The Great Reset is a Sneaky Cultural Revolution

The World Economic Forum (WEF)[1] says that now is the time to replace our current economy with “a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.”[2] According to its leader Klaus Schwab:[3]

To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism….

[T]he pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.[4]

However, this plea has also been called an agenda for tyranny. The foreign minister of Brazil addressed the United Nations to say:

[T]otalitarian social control is not the remedy for any crisis.

Those who dislike freedom always try to benefit from moments of crisis to preach the curtailing of freedom. Let’s not fall for that trap. Totalitarian social control is not the remedy for any crisis. Let’s not make democracy and freedom one more victim of COVID-19.[5]

What is this Great Reset? We’ll find that it’s yet another attempt to establish socialism. In this scheme businesses will be persuaded to voluntarily accept government control. We’d silently shift into accepting a socialist economy, along with the rest of its agenda, without even realizing it.

This article will approach the Great Reset in this manner:

  • Remind us that the Bible judges socialism and finds it wanting.
  • Describe the main components of the Great Reset.
  • Show how it’s being brought to us by evangelizing the willing, and coercing the unwilling.
  • Discuss approaches for opposing its goals and its evangelism strategies.

Socialism and Christianity don’t mix

The Great Reset has a sneaky idea. “Woke” company managers will convince their shareholders that the government, along with social activists, must be given veto power over what the company does. Even though no law requires this surrender, the shareholders will be pressured to recognize their new masters.

This demand for corporate change amounts to a cultural revolution. Business managers, shareholders, and the general public are being conditioned to accept community control over companies. We’re being led into economic socialism without them even using the ‘S’ word. After all, the dictionary says that socialism means community control:

socialism:  n.  1. a theory or system of social organization in which the means of production and distribution of goods are owned and controlled collectively or by the government.[6]

Before we examine the revolutionary Great Reset, we need to remember what God says about government, property, and ownership. That’s because the Great Reset demands socialist change. And socialism not only steals people’s property, but also their freedoms.

Regarding property and ownership, God’s quite OK with people owning things. And if some of them become billionaires then good for them. Property and ownership are explored in the author’s article Is Capitalism Immoral? Here are some of its highlights:

  • God gave Adam and Eve the right to own things.
  • Mankind practiced capitalism from the very beginning.
  • The New Testament affirms private ownership.
  • It is OK to be wealthy.

Some people claim that Christianity endorses government socialism because the early church in Jerusalem practiced communalism. However, their sharing was strictly voluntary. Again, from the article:

Early in the Jerusalem church its people pooled their goods for the common good, selling property and land for the needs of the saints (Acts 2:43-45; 4:32-35). Yet communal life wasn’t the norm for Christ’s church. For example, Paul encouraged to the Corinthian church to prepare a gift they promised for the benefit of the Jerusalem church (1 Corinthians 16:1-4; 2 Corinthians 8:2, 6-8). If the Corinthians were living communally then Paul could have simply asked the elders about the gift. This means that members of a congregation may choose to act communally, but they aren’t obligated to do so.[7]

People have the right to either keep their stuff or give it away. But when a government insists that we share, especially with itself, that’s called taking or stealing.[8] Socialism, along with its communist endgame, insists that individuals have no property rights, and that everything belongs to the community. When government and activist “stakeholders” claim the right to control a business, they’re using the socialist playbook to steal from the business owners.

Although the Great Reset seems to concentrate on economic matters, its goals also require a cultural reset. Ever since Karl Marx published his books, socialist advocates have waited for an opportunity like this one. The Great Reset implements a socialist culture, having these features:

  • Hatred towards God. Socialist theory says that that there is no God. Serving the community of mankind gives meaning of our lives.
  • Removing the religious. People who believe in God are enemies of socialism. They must be pursued and marginalized, even extinguished.
  • Preventing reactionary thought. Lest people get dissatisfied with socialism, a socialist state must identify possible internal enemies. This means continual spying on its own citizens.

