Bomberger: Black Lives Matter In and Out of the Womb

Ryan Bomberger, Chief Creative Officer and co-founder of The Radiance Foundation, recently spoke, by invitation, at an on-campus event hosted by the Wheaton College Republicans. In a presentation entitled Black Lives Matter In and Out of the Womb, Mr. Bomberger shares his compelling personal story and addresses the connection between race and abortion by utilizing video clips and fact-based graphics to illustrate this social injustice that specifically and disproportionately targets the black community.

As a self-proclaimed factivist, Bomberger speaks the truth – informed by Scripture and biblical principles – regarding the hypocritical alliance between Black Lives Matter leadership and Planned Parenthood executives; the fallacy of abortion as a constitutional or human right; black genocide; reproductive justice; the unholy trinity of Planned Parenthood, American eugenics and the Guttmacher Institute, and much more.

The video concludes with a Q&A session with program attendees. Please watch this fascinating presentation:

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