Thank you for your emails and calls!
We have some very good news to report. Superintendent Michael Meissen of District 87, which includes Glenbard South High School, just sent a gracious letter to the parents who expressed their concern about the violation of the federal Equal Access Act regarding the Christian club “Growing in Faith Together” (GIFT).
In this email, he acknowledged that the school “erred…when asking the GIFT club to use exclusively the GIFT acronym, instead of allowing the group to use the full name of Growing in Faith Together.” That apology was not exactly accurate in that Principal Terri Hanrahan did not ask students not to use the full name; she forbade them to use it. Nonetheless, the acknowledgement of error is a good thing.
Dr. Meissen also stated that “prior decisions regarding the GIFT club were not made with the intent of disadvantaging the group, although it is clear that we created at least that appearance.”
He explained that “Public school districts face a very difficult obligation to balance the rights of students of faith, while trying to avoid entanglement with ‘church and state’ issues raised by those who seek to keep schools free of any reference to religion.” In regard to non-school-sponsored clubs, however, that balancing problem was solved in 1984 with the passage of the federal Equal Access Act, of which Ms. Hanrahan was apprised by parents last fall and which she ignored. The Equal Access Act requires schools to treat faith-based, non-school-sponsored clubs exactly like any other non-school-sponsored club regardless of whether that bothers secularists and atheists.
Dr. Meissen further explained that going forward GIFT “may have the full name of the group displayed on posters put up in the school….We will also include the GIFT club where other non-school sponsored student groups are listed. As for the website, we will be working on a unified practice for all schools (in District 87) as it appears the schools are inconsistent regarding which clubs are listed on their respective websites. [T]he GIFT club will be permitted inclusion in the school yearbook consistent with the level of inclusion provided to other non-school sponsored student groups.” Dr. Meissen also said that he “will continue to monitor this situation to make sure that going forward the GIFT club is given the same consideration as other non-school sponsored student groups.”
All of this turmoil could have been avoided if seven months ago Principal Hanrahan had responded as wisely, fairly, graciously — and in accordance with the law — as Dr. Meissen did today.
IFI would like to thank all of our subscribers who took the time to express their concerns to Ms. Hanrahan, Dr. Meissen, and the District 87 Board of Education.
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