Does Same-Sex “Marriage” Lead to More Abortion?

Two men, two women, or three men, cannot create a baby without an opposite gender.  So, at first glance, the idea of a link between same-sex marriage and higher abortion rates seems unlikely.  Yet, as over 100 marriage scholars and researches are pointing out, the unraveling of natural marriage has a direct link to abortion.

Even in the short time that same-sex marriage has been officially recognized in some states at home and abroad, man-woman marriage rates have declined—even as marriage rates in other jurisdictions have remained relatively stable.

As marriage loses its meaning and significance, fewer choose to marry. In the Netherlands, for example, after redefining marriage to allow for homosexual unions, among young women, and after controlling for other factors, there was a net 5 percent reduction nationwide in opposite-sex marriage rate, and a 31.8 percent plunge in urban, less religious areas. Similarly, in just a few years after it redefined marriage, Spain saw man-woman marriage rates plummet by 36 percent.

Researchers note that even a small decline in marriage rates can have a significant impact upon abortion numbers as married women rarely choose abortion.  You can read more about this, click HERE.