Ryan Bomberger: Adopted and Loved

The circumstances of your conception cannot change the value of your worth. Life is a precious, precious gift. Whether planned or unplanned, every human life has purpose.

These truths are what Ryan Bomberger, cofounder of the Radiance Foundation, speaks on at Cornerstone Chapel in this wonderfully encouraging video. Bomberger combats the idea that unplanned means unwanted and explains the principles of L.I.F.E. – Love one another, Identify the lie, Fight the lie, Expect the victory.

He illustrates the Radiance Foundation’s application of this in their fight to illuminate, educate and motivate believers. Bomberger, who was himself adopted, also speaks on the blessings of adoption, reminding us that it was God who created adoption so that we could be adopted into His family.

His talk is incredibly encouraging and often humorous, providing a breath of fresh air in a battle that so often focuses only on the negative. Please watch and share. You won’t regret it!