Articles by Laurie Higgins
Federal Government Loves Homosexuality
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.14.11
image_pdfimage_printSome may remember the scene from the film Moonstruck in which Cher slaps Nicholas Cage upside the head and yells “Snap out of it.” Somebody better slap the conservative community upside its collective head before the federal government spends all...
One Pastor’s Plea to President Obama — A Courageous Lead
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.08.11
image_pdfimage_printIn the midst of one of the recent steps further into cultural darkness, a spark of light glimmered Sunday when Steve Farish, pastor of Crossroads Church in Grayslake, Illinois, distributed a brief note to his congregation regarding President Obama’s stunning...
Marital Spat: Chicago Tribune Op/Ed Again Assaults Natural Marriage
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.07.11
image_pdfimage_printA week ago, the Chicago Tribune celebrated — again — the passage of the civil union bill as well as Obama’s decision to order the Justice Department to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). On Feb. 23, 2011,...
Gettin’ Freaky at Northwestern University
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.04.11
image_pdfimage_print**WARNING — Graphic and Disturbing Content** By now you’ve likely heard about Northwestern University professor, Dr. J. Michael Bailey’s invitation to “members of Chicago’s fetish community,” including an exhibitionist, to “educate” undergraduate students on the finer points of fetishism and...
Homosexual Activists Go After Illinois Religious Organizations
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.03.11
image_pdfimage_printHomosexual activists emboldened by Illinois’ civil union law are attempting to force Christian agencies that receive state funds to license foster families either to place children with homosexuals or lose state funding, which would jeopardize the placements of thousands of...
Homosexual Activists Go After Illinois Religious Organizations
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.03.11
image_pdfimage_printHomosexual activists emboldened by Illinois’ civil union law are attempting to force Christian agencies that receive state funds to license foster families either to place children with homosexuals or lose state funding, which would jeopardize the placements of thousands of...
Day of Silence Walkout 2011
By Laurie Higgins   |   03.01.11
image_pdfimage_printThe Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network’s (GLSEN) problematic annual exploitation of public schools through the Day of Silence takes place on April 15, 2011. In light of how successful GLSEN and every other homosexuality-affirming organization and blogger have been...
Homosexuals Sue Christian Bed & Breakfast Owner for Refusing ‘Civil Union’ Ceremony
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.24.11
image_pdfimage_printAttacks on religious liberty and freedom of conscience have started — mere weeks after Governor Pat Quinn (D) signed the ‘civil unions’ bill into law — just as we warned. While many conservatives think wisdom and political pragmatism dictate a...
Big Brother Comes to School Big Time
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.14.11
image_pdfimage_printEfforts to exploit public education in the service of normalizing deviant sexuality grow ever more outrageous and dangerous. Illinoisans ignore the legislative mischief taking place in other states at their own peril. The latest legislative monstrosity has reared its ugly...
New Bill to Require Parents to Register Their Children with the State
By Laurie Higgins   |   02.03.11
image_pdfimage_printContact Sen. Maloney and your State Senator ask them to drop this unwarranted expansion of government. A deeply troubling bill (SB 136) has been proposed in the Illinois General Assembly by State Senator Edward D. Maloney (D-Chicago) that will affect...
“No Name-Calling Week”: More Indoctrination from GLSEN
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.25.11
image_pdfimage_printThere are approximately 180 days in a typical school year, and it appears that homosexual activists and their ideological compatriots would like to spend part of each and every one on homosexual indoctrination. We’ve got the Day of Silence, which...
Prairie Ridge High School’s “Vagina Dance” Follow-up
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.18.11
image_pdfimage_printCaution: Article includes a graphic description of the “dance.” I had hoped never to write about the “Vagina Dance” again, but in light of last week’s media coverage, the response of district administrators, a letter to the Northwest Herald from...
IFI Press Release: King’s Legacy and Civil Rights Cause Misrepresented
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.16.11
image_pdfimage_print“Civil Unions” Bill Not Analogous to Civil Rights Movement For years, homosexual activists and their allies have manufactured and exploited an absurd and offensive analogy between homosexuality and race in order to advance their moral and political agenda. Homosexualists use...
The “Vagina Dance” Taught in a Crystal Lake High School
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.10.11
image_pdfimage_printA couple of months ago Crystal Lake’s Prairie Ridge High School Health teacher Jacqulyn Levin decided that the best way to teach her co-ed class of sophomore students the parts of the female reproductive anatomy was to use something she...
Eric Zorn & Homosexuality-Affirming “Ally Week” at St. Charles North High School
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.03.11
image_pdfimage_printIn early November 2010, suburban St. Charles North High School became embroiled in a controversy during yet another public school event designed to affirm homosexuality. In response to “Ally Week,” a pro-homosexual week sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight...
Laurie Higgins
Cultural Affairs Writer
Laurie Higgins

Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years in Deerfield High School’s writing center in Deerfield, Illinois.

Her cultural commentaries have been carried on a number of pro-family websites nationally and internationally, and Laurie has appeared on numerous radio programs across the country. In addition, Laurie has spoken at the Council for National Policy and educational conferences sponsored by the Constitutional Coalition.

She has been married to her husband for forty-four years, and they have four grown children and ten grandchildren.

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