Woman Bled to Death After Planned Parenthood Abortion in Chicago

Doesn’t it warm the cockles of your heart to know that Planned Parenthood (PP) has expressed its condolences to the family of a young woman who bled to death on Friday following her second trimester abortion at the Planned Parenthood facility on South Michigan Avenue in Chicago. I’m sure the family of this 24-year-old woman is comforted by Planned Parenthood’s expression of sympathy.

We all know how deeply Planned Parenthood cares about “women’s health.” We know because PP ceaselessly tells the country how much it cares. PP ceaselessly tells us how much it cares about women’s health even as it daily executes countless numbers of baby girls (and boys) in utero.

If Planned Parenthood’s passion and compassion were really directed toward women’s health, it would try to persuade women who don’t feel able to care for a baby to give those babies to any of the thousands of women who desperately want a baby but are unable to have one.

PP would tell the women who come to them, often in desperate circumstances, that the lives growing inside them are human beings who deserve life.

PP would tell them that those babies bear no responsibility for their existence and that they have inherent, existential rights that supersede “reproductive rights.”

PP would do what crisis pregnancy centers do, which is help often desperate young women make hard decisions that do not violate the rights of the unborn.

Crisis pregnancy centers help young women decide whether they want to keep their babies or give them life in the arms of another. Crisis pregnancy centers help those mothers access pre-natal care, parenting classes, diapers, cribs, car seats, and strollers; connect with other birth mothers or single mothers; and get help with housing and bill-paying. Crisis pregnancy centers help those young women through the grief that follows the painful and truly noble sacrifice of their babies to others. And crisis pregnancy centers even help young women through the sickening grief and guilt that often follow Planned Parenthood-facilitated abortions.

So who really cares about women’s health: Planned Parenthood that helps women dispose of their babies or crisis pregnancy centers that help both young women and the even younger boys and girls growing within them?

We also know Planned Parenthood cares passionately about the loss of state and federal money* and about lawsuits–all of which IFI hopes are in its near future.

*According to Wikipedia, Planned Parenthood received about $360 million in one year (2009) as compared to the mere $60 million that crisis pregnancy centers received during a five-year period (2001-2006). Another source puts the amount of federal money that went to crisis pregnancy centers during this five-year period at $30 million.

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