Obama’s Notre Dame Invitation Offers Opportunity For Pro-Life Groups

The controversy surrounding President Barack Obama’s visit to Notre Dame is growing day by day. The President is scheduled to deliver the commencement speech to the University’s 2009 graduating class on May 17th. This has led to considerable criticism from Catholic clergy and the general public. However, the fact the President will receive an honorary doctor of laws degree has added outrage from Notre Dame alumni and some members of the current student body.

Most encouraging is the fact the Notre Dame story — related to Obama’s appearance — has garnered significant coverage from the dominant media. On April 7th, the Illinois Family Institute helped coordinate media coverage of a protest led by Randall Terry, the Founder of Operation Rescue. One of Terry’s demonstrations scheduled for the day took place in front of the Chicago office of Richard C. Notebaert, Chairman, Notre Dame Board of Trustees. In contrast to other pro-life events, this protest was reported on by five Chicago television outlets, including members of the print media.

The press attendance at the Operation Rescue demonstration indicated the media — which often ignores the pro-life movement — finds itself in a unique situation. Much of the criticism directed at the President of the United States stems from what many see as his radical pro-abortion policies which have been implemented during his first two months in office. However, more important is the reality which cannot be denied by the mainstream press. The flap over the commencement ceremony is, in great part, due to Obama’s position on the abortion issue and, in essence, the media is being forced to deal with a subject it usually ignores at all costs.

The media’s saturation coverage of the April 7th Chicago demonstration is an example of how the right to life community can use Obama’s Notre Dame visit to bring attention to one of the most contentious issues of our time.

Terry expressed his appreciation to the Illinois Family Institute (IFI) and thanked the organization, saying the media’s attendance at the demonstration wouldn’t have been possible without IFI’s efforts.

What took place regarding an event which would usually be blacked out by the press illustrates how pro-life groups can use this situation to get their message across to an entire nation. It is an opportunity for those who seek to defend the innocent unborn to define their mission. For too long, the dominant media has cherry picked coverage of the pro-life movement — a movement that has continuely grown in size and influence.

Father John Jenkins, the President of Notre Dame University, a Catholic institution, has come under heavy criticism — for not only extending an invitation to the pro-abortion President — whose policies are in direct conflict with pro-life principles as handed down from the Vatican, but for the decision to award an honorary degree to Mr. Obama as well.

However, out of conflict has come an opportunity to debate the pro-life issue in the national forum. In reality, the media has become a captive audience. The debate over Obama’s appearance at Notre Dame cannot be overlooked or dismissed. What is the reason over 300,000 individuals have signed a petition critical of Notre Dame’s actions which have offended so many? Those groups and individuals who seek recognition for the pro-life cause must take full advantage of a rare opportunity to present their case. Such an opportunity does not come along often.

What was first a debate over a pro-abortion President speaking at a Catholic University has developed into much more. The right to life community has been given a stage which will allow the American people to learn more about a tragedy that has taken the lives of over 50 million innocent unborn since 1973. In addition, U.S. citizens will learn of Barack Obama’s true radical views and agenda when it comes to his support and proliferation of abortion. This is something that may make the Notre Dame faux pas worthwhile in itself.