Even Four Out of Five Atheists Agree

There is yet another recent poll finding significant public support for the protection of religious liberty—especially when special rights based on homosexuality are being pushed at the expense of religious freedom.

Most Americans still appear to want a high degree of freedom and individual rights protection.  According to Caddell Associates, “when asked which was more important, by a four to one ratio, voters said protecting religious liberty over protecting gay and lesbian rights.”

Support for religious freedom jumps even higher in the context of wedding vendors. Eighty-three percent said “yes” when asked whether a Christian wedding photographer with “deeply held religious beliefs opposing same sex marriage” has “the right to say no” to a same-sex couple asking him or her to photograph their wedding.

Surprisingly, even “80 percent of Agnostic and Atheists said the photographer had the right to say no.”  That’s four out of five of those who reject faith for themselves saying those who have faith deserve protection from homosexual activists and an overreaching politically correct branch of a local, a state or the federal government.

When asked if “the federal and state government should be able to require by law a private citizen to provide a service or their property for an event that is contrary to their religious beliefs” . . . “[m]ore than two-thirds (68 percent) disagreed,” according to Caddell.

Pat Caddell, a Democrat, who has worked for President Jimmy Carter, U.S. Senator George McGovern, U.S. Senator Joe Biden and Governor Jerry Brown runs Caddell Associates.