In the Pot Nine Days Old


Let us talk for a moment about the way appeasement usually goes, and begin by citing Churchill in his trenchant response to Chamberlain. “You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour and you will have war.”

Appeasement Shows Up Everywhere

The emotional makeup of the appeaser is consistent, regardless of venue. It might be a hapless parent, saying that his toddler is “losing self-control” when what is actually happening is that the toddler is showing absolute mastery of the situation, is exercising total control, and has decided to do the whole thing again tomorrow. It might happen when a feckless Secretary of State flies around the whole telling troublesome rogue states that he is going to count to ten. “Nine and a half . . . nine and three quarters . . .”

And of course, the same mentality, the mentality of the appeaser is on full display in our culture wars. A recent example was the decision of the NCAA to pull certain games out of North Carolina in order to register their disapproval of how North Carolina had decided to protect little girls from bona fide creepers in public rest rooms. Thus it has come to pass that the advocates of “safe spaces” on college campuses—defined as spaces sufficiently insulated from opinions that are contrary to their own—are strident opponents of actual safe spaces for girls who will run the risk of being molested and/or filmed by some tranny named Bruno. Rest rooms, as you may recall, don’t have surveillance cameras in them, and so when North Carolina acted like a commonwealth full of people with common sense and said that folks needed to use the kind of bathroom that matched their sex on their birth certificate, the enlightened ones among us—no other phrase will do—went ape shit.

Gnats and Camels

The really offensive thing in all this, some will say, is not that a precious little girl in North Carolina will have her innocence violated, but rather that some writer in North Idaho is still allowed to use words like “tranny” and “Bruno.” We suggest that heavy fines are in order. And certain furrowed-brow evangelicals will chime in with their observation that we need to make some kind of communitarian peace with abortion, sodomy, and executive tyranny, but that we draw the line at uncouth references to primate fecal matter.

Back to North Carolina

Among those posturing, preening, flexing their inclusive biceps, and otherwise virtue signaling were the drama queens of the NCAA. They pulled some games out of North Carolina to show how committed to Diversity (all rise!) they are. They are way committed to Diversity. They showed us how all-in-dedicated to Diversity they were, are, and ever will be. They adopted a policy that went full-weirdo inclusion, which put them in the necessary position of having to exclude regular folks. It used to be that social engineers would justify their follies by saying that you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. We have now reached the apex of what our modern progressive thought-thinkers are now maintaining, which is that you can’t throw eggs at the sidewalk without breaking a few eggs.

So Then, Appeasement . . .

Now how do we know that we are in an appeasement situation? Those strident voices on the Left know that they are not dealing with anyone committed to Diversity in the slightest, but rather with businessmen who have PR departments that insistently tell them which way the wind is blowing. They know, in short, that they are dealing with appeasement monkeys. And that is why they did not say “Good job, NCAA! Way to be decent and progressive human beings!”

No, no, not at all. They actually ratcheted everything up to the next level. Now that you have granted all of our premises by boycotting North Carolina, we will immediately demand the expulsion of BYU from the NCAA. And, granting the premises, which you are just now granted, this is absolutely correct. Here is a fine sample of this kind of thinking.

The NCAA are craven appeasers, not foot soldiers of the Left. They are the Vichy government, not the Nazis. They are Churchill’s appeasers, feeding the crocodile with others, hoping to be the last one eaten. It is a good thing they all went into sports during high school and college. I hear that sports build character.

Out in Nebuchadnezzar’s Pasture

But of course, we do not grant the premises. Any set of premises that winds up with serious-looking people putting tampons in the men’s room is a set of premises that ought to be examined just a bit more closely. This is where we have gotten, people. Half a century of tax-payer funded sex-ed classes for millions of students, costing many millions of dollars, and the alumni of these sex-ed classes now occupy many positions of influence, and they have crowned their distinguished course of study by putting tampons in the men’s rooms. But they cannot linger for very long—they are all off to a seminar which will lambast conservatives for being “anti-science.”

Like I said, if you grant the lunatic premises then you will be able, with little effort, to land yourself in a lunatic conclusion. But why do that? Why go along with it all? Why fight a rearguard action against it? Why not face facts, and admit that our once great civilization has officially gotten to the point that Nebuchadnezzar reached when he assumed the role of a moo-cow. Not only so, but we have reached that point for precisely the same reasons. We were full of the pride of life, and in hubris we marveled at this great secular Babylon which we had built. And so the God of Heaven sent out a decree from the watchers, and caused us to put tampons in the men’s rooms. We are the mighty ones, we are lords of the earth. We think we shall sit under this tree and watch our fingernails grow.

Hamster Babies

But bring this down to our evangelical leaders who have that same appeasement streak down in their souls. They have the backbone of a chocolate eclair. They have the sturdy ribs of a very large recently-shelled oyster. They have the fighting spirit of a Tupperware bowl full of hamster babies.

How can you tell if someone is an evangelical appeaser? It is very simple. They will take issue with what follows. We need to start saying things something like the following to the world:

“Everything you know about discrimination is wrong.” “All you have been taught about equality is incoherent.” “You don’t know what human rights are.” “The only problem with social justice warriors is that they don’t know what society is, what justice is, or what war is like.” “The 1964 Civil Rights Act was a masterful plan if you are a Greek, and an unmitigated disaster if you are a Trojan.”

We are up against people who oppose genital mutilation of young children in Yemen but support it whole-heartedly in San Francisco. We are up against progressives who championed Title IX foolishness for a generation, but who then suddenly changed their minds, and destroyed women’s sports in just a matter of months. I point this out simply to note that we are not up against thinkers. But they still get what they want because of who they are up against.

Some of us like it hot, others like it cold. Others like it in the pot.

Appeasement porridge hot,

Appeasement porridge cold,

Appeasement porridge in the pot

Nine days old.

Anyone who thinks that this trajectory we are on can end without overt persecution of the believing church in North America is living in a dream land. I suggest another strategy, and another set of generals. And during the coming troubles, we need to be led by churchills, not chamberlains.

Article originally published at DougWils.com.