Stand Up To Planned Parenthood!

Jericho Prayer March This Saturday!

When Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards testified before Congress last month, she asserted that abortions represent only 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood. However, when questioned further about a funding discrepancy by U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), Richards admitted that not 3%, but 86 percent of Planned Parenthood’s revenue comes from abortions!

The taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood’s long-time claim that as a part of its crucial cornerstone women’s health care, it does mammograms. But again they’ve lied. When specifically asked how many mammogram machines Planned Parenthood owns, Richards had to admit that they do not own or operate even one mammogram machine.

When asked about the $127,000,000 that Planned Parenthood raised over their expenses, Richards struggled to explain where the dollars went.

Despite the gruesome videos, lawmakers in Washington D.C. have decided to continue funneling your tax dollars to this vile business. Remarkably, some politicians and members of the media have actually denied the existence of what is on these videos! It is shocking to realize that we live in a culture and among a people that are willing to deny the reality of what can be seen on these video to maintain the status quo.

But you can make a difference by standing with us this Saturday to continue draw attention to the brutality of the abortion industry and Planned Parenthood!  I hope you’ll be a part of the effort this Saturday!

When: This Saturday!  October 24th
Where: Governor’s Mansion in Springfield (See map HERE.)
Time:  11 AM to Noon

Click HERE for a flyer.

We cannot rely on Washington D.C. to have enough backbone to do what is morally right.  We have a moral responsibility. Here in Illinois, we need to work with every other pro-life group to stop this evil in our state and communities. We must pressure Governor Bruce Rauner to terminate all Illinois government business with Planned Parenthood and allocate those funds to one of the other qualified healthcare providers who can provide real health services for women. 

Take ACTION:  Forward this email to a friend or share on your social media accounts. Invite friends and family to attend with you.

Make custom signs, for example:

No TAX $$ to PP


STOP Funding Butchers

Save Our Future Children

PP – $127 Million Last Year

PP = NO Mammograms

Pray! Pray that many people attend this march to be a public witness for the sanctity of life. Pray that the hearts of Gov. Rauner and our lawmakers in Springfield AND Washington D.C. are changed. Pray for good weather and the safety of everyone who is protesting Planned Parenthood on Saturday morning. 

Thank you for your continued support…

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