Lots has already been written about how these socialist “features” repress individual freedoms. Rather than repeat those arguments here, look to those articles. For example, the author has these previous articles on socialism and Christianity:

The Great Reset is just repackaged socialism, and it’s dangerous to Christian culture. Even so, we still must learn something about it. We must be familiar enough with it its terms to recognize when it’s being pushed upon us.

The Great Reset in a nutshell

The World Economic Forum conferences, sometimes called the Davos meetings,[9] attract a lot of billionaires, political leaders, and social activists.[10] Having invented the Great Reset, it isn’t surprising that their speeches keep circling back to it. The Great Reset has these basic components:

WEF chief executive officer Klaus Schwab described three core components of the Great Reset: the first involves creating conditions for a “stakeholder economy”; the second component includes building in a more “resilient, equitable, and sustainable” way—based on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics which would incorporate more green public infrastructure projects; the third component is to “harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” for public good.[11]

Through the “stakeholder economy” and “equitable and sustainable” components, businesses are to bind themselves to the overall plan. The technology component describes what governments will do to innovation when, and if, they get control of everything else. We can ignore this component for now.

According to the WEF, countries should put aside national interests and cooperate as one. As Schwab said at the 2022 World Government Summit, “Our futures are intrinsically connected and that requires collaborative responses.”[12] This echoes the United Nations plans of Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 / Sustainable Development Goals,[13] which also call for refashioning a new society and a new economy.[14] Broadly speaking, both the UN and the WEF want a socialist command economy accompanied by vast social changes.

The Stakeholder Economy steals control of businesses

In the “stakeholder economy” shareholders technically own a business but can’t direct it. Decision making is surrendered to outside parties.

Underpinning the notion of “stakeholder capitalism,” a concept that has taken the C-suites of some of America’s largest companies by storm, is the idea that a company should be run for the benefit of all its “stakeholders,” a conveniently hazy term that can be defined to include (among others) workers, customers, and “the community,” as well as the shareholders who, you know, own the business. It’s a form of expropriation based on the myth that a corporation that puts its shareholders first must necessarily put everyone else last. … Stakeholder capitalism is not only a threat to private property, but also, by not much of a stretch of the imagination, to individual freedom.[15]

Once the company commits to pleasing these outside parties, it’s effectively giving them veto power over company decisions. The community now controls the company. Note that because these stakeholders aren’t shareholders, they’re playing games with other peoples’ money.

Schwab says that stakeholder capitalism “would not change the economic system, but rather improve it to what he considers to be ‘responsible capitalism’.”[16] Responsible capitalism covers the same ground as stakeholder capitalism:

Responsible Capitalism requires a fundamental integration of the needs of the wider community, care for the communities in which the business operates, environmental initiatives and support for the arts and culture, with the business’s goals and processes. Above all, it is about how successful business leaders apply the principles of moral and social responsibility in the running of their business, combining social commitment with business acumen and innovation, and building a coherent philosophy in which the company’s success is judged over the long-term by criteria that include sustainability, equity, and moral justice as well as standard financial benchmarks.[17]

When the community looks to a business to act as its nanny (“care for the communities”), provide it with entertainment (“support for the arts and culture”), and act as a soldier in the culture wars (“sustainability, equity, and moral justice”), then that business has been expropriated from its rightful owners to become a toy, a misused community plaything. That’s a long way from the idea that “the business of America is business.”[18]

Justin Haskins, writing for The Hill, calls these changes global socialism.

At a virtual meeting earlier in June hosted by the World Economic Forum, some of the planet’s most powerful business leaders, government officials and activists announced a proposal to “reset” the global economy. Instead of traditional capitalism, the high-profile group said the world should adopt more socialistic policies, such as wealth taxes, additional regulations and massive Green New Deal-like government programs.

“Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed,” wrote Klaus Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, in an article published on WEF’s website. “In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”

Or, put another way, we need a form of socialism — a word the World Economic Forum has deliberately avoided using, all while calling for countless socialist and progressive plans.[19]

Through stakeholder capitalism, Schwab and the WEF want businesses to become community-controlled cultural warriors, expending themselves for the sake of a socialist future.

