Obama Chooses Homosexuals over Veterans

Obama’s twisted priorities

Although Obama campaigned on fixing the VA, he has made more efforts to pacify the desires of homosexuals than he has in providing for the needs of veterans.

A 2007 campaign press release illuminates both Obama’s dishonesty and his remarkable incompetence:

After seven years of an [Bush] Administration that has stretched our military to the breaking point, ignored deplorable conditions at some VA hospitals, and neglected the planning and preparation necessary to care for our returning heroes, America’s veterans deserve a President who will fight for them not just when it’s easy or convenient, but every hour of every day for the next four years.

If today’s VA hospitals are evidence of what Obama is able to accomplish when he fights for something every hour of every day for four years, Lord, help us.

Here’s an excerpt from a 2007 campaign speech in which Obama not only illuminates his incompetence but unwittingly admits to the true future of the health care he has imposed on all of America:

[W]e know that the sacred trust cannot expire when the uniform comes off. When we fail to keep faith with our veterans, the bond between our nation and our nation’s heroes becomes frayed. When a veteran is denied care, we are all dishonored. It’s not enough to lay a wreath on Memorial Day, or to pay tribute to our veterans in speeches. A proud and grateful nation owes more than ceremonial gestures and kind words.

Caring for those who serve—and for their families—is a fundamental responsibility of the Commander-in-Chief….and it is something I will fight for as President of the United States.

It’s time for comprehensive reform. When I am president, building a 21st century VA to serve our veterans will be an equal priority to building a 21st century military to fight our wars. My Secretary of Veteran’s Affairs will be just as important as my Secretary of Defense….

The VA will also be at the cutting edge of my plan for universal health care, with better preventive care, more research and specialty treatment, and more Vet Centers….

I will revamp an overburdened benefits system. The VFW has done a remarkable job helping more than 120,000 veterans a year navigate the broken VBA bureaucracy, but you shouldn’t have to do it alone. I will hire additional workers, and create an electronic system that is fully linked up to military records and the VA’s health network.

One of the most admired principles of the U.S. military is that no one gets left behind. Yet too often America does not keep faith with this principle

Contrast Obama’s miserable failure to address the needs of veterans with his vigorous efforts to satiate the desires of homosexuals. Here are just a few of his many efforts to revamp the moral structure of America and the world:

  • On Saturday, May 31, 2013, in the midst of the VA hospital scandal, the Obama Administration announced that the National Park Service would begin installing “markers at significant locations that note the advancement of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.”
  • On Friday, May 30, 2013, in the midst of the VA hospital scandal, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services decided that henceforth the overburdened Medicare system would pay for the absurdly named “sex reassignment surgery.”
  • He found time to be interviewed by lesbian journalist Robin Roberts about his evolutionary support for same-sex “marriage.”
  • He found time to congratulate NBA player Jason Collins for announcing to America that he is homosexual.
  • He found time to congratulate football player Michael Sam on being the first openly homosexual NFL draft pick.
  • Obama repealed “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” the policy that prohibited open homosexuals from serving in the military.
  • He appointed the controversial homosexual founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), Kevin Jennings, to be his “safe school” czar.
  • He appointed openly homosexual John Berry to be the “Director of the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM)” where he was “responsible for recruiting, hiring, and setting benefits policies for 1.9 million federal civilian employees.” Berry was then appointed to serve as  ambassador to Australia.
  • In a controversial recess appointment, he nominated lesbian Chai Feldblum to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission where she sits as chair. Feldblum has long advocated the view that when in conflict, the sexual rights of homosexuals should trump the First Amendment religious rights of conservative people of faith.
  • In 2009, for the first time, an administration set aside a special block of tickets to the White House Easter Egg Roll for families headed by homosexuals and the gender-confused.
  • He hosted a purported “bullying prevention” conference at the White House to which he invited notorious, anti-Christian homosexual sex columnist Dan Savage.
  • In a 2011 formal address before the full General Assembly of the United Nations, Obama promoted the political goals of homosexuals.
  • Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder announced the Department of Justice would not defend the Defense of Marriage Act.
  • In a pre-Super Bowl interview, Obama opined that the Boy Scouts of America should allow openly homosexual boys to become members of the Scouts (which, lest we forget, take an oath to honor God).
  • In addition to John Berry, Obama appointed four other openly homosexual ambassadors.
  • He appointed an openly homosexual assistant attorney general for the Civil Division of the Department of Justice who was part of the team arguing that DOMA was unconstitutional.
  • The White House has hosted six “LGBT Conferences.” 
  • During the 2013 sequestration cuts, Obama announced that $11 million in development aid would go to activists promoting the normalization of homosexuality and gender-confusion abroad.
  • While neither of the Obamas nor Vice President Biden attended the opening ceremonies of the Sochi Olympics, Obama sent a delegation that included for the first time two openly homosexual members.
  • He supports the “Employment Non-Discrimination Act,” which, if passed, will prohibit even Christian employers from refusing to hire gender-confused cross-dressers.
  • Obama supports the ironically named “Respect for Marriage Act,” which, if passed, would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act in its entirety. That would mean that states that prohibit same-sex “marriage” would have to recognize same-sex “marriages” performed in other states.
  • Obama issued a “proclamation” for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, 2013” in which he boasted about his efforts to persuade the world to approve of homosexual activity and gender-confusion.

It would appear from this exhausting but non-exhaustive list that Obama has spent far more hours over the last four years fighting for the normalization of sexual deviance than he has fighting for the needs of our veterans who were willing to risk everything for our liberty.

Obama’s Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki has resigned. Too bad Obama won’t.

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