Bulletin Insert – No Excuse Not to Vote

Citizens in Illinois are now casting ballots to nominate candidates for President of the United States, U.S. Senator and a slew of important government positions – positions that have dramatic influence on the direction of our nation.

Voters will be asked to decide if they want to continue with a big spending, freedom-eroding agenda, or if they want leadership that stops the out-of-control spending and promotes our shared values. We cannot take our God-given civic responsibility and blessing of self-government lightly.

As citizens, we have been given the awesome privilege and responsibility to select those who make our laws and govern our nation. I believe the Lord will hold us accountable for how we steward the gift of self-government. Illinois has several competitive races this year.   Christians have a wonderful opportunity to be salt and light for a state and nation in rapid decay.

Consider these facts from our friends at the Family Research Council where one vote made all the difference.

  • In 1801, one vote in Congress broke the tie between Thomas Jefferson & Aaron Burr.
  • In 1839, one vote made “Landslide” Marcus Morton governor of Massachusetts.
  • In 1868, one vote saved President Andrew Johnson from being removed from office.
  • In 1876, one vote in the Electoral College gave Rutherford B. Hayes the presidency.
  • In 1941, one vote extended the Draft just 4 months before the attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • In 2000, our nation had one of the most closely contested presidential elections in American history, and some people are still arguing  about who won!

Your vote really does matter!

To help encourage the Body of Christ, we have created a bulletin insert. Ask your pastor and/or church elders for permission to place these inserts in the bulletin or a strategic spot in your church to help us get this information to the good folks in your church.

Click on the link below to download and print this latest IFI bulletin insert, ready to be copied for your church.

Voting Options – No Excuse!

I hope you and the members of your church find this material helpful. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact IFI.

P.S. Do you know who’s on your ballot and where they stand on the issues that matter to you? Use the IFI Voter Guide at www.illinoisfamily.org/ifi_news/ifi-voter-guide-special-local-editions-2 and send the link to your friends and family so they can be informed voters too!

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