Measuring your wokeness through metrics

Schwab’s second core component is “building in a more ‘resilient, equitable and sustainable way’ – based on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics.”[20] ESG metrics are presently just a public relations gambit. That is, some advocacy outfit publishes rules that it thinks a targeted company should live by. This campaign works when:

  • Company management already conspires with the advocates.
  • Company management is afraid of losing public opinion support if they do fight.
  • Company management is weary of fighting.

Of course, even when a company gives in it doesn’t win. The metrics will continually be changed, pushing businesses to fulfill new political goals. Says Schwab:

The second component of a Great Reset agenda would ensure that investments advance shared goals, such as equality and sustainability.

Rather than using these funds, as well as investments from private entities and pension funds, to fill cracks in the old system, we should use them to create a new one that is more resilient, equitable, and sustainable in the long run. This means, for example, building “green” urban infrastructure and creating incentives for industries to improve their track record on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics.[21]

These business incentives will be things like “meet these metrics or there’s no more financing, no more approvals for you.” ESG metrics are social and political, not measures of good financial performance. As example, here are some proposed metrics:

  • Measuring your greenhouse gas emissions
  • Monitoring your carbon footprint
  • Does your business act ethically and with integrity?
  • How are you tackling the gender pay gap?
  • Metrics on diversity, equity and inclusion
  • How sustainable are your suppliers?[22]

Note that last point about suppliers. When you’re striving for an ESG score, your suppliers must also be ESG compliant or your own score suffers. If you’ve suppliers not playing the ESG metrics game, you’ll have to drop them to maintain your own scores. Andrew Stuttaford, of the National Review, criticizes how ESG metrics put ideology before profit.

What has changed is the turn by certain large investment groups toward “socially responsible” investing (SRI) — in particular, a variant known as ESG. This means checking how actual or potential portfolio companies measure up against often ill-defined (and sometimes contradictory) environmental (“E”), social (“S”), and governance (“G”) standards, which can look a lot like stakeholder capitalism. If this is a specific selling point of some of their investment products, that is fine: Investors can choose to buy those products or not.

The problem comes when choice is removed. Where ESG-tinged investment is involved, that is ever more frequently the case. Thus, a good number of state-retirement funds, custodians of money designated for their employees’ retirement — money for the most part provided by taxpayers — have now enthusiastically adopted SRI, a decision in which neither pensioners nor (realistically) taxpayers had any say.

The growing acceptance by asset managers that ESG should not be a discrete product but part of their standard investment process will make it tricky for those looking at their 401Ks to find an option in which ESG does not lurk.

A bad situation will be made worse — for those who favor investor choice, shareholder control, or both — as companies knuckle under to the ESG warriors, even without the agreement of their shareholders, either because they fear that not to do so will cut them off from sources of capital, or that it will cost them business, or, worst of all, because it is the “appropriate” thing to do. As was evident long before the wave of companies’ committing to this or that cause during the current unrest, “woke capitalism” is not a figment of the right-wing imagination.[23]

Here is an example of ESG metrics at work. You’d think that the World Wildlife Fund is there to help preserve pandas, or encourage you to “symbolically adopt an elephant today.”[24] Yet it seems that the WWF has designs on throttling the beef industry. From the Fort Morgan Times:

The Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (GRSB) has an agenda all too familiar to U.S. ranchers. The environmental group, World Wildlife Fund (WWF aka World Wide Fund for Nature), seeks to fundamentally change the entire beef industry through the GRSB.

Their goal is to transform the beef supply chain by influencing the “companies [which] control twenty- five percent of all fifteen of the most significant commodities that threaten biodiversity”

Like many so-called “locally” and “stakeholder” driven initiatives, the GRSB and national roundtables were not created due to consumer demand, but rather by environmental organizations who seek to control what is not theirs. Clay laid out the plan at TED Global 2010, identifying the target companies, WalMart, McDonalds, JBS, Cargil, and others, then helped found the GRSB and national roundtables.[25]

The WWF is pressuring beef producers into comply with their demands. Some of them already have, and their surrender might convince the others to follow suit. As with war, you may not want the Great Reset but the Great Reset wants you.

