Ignoring 14,000 Sexual Assaults Within Our Military

You may have heard something a few weeks ago in regard to an increase in sexual assaults within the military.  The media made a big deal out of a new Department of Defense study showing a dramatic increase in sexual assaults upon women in our military.   Such attention was justified. The study found that in fiscal year 2012 there were 26,000 sexual assaults that took place in our armed forces.  More than 6 percent of our female soldiers reported being the victims of a sexual assault. In spite of more political correctness and teachings of tolerance, sexual assaults within the U.S. military have increased 129 percent since 2004.
However, largely ignored by the media, were the numbers of sexual assaults against men following the lifting of the prohibition on homosexuality in the military.  The Pentagon’s study found that 14,000 of the sexual assault victims were men.  Women are identified as the attacker in just two percent of all assaults, meaning that most men who suffered sexual assaults were targeted by other men
Elaine Donnelly, President of the Center for Military Readiness, discussed the report in a radio interview with World Net Daily. “So we’ve got a male-on-male problem here. The Department of Defense doesn’t want to comment on this. They know that the numbers are there.  They say that they care, but all the attention is usually given to the female members of the military who are subjected to sexual assault,” Donnelly said.
A homosexual demands group had what must be the most bizarre response possible to this report. Aaron Belkin, of the Palm Center, said the rise in male-on-male sexual assault does not really reflect the increase of homosexuals in the military but, rather, those assaults are ”somewhat similar to prison rape.”   (Don’t worry. You can pause here and say “huh?”  I did.)
I’ve never understood how homosexual activists have been allowed to claim that forcible sex, either a man and a boy, or a male aggressor pursuing male soldiers, is doing something totally detached from homosexual desire.  Does anyone think that a rapist, all jacked up on porn, who attacks a woman is not acting out heterosexually?   In any event, that’s not a very comforting recruiting slogan for young men considering the military.  “Don’t worry about it. . . It’s not gay, it’s just something like prison sex.” 
If we were to continue our war against gender differences and foolishly began allowing men in women’s barracks and showers, and a new Pentagon report showed an enormous increase in sexual assaults on female soldiers, wouldn’t that finding capture every headline and news feed in the nation?    Somehow, allowing homosexual men in men’s barracks with a corresponding dramatic increase in sexual assaults on male soldiers is not newsworthy anywhere beyond a few conservative outlets.