Event Alert: Join Us For A Special 2 Day Event with Del Tackett!

“What is truth?”

The chilling words of the man who sentenced Jesus Christ to die still echo today.  In a culture that denies the existence of truth, many in our churches ask the same question.  Too many Christians live as if truth doesn’t exist, and the consequences have been cataclysmic.

Many simply don’t know the answer to the question.

What’s even more troubling is a 2003 study by the Barna Research Group which revealed a stunning statistic – only nine percent of professing Christians have a biblical worldview.

Truth and the Bible are synonymous.

That is why IFI is hosting our first Worldview Conference with Dr. Del Tackett, architect of The Truth Project, Friday and Saturday, April 10-11 at  Medinah Baptist Church in the northwest suburbs.  (Click HERE for a flyer.)

Dr. Tackett’s presentation will be motivational, educational, and encouraging!  While our nation is in the throes of cultural upheaval, our government is on a downward trajectory, and religious liberty is in jeopardy — all the consequences of the rejection of absolute truth — we must not lose hope.

Dr. Tackett is best known as the author, architect, and teacher for Focus on the Family’s The Truth Project, a nationwide initiative designed to bring the Christian worldview – and renew a belief in absolute truth – to the Body of Christ.  Thousands of Illinoisans have participated in the Truth Project small group studies.

With the question, “Do you really believe that what you believe is really real?”, Dr. Tackett has challenged the thoughts of millions of church-going Americans.  If you’ve been part of a Truth Project small group, you know just how dynamic and inspiring Dr. Tackett is.  If not, you are in for a treat!  There is no question that Dr. Tackett will challenge you in how you think, how you act, and how you understand God’s truths.

Tickets for this special two day event are $20 each or $50 per family, and you can register by clicking here.

As someone who has both experienced and taught The Truth Project, I can’t tell you how enthusiastic I am to be able to bring Dr. Tackett back to Illinois.

I look forward to seeing you there!