Look! The revolution already started!

Most Americans think that socialism will come through bad legislation. But what if it came instead by invitation? Suppose that business leaders become comfortable with government oversight, and are willing to keep meeting third-party performance metrics. Stakeholder capitalism would become second nature to them, while the concept of shareholder capitalism would seem foreign. When socialist laws are proposed these business leaders won’t oppose them, because they’ll already be following socialist practices. Socialism would conquer America because it was desired.

This stealthy revolution isn’t coming upon us by force, but rather through evangelizing our business leaders. These leaders are learning stakeholder capitalism from the activists, with little pushback from anyone else. After constantly hearing only one side of the story, no wonder they’re accepting the stakeholder capitalism story.

Sure, there are leaders with good sense, but they’re being undermined by other businesses that already gave in. The choice appears to be to join the revolution, or get boycotted out of business. Here are examples of such coercion.

We only want ‘gender equality’ business partners. According to Outkick the Coverage, Sports Illustrated has a new political bent to its business relationships:

And starting this year, SI announced it would only work with “brands who are helping drive gender equality forward” and that the iconic swimsuit issue is “changing the cost of doing business from a monetary value to a currency of doing good.”[26]

Banks set their own pollution standards for oil companies. In the future, Wells Fargo bank will only loan to oil companies that meet the bank’s standards – not government standards, but the bank’s standards – for greenhouse emissions. From the Washington Times:

Wells Fargo has become the latest major financial institution to set new greenhouse gas standards requiring borrowers in the energy sector to reduce emissions.

Oil and natural gas companies must reduce their absolute emissions by 26% by 2030, based on 2019 emission levels, Wells Fargo said last week. Other power sector businesses must see a 60% reduction during the same time period.

The new rules from Wells Fargo are part of a trend from financial institutions around the world to implement such climate regulations for its lending programs, joining the likes of Citigroup Inc. and the United Nations-convened Net-Zero Banking Alliance. The alliance is an industry-led coalition of banks from across the globe with the goal to align their lending and investments with net-zero emissions by 2050.[27]

It’s apparent that this revolution is one of information and values. Of information, because at present only the stakeholder capitalism idea is being promoted. And of values, for we need the Bible’s guidance to show that stakeholder capitalism, and the socialism behind it, is evil.

How the Great Reset affects Christians

This article concentrated on stakeholder capitalism because it’s an unguarded back door into corrupting American culture. But the Great Reset isn’t just about economics. It means to change everything – culture, government, even what motivates you.

There isn’t enough space to detail everything that the Great Reset could possibly change. But we’ll touch on a few points that show that the Great Reset closely maps to socialist concepts. It’s well known that socialist theory despises Christian culture. Therefore, we expect to find that the Great Reset will also suppress Christian culture.

The Great Reset doesn’t champion “justice,” but “social justice.” A recent WEF conference highlighted that the Great Reset also means “driving a Great Reset in social justice, inclusion and sustainable development impact.”[28] But what is social justice? One commonly repeated definition is:

Social justice is a concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society. This is measured by the explicit and tacit terms for the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity, and social privileges.[29]

As you see, “social justice” isn’t actually about justice, because it has nothing to do with standards of right and wrong. It means merely whatever the speaker wants it to mean.[30]

So far social justice is largely used to attack Christian society.[31] For its own part, the WEF thinks that “diversity, equity, and inclusion” – central concepts for Critical Race Theory – should be added to each company through ESG metrics.[32] This shows that the Great Reset seeks to replace Christian culture with – well, with whatever “social justice” means tomorrow.

Teaching all children to embrace their sustainable, and “social justice,” plans. The World Economic Forum links itself with the UN’s plans for sustainable development.[33] When the UN Sustainable Development Guidance document says something, the WEF approves. In that document, Goal 4.7 describes what all of our children should be taught.

