Articles by Micah Clark
American People Say “No” to Judicial Tyranny. They Reject the Pop Culture Narrative
By Micah Clark   |   02.26.15
image_pdfimage_printThe Family Research Council released a new WPA Opinion Research poll showing that 61 percent of Americans agree that “states and citizens should remain free to uphold marriage as the union of a man and a woman and the U.S....
Two Moms, or a Mom and Dad?  No Difference for Children
By Micah Clark   |   02.12.15
image_pdfimage_printThe popular myth out there is that children of homosexual parents do just as well or no differently than children raised by a mother and father.  Yet, the research supporting this notion is sparse, and often so limited as to...
Going, Going Gone . . . Now it’s Off to Our Grandkids!
By Micah Clark   |   12.08.14
image_pdfimage_printOn Black Friday your government was shopping with credit cards too it would seem.  The total outstanding U.S. public debt just hit a new historic level, which probably would be better associated with a red Friday rather than a black...
Federal Courts to Consider a “Fundamental Right to Marry” Anybody
By Micah Clark   |   08.06.14
image_pdfimage_printThis week, a three-member panel from the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati, Ohio is looking at state marriage laws and voter approved marriage protection amendments in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee. Later this month a panel of...
When Marriage Was a Religious Matter and the State Was Out of It
By Micah Clark   |   07.23.14
image_pdfimage_printFrom time to time, I hear the claim that “the problem with this whole marriage debate raging across America is all because the state is involved in marriage.”  Some will even claim that the only reasons states created marriage licenses...
Your 4th of July Holiday is Not Complete Until . . .
By Micah Clark   |   07.10.14
image_pdfimage_printIt is not complete until you see the new movie, America; Imagine a World Without Her, from author Dinesh D’Souza.  I had the opportunity to see this documentary based upon the new book by the same name.  Incidentally, D’Souza’s book...
In the New America, We Will Say ‘Yes to Condoms’ and ‘No to Lipitor’
By Micah Clark   |   07.02.14
image_pdfimage_printMillions of Americans have lost their insurance and many are now learning that the doctors they had are retiring early or moving to specialty practices as a consequence of Obamacare.  Many Americans are also realizing that under Obamacare and the...
Governor Pence’s Summit on Family and the Economy
By Micah Clark   |   06.18.14
image_pdfimage_printGovernor Mike Pence (R-IN) recently hosted a long overdue conference on the importance of marriage in Indiana.  The outstanding event featured scholars from the National Marriage Project, The Brookings Institute, American University, The Urban Institute, and parenting experts and program...
Shock Poll: What will MSNBC Do?
By Micah Clark   |   06.04.14
image_pdfimage_printA new Gallup poll shows that 42 percent of Americans believe God created human beings in their present form within the last 10,000 years.  This is what most would call a Biblical, young earth creationist view.  An additional 31 percent ...
Poisoned Culture is Making Americans Sick and Directionless
By Micah Clark   |   05.05.14
image_pdfimage_printThis item is a catch all of various factoids that have stacked up on my desk.  I am throwing them into one item simply as examples of how America is changing and losing our footing as we move further away...
Going Up In Smoke
By Micah Clark   |   04.02.14
image_pdfimage_printA new report from the RAND Corporation commissioned by the White House Office of Drug Control Policy has some disturbing longitudinal findings since 2000. The office asked RAND to look at total expenditures and consumption of four illicit drugs: cocaine,...
Maybe He’s Not Gay Flushes Out Some Real Haters on Amazon
By Micah Clark   |   01.03.14
image_pdfimage_printA new book released this week for teens and parents that seeks to address questions about sexual orientation has quickly brought out the long knives of the far left.    As author Linda Harvey observes: I figured my new book, “Maybe...
In Their Own Words
By Micah Clark   |   11.30.13
image_pdfimage_printHere is an amazing Thanksgiving Day Proclamation for November 17, 1791 from the Declaration of Independence signer with the big name – Governor John Hancock.   ( If a governor said this today, he or would be impeached, mocked, or forced...
Other Cultural Movements Based Upon Lies
By Micah Clark   |   09.28.13
image_pdfimage_printMark Twain is attributed with having observed “a lie can travel half way around the world before the truth even gets its shoes on.” In this age of instant and round-the-clock media, Twain’s warning is even truer today. It is...
God’s Word . . . or His Words?
By Micah Clark   |   09.19.13
image_pdfimage_printSince March 2010 when President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, (one of the most misnamed pieces of legislation ever passed by the US Congress), his administration has published 109 new federal regulations detailing how Obamacare will...
Micah Clark
Executive Director
Micah Clark

In 1989 Micah Clark graduated from Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, Missouri with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science. Micah interned as a member of the Indiana House of Representatives’ Republican staff and later became an Assistant Campaign Manager for a State Senator.

Micah then served as a legislative assistant for Citizens Concerned for the Constitution. He served as the Indiana Family Institute’s Director of Public Policy, and later as its Executive Director, throughout the 1990’s. Micah is the only person to have served with all three of Indiana’s top statewide pro-family organizations.

In November 2001, Micah became the Executive Director of the American Family Association of Indiana. His experience has helped AFA expand into an organization with a consistent state house presence while maintaining its role as Indiana’s leading decency organization. Since joining AFA of Indiana Micah has conducted nearly 400 media interviews as its executive director.

Governor Frank O’Bannon appointed Micah to serve on his Education Roundtable. Micah was re-appointed for a second term by Governor Joe Kernan. In October 2007, Citizens for Community Values of Indiana named Micah its “Citizen of the Year” for his work for family values in the political arena as both the head of AFA of Indiana and the President of the AFA of Indiana Political Action Committee. In September 2008 Micah was given the Respect Life Award from Right to Life of Indianapolis for his leadership on life issues in Indiana.

Micah’s wife is a marriage and family therapist at a Christian counseling center. They have two children.

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