Media & Hollywood Attacks On Pro-Family Values, Oh So Effective
The other day, my wife and I were sitting on the couch having a conversation about this or that, and the television was on over in the corner, chattering away to no one. Isn’t that the case in most households? It’s as if the TV is a full-time babysitter, even if there’s no baby to sit with. It’s simply the all-seeing eye that can’t see but is always there.
While my wife went to the refrigerator, my attention drifted over to the TV and I heard something strange. A cute movie called “Kindergarten Cop” was on. The film stars Arnold Schwarzenegger and was made in 1990. Arnold plays a tough undercover cop, doubling as a kindergarten teacher to catch a bad guy. I was taken aback when I heard Arnold leading the children in the Pledge of Allegiance. In the course of Arnold’s students reciting the pledge, they said, “…one nation, under God…” It suddenly came to me. This movie–made just under 20 years ago–would be politically incorrect today.
The fact is, God and any mention of Him is now taboo in Hollywood–unless a movie or television program is depicting a Scripture-quoting serial killer. But anyone who watched the 2009 Academy Awards got an idea how far down the slippery slope our nation has come regarding traditional values.
Sean Penn was the night’s big winner when he received an Oscar for best actor in a movie titled “Milk”. I don’t plan to see the film–which is a true story about Harvey Milk–an “openly gay” elected official from San Francisco who was murdered by a deranged co-worker. Since his killing, Milk has been held up as a martyr in the homosexual community.
During Penn’s acceptance speech, he lectured Americans and the hundreds of millions watching around the world about homosexual “marriage”. Oh how far we have come! But Penn’s words illustrated perfectly how Hollywood and the mainstream media have advanced one far Left agenda after another down the throats of Americans. And, if we disagree, people like Penn tell us we should “be ashamed” as he did on Oscar night.
For the past 50 years, the Left has used movies and other forms of entertainment to “morally educate” Americans. At first, they gently tap at the door. It is akin to a person getting into a cold pool; some dive in, others take their time. Little by little, you get used to the water’s temperature and the shock goes away in a few short moments. Imagine if Penn tried to give his speech in 1960, a mere five decades past. Obviously, such a speech would never have been given or tolerated.
The truth of the matter is, Hollywood can take the blame for many of the social ills we are facing in our society. From Ellen Degeneres’ situation comedy to movies like Brokeback Mountain, the dominant media has desensitized the public regarding homosexuality and other issues which, at one time, would have been considered obscene.
Today, you can’t watch television without being assaulted by some homosexual character who is always the “sensitive” individual, depicted as caring and in true possession of the meaning of it all. The truth is that often homosexuals have horrible lives– and I’m not talking about their economic status because people in this group statistically earn more than the average American. For the most part, they are not the downtrodden or economically depressed.
Of course, you’ll find those who have rationalized their behavior to themselves. But the few homosexuals I have spoken with paint a very different story about their personal lives. They are haunted by their inability to escape lustful habits which consume them. It truly is a lifestyle from which many wish they could escape–and some do with the help of God. The contrast between the media’s portrayal of homosexuality and the reality of that lifestyle is striking. But, if the real behavior were shown, we would hear the truth about the medical problems associated with this behavior, the high rates of suicide, and other issues that reflect reality– not the rosy picture that has been sold to the American public.
Only God knows what we will be seeing 20 years from now. Will the media and Hollywood continue to demonize Christians and conservative Jews to the point it will be illegal to quote Scripture that offends those who practice ungodly behavior? This is already the case in some countries: the quoting of Bible verses on homosexuality are considered hate speech by some governments. There are those in the media and especially Hollywood who would not bat an eye if such laws were passed in America. In fact, nothing would shock me anymore. Will the far Left one day promote adults having sex with children? There are groups who openly promote this sick, illegal and morally corrupt behavior. There have been movies in recent years which have hinted at the idea that children are entitled to express their “sexuality,” even if it’s with an adult.
Only God knows where this all will end. A foul and demonic genie escaped hellish binds just a few short decades ago. Hollywood and New York have taken full advantage of their power to influence the public. They understand this power…oh so well. They attempt to smash dissent whenever it occurs, calling it intolerance or bigotry.
Unfortunately, there seems to be no going back. The monster that was once knocking at the door has found its way into our culture, primarily on the shoulders of a media which sees people of faith as ignorant and bitter fools in need of an education. The responsibility to guard the gates of our homes and families has become even greater. There is no simple answer that will stop the war being waged on traditional family values. The best thing we all can do is be aware. We can defend our values by doing things like paying attention to what our children are being taught at schools. There’s no better way to do that than by reading reports by Laurie Higgins, Director of IFI’s Division of Schhol Advocacy (DSA). In addition, we can turn that all-seeing eye in the corner of our living room off and limit and monitor our children’s use of the Internet.
Our society may be dragged down into the muck by those in Hollywood, but we as individuals, families, and communities don’t have to go down with them.