4.7 By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.[34]

All students must learn the UN’s version of sustainable development, global citizenship, “a culture of peace and non-violence,” etc. They’re imposing their version of culture upon us, including tenets of social justice. And if parents disagree with this, the governor of Virginia once said, “parents shouldn’t have a say in what their kids are taught.”[35] It’s like a parody of Proverbs 22:6 that, “the UN will train up a child in the way they say he should go, and when he is old he won’t depart from social justice.”

Lying about why the massive changes are needed. The WEF’s “Great Narrative Meeting” conference sought to create a story for mass consumption, a supposed reason for accepting their planned social upheaval.

Speaking at the Great Narrative Meeting in Dubai, United Arab Emirates today, Schwab announced his intent to develop a great narrative that public and private entities will use to shape the future of humanity.

“We are here to develop the great narrative, a story for the future,” said Schwab.

“In order to shape the future, you have first to imagine the future, you have to design the future, and then you have to execute it,” he added.

“Here, I think the next two days, we will look [to] how we imagine, how we design, how we execute the great narrative, how we define the story of our world for the future.”[36]

They said “you have first to imagine the future…” Note that they’ve already spent decades refining their plans. That’s clear evidence that the Great Reset isn’t meant to be our salvation from any actual crisis – not the climate, not viruses. But we’re supposed to believe their narrative, that these fine WEF fellows have provided us with a bright, shiny future.

These few examples show that the Great Reset will destroy our present culture (social justice and Critical Race Theory), ensure that our children master the new one (global citizenship skills), and give us a newly-minted myth for us to believe (why the Great Reset will save us all). Yes, the Great Reset is a social, cultural, and religious revolution. It is dangerous to Christians everywhere.

What can a shareholder do about the Great Reset?

Advocates of the Great Reset seek to undermine America. Their tack is to compromise the judgment of company managers, acquire veto power over company decisions, and to assert that the company accept ESG metrics as rules for governing the firm. These advocates are as bold as gangsters, showing up and saying “nice business you’ve got here, shame if something happened to it.”

The only people who have the standing to defend a firm from them are its shareholders. It is their money, and their property, being threatened. And only they have the authority to instruct the behavior of its managers. What sorts of things can shareholders do to save their company? Here are some suggestions.

Be informed about advocates that insist on controlling you. They’re frauds because their agendas are about helping themselves, not you. They’re just looking for scalps.

Realize that ESG metrics are merely suggestions. The environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics are measurements of their own invention. They have no legal or economic basis. In fact, there’s plenty of truth in the statement “go woke and go broke.”[37]

Tell the managers to shape up and fly right. Suppose your company managers are listening to “stakeholders.” Who will they now work for, the shareholders or outside interests? Managers have a lot of leeway in running a company, but running it into the ground amounts to mismanagement, even malfeasance. To preserve their investment, shareholders must rebuke woke management, even form an action to remove such managers from their offices.

Fight back against the activists. These activists threaten to slander your company, relenting only if you give into them. We know that they’re not acting in good faith, and the shareholders need to call them out on it. Since they’re revolutionaries, throw revolutionary rhetoric back at them. Call them out for their extortion. Perhaps you’ll even find that they’re exercising tortuous interference, where their activities mean to force an entire an industry to obey their metrics.[38]

Fight dilution of your vote caused by institutional investors. Some shareholders actually want their company to be woke. Perhaps they’re misinformed, or perhaps they believe in the culture wars. But it’s a special problem when a mutual fund buys shares and then throws its weight around, demanding ESG-related changes.[39] The opinion of a single “culture warrior” fund manager can have outsized influence, because he or she is voting a personal opinion with all of those shares, and not the consensus opinion of the individual investors.

That there is a demand for ESG-related investment shows the ongoing success of this back door Great Reset revolution. These mutual funds are essentially evangelizing, investing with the aim of forcing a company into using ESG metrics.

Perhaps politics has an answer. A recent proposal in Congress, the “Investor Democracy is Expected” Act (the INDEX Act),[40] means to reduce the outsized influence these ESG funds have over companies. Although this is a Republican-sponsored initiative in a Democratic-controlled Congress, the concept is bound to be re-introduced. One of these tries will end up being effective in changing things.

