Please Respond to ACLU Poll

The American Civil Litigation Lawlessness Licentiousness Liberties Union (ACLU) wants to know if gender-dysphoric persons should be able to change the “gender marker on their birth certificates without proof of transition-related surgery.”

Take ACTION:  Please tell them by taking this 10-second poll: Click HERE.

First, birth certificates do not identify “gender markers.” Birth certificates identify objective, immutable sex.

Second, humans cannot change their sex, so there is no rational reason for any person—not those who like their bodies nor those who dislike their bodies—to change their sex on their birth certificates.

Third, no one—not even gender-dysphoric persons whose bodies have been mutilated in a deeply misguided effort to conceal their actual sex—should be able to change their sex on their birth certificates or any other legal document.

Fourth, the government has no vested in interest in how humans feel about their objective, immutable sex, so there exists no rational reason for any arm of the government or government document to ask citizens to identify the sex they wish they were.

There exists no more truly anti-science nonsense than that unstable pile of sand upon which the pro-“trans” movement is built. And they call conservatives science-deniers. What a hoot.

Please help the trans-fixed ACLU better understand scientific reality.

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