Illinois Family Institute In Front Lines Defending Pro-Family Values: The Danger Is Very Real

For years, traditional Catholics and Evangelical Christians have been under a withering attack from the mainstream media.  Those who take their faith seriously are usually depicted as everything from intolerant bigots to Bible-quoting serial killers in movies and television.  Indeed, when Christians are portrayed in a positive light by the media it is something unusual.

Sadly, many dismiss this anti-Christian agenda as nothing more than entertainment.  The same can be said for the political schism which exists in America today.  “It’s just politics,” is the opinion held by many Americans who are not aware of the dangers that may confront people of faith and the pro-family movement in the very near future.

Currently, there is legislation working its way through Congress which would define Scripture as possible hate speech.  The U.S. House of Representatives has passed a bill which will set aside a group of people and give them special protection under the law.  A hate crimes bill–which will almost certainly become law–may place those who espouse traditional values in great legal jeopardy.

No, it’s not just politics any more.  Supported by the dominant media, politicians on the left are taking full advantage of a situation which has the potential to threaten religious liberty and the freedom of speech guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

For example, one of the groups which will be granted special protections under this new bill, if passed, include homosexuals, bisexuals, transgendered, and others whose choice of lifestyle has become politically correct–not only in society, but under the law as well–if some have their way.

What does this mean to Christians, Orthodox Jews, and others who hold conservative views in respect to subjects like traditional marriage and abortion?  The answer to this question should put a chill through reasonable people–both on the right and left.

The hate crimes bill pending in Congress may actually silence members of the clergy from preaching Biblical principles.  It would not be outside the realm of possibility to see a Minister, Priest, or Rabbi one day charged with inciting hate for relating God’s word on subjects which may be contrary to evolving societal norms.

In an article on FOX NEWS.com, referring to the hate crimes legislation, “In and of itself this law can be applied to speech.  The nature of assault — putting someone in fear of their safety — what will that mean for someone preaching against homosexuality?” asked Mathew Staver, founder of the Liberty Council, a law firm that works on religious freedom cases.  “It elevates homosexuality to the same protective category as race.  It’s all part of the radical homosexual anarchist agenda.”

Of course, Mr. Staver hit the nail right on the head with his comment.  The question is:  Do those of us who cherish the ideals of free speech and religious liberty remain silent and wait for the day when we are standing in front of a pad-locked church or in a courtroom where we are defending ourselves from charges of hate?  Truly, in those days, our silence will no longer be our choice.  It may be mandatory, under the law.

This is why organizations like the Illinois Family Institute (IFI) are so important.  IFI is in the front lines, defending pro-family values in Illinois.  The hate crimes bill violates the Constitution in at least one important way.  Americans are guaranteed “equal” protection under the law.  However, if passed, the current hate crimes bill will relegate the faithful to second-class citizens.

I’ve never said this before in a column.  I know times are hard for many Americans, economically.  But if you have the resources, perhaps it is time to express support for organizations like the Illinois Family Institute before it is too late.  Janet Napolitano, the head of Homeland Security, has already made it clear– some believe veterans, right to life activists, and those who fight against illegal immigration are possible extremists who also may become terrorists.  If this kind of rhetoric does not prove the danger is very real, nothing will.

So, I’m asking anyone who thinks this fight is worthwhile to get out their check book and send whatever you can to the Illinois Family Institute.  Information on how to donate to IFI is below.   It is a donation that will not be wasted and will be put to good use in the attempt to defend your rights.