Chicago Public School CEO Ron Huberman Meets with Homosexual Activists

According to the Chicago Free Press, on Monday, June 22 openly homosexual CEO of Chicago Public Schools (CPS), Ron Huberman, met with homosexual teens and community activists from a group called Gender Just who are “demanding” that Huberman “immediately commit to implementing several changes in order to make the city’s schools safe for all students, particularly GLBT youth.”

Here is their list of demands:

– They want the CPS to move forward with the homosexual high school, Social JusticeSolidarityHigh School(formerly Pride Campus).
– They are asking that the term “gender expression” be added to CPS anti-discrimination policy (which would be an indefensible and disastrous request to accommodate).
– They want the CPS to create a district-wide accountability officer.
– They want to require additional teacher-training on GLBT issues.
– They want schools to distribute a resource guide and handbook written by Gender JUST to all CPS students.
– They want to revisit Renaissance 2010 (Mayor Daley’s school initiative through which the high school for homosexual and transgender students was created) and how it possibly impacts at-risk students.
– They want a signed directive that promises to make all CPS schools safe and affirming for all students.

Huberman told the crowd that “he was excited to hear” their proposals and that he was coming “to this with a sensitivity to the issue,” … adding that he came out 20 years ago when he was a 15-year-old high school student. The atmosphere, he said, was different then. ‘We’ve come miles since,’ he added, but a lot of progress still must be made.” Lest anyone harbor the delusion that Huberman’s homosexuality is irrelevant to his job, he’s just told us with utter clarity that it is. He’s also told us that to him progress is measured by the degree to which society rejects historical, orthodox Judeo-Christian views of homosexuality.

The Chicago Free Press reported that Huberman told Gender Just that “some of the demands made at the forum are already being looked into.” Great homosexual activist minds think alike.

The group that Huberman met with and has promised to meet with again soon is calling their movement — not surprisingly — the “Safe and Affirming Education Campaign.” Notice three things:

First, the Trojan horse of “safety” is used once again. The problem is that believing the disputed claim that affirming homosexuality in and to teens makes them safe necessarily requires that one accepts the prior unstated claim that homosexual behavior is morally defensible and physically safe.

Second, the name of this campaign reveals the implied but rarely stated view of homosexual activists which is that the only way to end bullying is to eradicate the belief that homosexual behavior is profoundly immoral. Homosexual activists will stop at nothing in their quest to eradicate the Orthodox Jewish, Muslim, and Christian belief that volitional homosexual conduct is immoral.

Ironically, in their quest to make schools “safe,” they never demand that teachers share the shocking nature and extent of diseases bedeviling men who have sex with men.

Third, this “Safe and Affirming Education Campaign” announces that no longer are homosexuals seeking tolerance; rather, an increasingly radical and pushy group is demanding “affirmation.” This is a demand that faith communities and conservatives who hold to no faith tradition must uncompromisingly, vigorously, and tenaciously resist.

Make no mistake about it, if conservatives and Chicago faith leaders maintain their public stance of apathetic or cowardly acquiescence toward homosexual activism, we will see not only Chicago’s first homosexuality-affirming public high school, but also the transformation of all public schools into homosexuality re-education camps. Public money, curricula, and policy will be employed in the service of affirming homosexuality in public schools.

And who supports this campaign? None other than the radical, subversive group Bash Back whose members describe themselves as “homosexual anarchists.” This is the group that a few days after the passage of Prop 8 in November stormed a church service in Lansing, Michigan, shouting obscenities, vandalizing the church, and unfurling a banner that read “IT’S OKAY TO BE GAY! BASH BACK!”

Thanks to Mayor Daley, the Chicago Public School system has an open, unapologetic homosexual CEO. Our top education leader, the man who by virtue of his position is a role model for children and who will now determine how much more public money and school time will be used to affirm deviant sexual behavior in and to children, is unashamedly involved in deviant sexual behavior.

Huberman has committed to meet with Gender Just leaders again within 60 days after he has time to “absorb” their proposals and speak with the CPS leaders. Chicagoans, including leaders in our faith communities, as well as other Illinoisans whose taxes subsidize Chicago Public Schools have a very short window of opportunity to make their views known to Mayor Daley, Ron Huberman and the School Board members. Tell them the following regarding the affirmation of volitional homosexual behavior:

– It is not compassionate. If homosexual behavior is, indeed, immoral, affirming it is hateful.
– It does not make our children safe. If homosexual acts are unhealthy, then affirming them makes kids unsafe.
– It is not appropriate in taxpayer subsidized public schools.
– It is divisive.
– It requires that school officials take a position on the nature and morality of homosexual behavior which they in their official capacity as school leaders are not ethically or intellectually equipped to do.

We never see anyone suggesting that schools work to end the bullying of polyamorous or promiscuous students by affirming and celebrating promiscuity or polyamory. Similarly, we should not concede to any efforts to curb the bullying of homosexual students that involve normalizing, affirming, or celebrating homosexuality.