God’s Word . . . or His Words?

Since March 2010 when President Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, (one of the most misnamed pieces of legislation ever passed by the US Congress), his administration has published 109 new federal regulations detailing how Obamacare will be implemented.
The $2.6 trillion health care plan has already increased American’s health care premiums by an average of 29%.  It has killed countless potential jobs altogether and forced millions of existing ones into part time positions as companies move to avoid penalties and costs associated with the program, which contains $819.3 billion in taxes.
The new government regulations published in the Federal Register take up 10,516 pages.  These pages carry an average of 1,000 words, or around 10.5 million words total according to a recent CNS News report.   Those regulations cover everything from tanning bed excise taxes to new hospital payment systems.
For perspective of the amount of new governmental regulations in place so far from this one law, these regulations are more than eight times as many pages as were in the Gutenberg Bible (1,286 pages) which was the first major work printed in the western world with a moveable type press in 1455 AD.

Another possible comparison to the Bible was revealed in a recent non-partisan study by The Kaiser Family Foundation.  As with the Bible today and rampant ignorance of what it says, the Kaiser study from May found that more than 40 percent of Americans did not even know that Obamacare was in place.  Many thought it had been repealed by Congress or overturned by the US Supreme Court. Others (23%) were more honest in admitting that they didn’t know enough to even predict the status of the law.

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to send a message to your U.S. Representative him/her to support the effort to defund Obamacare.  You can also call the U.S. Capitol Hill switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your congressman by name. Urge him/her to co-sponsor H.J.RES. 62, a CR that does not contain a single penny of funding for ObamaCare.