago. But there is a good reason that retired NYU professor Michael Rectenwald titled his 2019 book Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom.
A Challenge to Pro-Life Voters
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   12.12.20
For many Christian conservatives, the number one voting issue is abortion. Under no circumstances will we vote for a “pro-choice” candidate, no matter how good that candidate’s other policies may be. Conversely, we will vote for a strong pro-life candidate even if that candidate does not line up with some of our other ideals. After all, we reason, what is more important than the shedding of innocent blood, especially the blood of babies in their mothers’ wombs?
A Major Legal Victory Against LGBTQ Tyranny
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   11.30.20
Did you miss this good news? As reported recently by Liberty Counsel: “A three-judge panel of the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals struck down laws that ban counselors from providing minor clients with help to reduce or eliminate unwanted same-sex attractions, behaviors, or gender confusion.”

This was a victory for freedom, for tolerance, for individual rights, and for therapist-client privilege. Above all, it was a victory for minors.
Sorry, But I’m Not Buying Obama’s Portrait of Racist America
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   11.18.20
I don’t doubt for a moment that we still have race issues to address in America. And I don’t believe that, to date, we have fully overcome the legacy of hundreds of years of slavery and segregation in our history. At the same time, I do not accept former President Obama’s claim that the 2016 election of Donald Trump was, in part, a reaction to having a Black man in the White House.
Lessons From the Church Under Caesar
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   11.14.20
We have been blessed with many liberties here in America, many of them unknown throughout human history. And we should diligently guard those liberties... At the same time, as followers of Jesus, it’s easy for us to lose our perspective because of those very liberties and freedoms...
Will Christian Conservatives Be Prosecuted and Removed from Society?
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   11.12.20
I want to assure you that the title to this article is not click bait. Rather, it reflects the very open sentiments of the extreme leftist, political commentator Keith Olbermann. He has made himself perfectly clear... My answer to the question of whether Christian conservatives will soon be prosecuted by the millions and removed from American society is an emphatic (but qualified) no.

It is an emphatic “no” because there is no way that tens of millions of Christian conservatives would simply stand by and let this happen. Not a chance.
There Is Going to Be a Revolution Either Way
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   10.26.20
Based on our current trajectory, it seems inevitable: there’s going to be a cultural revolution one way or another. We will either continue with our precarious shift to the left, thereby going over the edge, so to speak. Or we will recover our moral bearings and save our country from collapse. We will be woke or we will be awakened. But either way, there will be a revolution. The center can no longer hold.
The Depravity of a Culture That Celebrates the Sexploitation of Young Girls
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   09.11.20
image_pdfimage_printNow that the new Netflix movie “Cuties” is available for viewing, we know that it is far worse than we imagined. Yet there are movie critics and movie stars who are celebrating this trash rather than denouncing it. What has...
Outrage for the Children
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   08.24.20
image_pdfimage_printAt what point does this stop? At what point does our society say, “Enough is enough” when it comes to the assault on our children? At what point do we stand up as a nation and put a stop to...
Spiritual, Moral, Cultural, Political: Useful Guidelines for Pastors and Preachers
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   08.13.20
One of our most popular videos encourages pastors to speak out more on moral and cultural issues. And a poll I recently conducted on Twitter confirmed that congregants want their leaders to be more vocal on cultural and even political issues. But what is a proper balance? What should our priorities be as preachers of the Word and shepherds of the flock?
Why Are Ex-Gays Such a Threat?
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   08.07.20
What is it that makes the very existence of ex-gays so dangerous? And why is there a concerted, worldwide effort to block professional counseling for those with unwanted same-sex attractions?

Before you think I’m exaggerating, consider these following examples.
Saul Alinsky and the BLM Movement
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   07.25.20
image_pdfimage_printWhile Saul Alinsky can be connected directly to both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, I’m not aware that such a clear connection exists between the founders of the BLM movement and Alinsky, who died in 1972. But there is no...
This Is Why the Official BLM Statement Is So Disturbing
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   07.10.20
Dating back to 2016, I have been urging Christian conservatives and other people of conscience to distinguish between the important affirmation that black lives do matter and the BLM movement. The statement that “black lives matter” should be shouted loudly and clearly, since through much of our history, black Americans have felt that their lives did not matter to white Americans. As for the BLM movement, it should be exposed for what it is.
Instagram Brands Christian Worship ‘Harmful’
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   06.29.20
The headline to this article is not sensationalistic. It is not click bait. It is truth. Shocking truth. Yes, Instagram has designated videos of live worship on the streets to be in violation of community guidelines, calling the content “harmful.” Let the outrage be felt and heard.
Race Is Not What Is Dividing Us
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   06.25.20
Listening to the news, you would think that racism is deeply entrenched in every neighborhood in our country. That racial hatred is the norm. That judging people by the color of their skin is what the average American does.

But I do not believe that for a second – and I say that while fully acknowledging the very real racial issues we continue to face.
Dr. Michael L. Brown
Founder and President
Dr. Michael L. Brown

Michael L. Brown is the founder and president of FIRE School of Ministry in Concord, North Carolina, director of the Coalition of Conscience, and host of the daily, nationally, syndicated talk radio show, “The Line of Fire,” as well as the host of the Jewish-outreach, documentary TV series, “Think It Thru,” which airs internationally on the INSP network. He became a believer in Jesus 1971 as a sixteen-year-old, heroin-shooting, LSD-using Jewish rock drummer. Since then, he has preached throughout America and around the world, bringing a message of repentance, revival, reformation, and cultural revolution.

He holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures from New York University and has served as a visiting or adjunct professor at Southern Evangelical Seminary, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary (Charlotte), Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Fuller Theological Seminary, Denver Theological Seminary, the King’s Seminary, and Regent University School of Divinity,, and he has contributed numerous articles to scholarly publications, including the Oxford Dictionary of Jewish Religion and the Theological Dictionary of the Old Testament.

Dr. Brown is the author of twenty books, including, Our Hands Are Stained with Blood: The Tragic Story of the “Church” and the Jewish People, which has been translated into more than twelve languages, the highly acclaimed five-volume series, Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, a commentary on Jeremiah (part of the revised edition of the Expositor’s Bible Commentary), and several books on revival and Jesus revolution. His newest book is A Queer Thing Happened to America: And What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been.

Dr. Brown is a national and international speaker on themes of spiritual renewal and cultural reformation, and he has debated Jewish rabbis, agnostic professors, and gay activists on radio, TV, and college campuses. He is widely considered to be the world’s foremost Messianic Jewish apologist.

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