What can a company owner do about the Great Reset?

You’re not one of those woke managers, and your company doesn’t want to become a weapon for the Great Reset. But as I said before, the Great Reset wants you. If you reject the activists they’ll issue a lot of bad press releases about how awful you are. And companies you do business with will drop you as a partner, because you’re not with the program. How can you beat this pressure?

Stay informed about the threats against your firm. This is much like the advice for shareholders. Learn the news about external guidance for your industry. Seek advice from opponents of ESG. And keep track of your management structure, lest woke managers take root under your watch.

Consider if this blacklisting is collusion. If your associates are refusing to deal with you any more because your firm has low ESG metrics, does this amount to colluding to control an industry? Sure, a partner can refuse business with you for many reasons. But a group of partners doing this smells of a coordinated effort to control the market. And if the metrics you’re failing at concern religious issues, then you’ve also got civil rights laws you can lean on.

What can ordinary people do about the Great Reset?

Suppose that you’re among the great majority of people who aren’t either company managers or shareholders. Or you are a shareholder and want to know what else to do. What can you do to influence the attempted Great Reset revolution? I’ve these suggestions.

Educate yourself. You’ve almost finished this article, and thus know what the fighting is all about. Now you ought to pay attention to the companies you work with, invest in, and whose products you buy. Are these firms focusing on business and customer service? Or are they taking stands to push cultural change?

Get your mutual fund investments out of ESG compliant companies. Although your money isn’t directly invested in stocks, your mutual funds probably are. And they might be pushing ESG metrics on companies. Not only should you move your money to better places, but give your former fund managers “a piece of your mind.” More on that below.

Get your bank investments out of ESG compliant companies. Some people still like bank-sponsored investments like certificates of deposit. Your banks might be among those pushing ESG compliance.[41] Don’t fund people or companies who want to crush American Christian culture. Not only move your money, but also give those managers a piece of your mind.

Become loud and insistent. You now know something about ESG and socialism that others need to know. Perhaps some business manager is ill-informed. Before you change your investment, you can call that manager, or send an email. Tell him or her your concerns, and how managing by ESG amounts to “sleeping with the enemy.” Perhaps that manager will see the light and change his or her mind, becoming an ESG foe. Or perhaps the manager will see the light after getting dozens of such calls and letters, all with the same message.

Also tell your legislators of you concerns. Show them how ESG metrics leads to acceptance of socialism, an all-encompassing government, and a multitude of other evils. Perhaps those senators who sponsored the INDEX Act were spurred into action by alarmed constituents.

Do counter-messaging against these activists. Groups who promote stakeholder capitalism, who insist that our firms conform to ESG metrics, are enemies to American culture. They don’t deserve either respect or kind words. They’re quick to ridicule their targets, and deserve ridicule in return. They really dislike being mocked and called names.

For example, when Florida governor Ron DeSantis pushed the Parental Rights in Education bill, he called its opponents “groomers.”[42] It’s so appropriate, and they couldn’t abide that label![43] Can we, with one word, describe the ESG movement and the revolution it seeks?

Pray to God for deliverance. Ask God for forbearance for America, and time for His church to learn to repent. Pray that God confounds our enemies (Psalm 55, especially v.9).

[1]     Kagan, Julia, World Economic Forum (WEF), Investopedia, October 24, 2021, https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/world-economic-forum.asp

[2]     Talgo, Chris, Resist the ‘Great Reset’, TownHall, June 9, 2020, https://townhall.com/columnists/christalgo/2020/06/09/resist-the-great-reset-n2570308

[3]     Klaus Schwab, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klaus_Schwab

[4]     Schwab, Klaus, Now is the time for a ‘great reset’, World Economic Forum, June 3, 2020, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/now-is-the-time-for-a-great-reset/

[5]     Hinchliffe, Tim, Brazil says ‘no’ to great reset: ‘Totalitarian social control is not the remedy for any crisis’, The Sociable, December 8, 2020, https://sociable.co/government-and-policy/brazil-says-no-great-reset-totalitarian-social-control-not-remedy-crisis/

[6]     socialism (n.d.), Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, 2010, https://www.thefreedictionary.com/socialism

[7]     Perry, Oliver, Is Capitalism Immoral?, Illinois Family Institute, November 30, 2018, https://staging.illinoisfamily.org/faith/is-capitalism-immoral/

[8]     This isn’t a rant against taxation. Government is instituted to protect us against invaders and criminals, and to provide judges to hear disputes. These legitimate services must be paid for by the public.

