The Essential Book

Maybe you haven’t missed it yet, but you should have. I am referring to what we once referred to as America’s common culture, a generally accepted understanding of how things should be which was largely based upon, believe it or not, the Bible. Our Constitution and laws reflect a thorough knowledge of the Bible on the part of those who wrote them, and until recently Biblical phrases and principles showed up everywhere, in movies, music, political rhetoric and beyond. Whatever happened to the idea that it is wise, even essential, to understand the source of our culture, what words mean and where mores originated and their intended purpose, and so on.  Lately, such thinking has vaporized. Many people have no such understanding, they do not care to understand, and worse than that, they hate and silence anyone who desires to understand.

American culture has become like a drug induced hallucination. The intentional disconnect from reality that the Left has perpetrated upon the nation is so fantastic that no one would have believed it possible just ten years ago. “Follow the science” is the mantra of the moment, but it is as vapid as popular entertainment. The expression suggests knowledge of certain verifiable facts, but upon examination everything hangs suspended by nothing.  Dogma, unproven, unprovable, and self-contradictory is crammed down our throats. The nation, which once had the semblance of a common creed, now resembles a factory filled with robots, animated but undirected, mindlessly thrashing about destroying and being destroyed.

So, how did we get here? By “here,” I mean this place where we are killing unborn babies in the womb and letting born babies die. Where children are told they may be a boy, but on the other hand, they may be a girl? Where mothers and motherhood are scorned, and marriage is avoided, and where it seems virtually nothing you witness in the public sphere makes any sense. How did we arrive “behind the looking glass?”

We will have to go back a long way to find the origins of this trek into la-la land. Ultimately, it harks back to the Garden with Adam and Eve listening to the Serpent. The Bible tells us in Romans 1:18 that people “suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” But this contemporary iteration of irrationality began in earnest with the promotion of the theory of evolution. If there ever were an example of nonsense it is the notion that everything in the universe came into being from nothing with no outside help. The pseudo scientists who came up with this idea and all those who perpetuate it must twist facts and reality into knots to support such transparent silliness. Interestingly, for virtually all of human history the idea that some Being or beings (ancient gods) created all things, (“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”) caused no a logical conflict. This is significant when you consider that ancient peoples were brilliant, creating things and accomplished tasks we cannot duplicate today!

Most everything we use, live in, or eat comes to us through some person’s actions. It is not much of a stretch to believe that the same principle applies to the universe itself, that Someone created it all. True science is cause-effect driven, thus a Cause behind it all poses no real intellectual or scientific problem. This is not to say that people did not chaff under the knowledge that we were responsible to this “Someone.” However, the “theory” of evolution could only gain traction by its proponents scorning and silencing the Truth; and that they have done with relative but not complete success. They had to eliminate the straight line in order that their crooked lines not be noticed.

There is no question that evolution has its appeal. It has no quantifiable scientific substance to it but it feeds our perverse craving for autonomy. We hate having to give an account for ourselves to a Deity, and with so many seemingly credible people willing to endorse the theory, evolution became the fig leaf to hide mankind’s moral and rational nakedness. Eliminating God and the Bible was necessary for the development of the sovereign “self,” the imperial “I.” But we are supposed to take no notice of the inherent and insurmountable contradictions within the theory and the fact that such sovereigns necessarily clash with the other sovereigns. Violence and conflict are a given in human experience. It is possible that there have been very few days in human history when there were not multiple wars raging on earth. People do very badly as sovereigns.

As I have already stated, evolution, as a viable theory, could not make real progress without first seriously undermining peoples’ ability and willingness to discern truth from error. In other words, so long as there was an objective standard of truth, lies and errors would be a hard sell. So, the journey down the rabbit hole began. One-by-one the purveyors of the deception have been chipping away at the rock foundation, the Bible, which has organized and stabilized this great nation from its inception, and have replaced it with irrational, atheistic dogma. Tragically, the culture American young people find themselves in today is impossibly self-contradicting and confusing. And worse than that, it is a malignant confusion. America’s most valuable treasure, its children, are falling prey to every huckster, user, and pervert, and few in power seem to care.  Children are dying in numbers and from causes never before imagined by Americans!

Such atrocities can only exist in an environment where they are not considered atrocities! What the Left has done in America is to turn the universe upside-down, where good is evil, right is wrong, and light is darkness. We are now ever so close to the place Nazi Germany was as they rationalized the extermination of certain people groups. When everything around you is upside-down, it is easier for manipulative people to convince you that maybe it is you who is upside-down!

Yet, in our hearts we all know that there is such a thing as Truth and that no one can change reality by wishful thinking or at the point of a gun. Everyone knows that a man is a man, and a woman is a woman, and that unborn babies are not mere blobs of tissue. No one is fooled, but millions have been intimidated into silence or cooperation. And, while we may still be in the early stages of the malignant harvest of this evil manipulation, every thinking American can see that we are already in deep trouble as a culture and nation.

Therefore, what is to be done? First, we must return to the “Gold Standard” of Truth, the Bible.  It has stood the test of time and the onslaught of hateful and unbelieving critics, yet remains unchangeable and unchanging. As one Christian exclaimed, “hammer away ye hostile bands! Your hammers break, God’s anvil stands!” The proponents of evolution and atheism understand that their dogma fuels the natural appetite of young people to be autonomous and rebellious, so they hide behind masks of “caring,” and present themselves as intellectual and sophisticated, encouraging the young to “follow their hearts,” a poisonous and disastrous recipe if there ever was one, and to distain the Bible as “fairy tales,” and “fiction.” The Bible notes that “he who trusts in his own heart is a fool,” (Prov. 28:26).

Recent surveys suggest that Bible reading is at an all-time low in America, and only a small minority of citizens allow it to guide their lives and decisions. While the country was never a “Christian Nation” in the true sense of the word, the Bible certainly played a major role in our history. It may be that America was “Christianized” in the same way the ancient world was Hellenized. Our laws, customs, and culture owe a great debt to the Bible.

Any country would be wise to consult the Bible and base its laws and customs upon scriptural precepts. How much more ought America, whose foundation was derived from the Bible, return to it to find our way out of the troubles we now face! Just as engines designed to run on gasoline cannot run on other fuels, so also America, designed to run on biblical principles cannot run on any other “philosophy” or religious tenets. John Adams, our second president, noted this fact when he stated that our “Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

We are sobered by the Scripture’s warning that, “the wicked will be turned into Hell and all the nations that forget God.” As America forgets God and His Word, one could say that our streets and cities come more and more to resemble what we understand Hell to be. There are consequences for the choices we make, and they do not change because someone says they will. We cannot scorn God, flout His Words, reject His commands, hate what He loves and think we can avoid the natural consequences.

America!  Repent, turn to God, read, and trust His Word!  There is no hope for the Nation apart from the Bible being central to who we are and what we do!