Social Issues More Important to Voters

This will shock the political establishment as much as it probably shocked CNN. The cable news outlet has a new poll that finds that the importance of social issues to voters has jumped in recent years.  (The political leadership of the party routinely advises Republican candidates and officials to avoid social issues.)

The poll finds that voters care deeply about the culture and they are far more concerned about social issues than they were four years ago.  In 2011, for example, 22 percent of voters said protecting the 2nd Amendment was “extremely” important.  That number has nearly doubled with 42 percent now saying the protection of gun rights is extremely important.

Four years ago, 20 percent of voters felt so strongly about abortion that they deemed it extremely important.  That number has now climbed to 27 percent. (This may be because of the undercover videos exposing the dismemberment and sale of baby parts.)

Concern over illegal aliens has also jumped from 29 percent who called it extremely important four years ago to 39 percent today.