[9]     Hope, Katie, 10 things you didn’t know about Davos, BBC News, January 21, 2019, https://www.bbc.com/news/business-46895332

[10]   Evans, Joss Wynne, Klaus Schwab’s WEF Alumni – A List, Blue Tara, October 6, 2021, https://www.tarableu.com/klaus-scwabs-wef-alumni-a-list/

[11]   Great Reset, Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Reset

[12]   Kent, Simon, Klaus Schwab Tells Global Leaders to Collaborate for World Governance, Breitbart News, March 31, 2022, https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/03/31/klaus-schwab-tells-global-leaders-to-collaborate-for-world-governance/

[13]   The 17 Goals, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, https://sdgs.un.org/goals

[14]   Bhattacharya, CB, How the great COVID-19 reset can help firms build a sustainable future, World Economic Forum, May 15, 2020, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/the-covid-19-reset-sustainability/

This article amounts to a manual for making your company ESG-aware.

[15]   Stuttaford, Andrew, Stakeholder Capitalism: Corporatism by Another Name, Andrew Stuttaford Collected Articles, originally published in National Review Online, June 25, 2021, https://www.andrewstuttaford.com/archive/2022/1/2/stakeholder-capitalism-corporatism-by-another-name

[16]   Great Reset, Wikipedia

[17]   What is Responsible Capitalism?, FIRST Responsible Capitalism, 2022, https://responsible-capitalism.org/what-is-responsible-capitalism/

[18]   Coolidge, Calvin, Calvin Coolidge > Quotes > Quotable Quotes, GoodReads, https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/187369-the-business-of-america-is-business

[19]   Haskins, Justin, Introducing the ‘Great Reset,’ world leaders’ radical plan to transform the economy, The Hill, June 25, 2020, https://thehill.com/opinion/energy-environment/504499-introducing-the-great-reset-world-leaders-radical-plan-to/?rl=1

[20]   Great Reset, Wikipedia

[21]   Schwab, Klaus, Now is the time for a ‘great reset’, World Economic Forum

[22]   Farnham, Kezia, ESG Metrics: What Matters, and What Should You Measure?, Diligent, April 6, 2022, https://www.diligent.com/insights/esg/metrics/

[23]   Stuttaford, Andrew, High Stakes, Andrew Stuttaford Collected Articles, originally published in National Review Online, July 9, 2020, https://www.andrewstuttaford.com/archive/2020/12/13/high-stakes

[24]   The “elephant pitch” comes from a “Donate Now” blurb on the World Wildlife Fund homepage, https://www.worldwildlife.org

[25]   Erickson-Noe, Global roundtable for sustainable beef, Fort Morgan Times, April 24, 2019, https://www.fortmorgantimes.com/2016/12/21/global-roundtable-for-sustainable-beef/

[26]   Kinsey, Joe, WOKE ILLUSTRATED RELEASES WNBA SWIMSUIT MODEL PHOTOS, KEEPS PUMPING INCLUSION ANGLE, Outkick, May 9, 2022, https://www.outkick.com/woke-illustrated-releases-wnba-swimsuit-model-photos-keeps-pumping-inclusion-angle/

[27]   Touchberry, Ramsey, Wells Fargo is latest bank to set emissions reduction rules on lending for oil, gas companies, Washington Times, May 9, 2022, https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/may/9/wells-fargo-latest-bank-set-emissions-reduction-ru/

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This article was originally published at the FixThisCulture.com blog.