Wife of Abortionist Pleads Guilty

imgresThe wife of the highly controversial late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell has plead guilty in the performance of ghastly illegal abortions on viable unborn children at a Philadelphia abortion clinic.

Pearl Gosnell entered guilty pleas in federal court on charges of participating in an illegal late-term abortion, conspiracy, and participating in a corrupt organization.

Gosnell’s husband was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of first-degree murder in the killing of seven viable preborn children and the death of a woman who underwent a botched abortion.

Gosnell, who has no formal obstetrical training, has been accused of delivering viable children alive in the sixth, seventh, and eighth months of pregnancy. He then allegedly killed the children by using a scissors to sever their spinal cords.

Federal prosecutors described Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society clinic as a “house of horrors.” Investigators discovered the remains of aborted children in milk jugs and cat food containers. They also found shelves lined with jars containing the severed feet of unborn children. They also found blood-stained floors and furniture, and said the facility smelled of urine.

Gosnell’s wife acknowledged that she assisted Gosnell with abortions on Sundays. She admitted that she “helped do the instruments” in the operating room despite having no medical training. Pearl Gosnell joins six other employees who have plead guilty to various charges involving the late-term abortion mill.

One of those employees, Tina Baldwin, plead guilty to having her fifteen year-old daughter administer anesthetics to women receiving abortions despite the fact that neither one had any medical training.

Yet another employee who plead guilty, Lynda Williams, was hired by Gosnell to clean operating room instruments. Soon she was performing ultrasounds and anesthetizing abortion patients. She was charged with administering lethal doses of Demerol and other drugs to Karnamaya Mongar, who died of cardiac arrest.

ifi_logoGosnell’s clinic had not been inspected by Pennsylvania health officials for seventeen years. The Pennsylvania General Assembly has advanced new legislation to strengthen regulation of the state’s abortion facilities.

LifeNews.com reports that one of the legislators, Pennsylvania State Representative Margo Davidson (D-Upper Darby), offered some personal testimony during the debate. Representative Davidson shared that her 22-year old cousin, Semika Shaw, died as a result of another botched abortion at Gosnell’s clinic.

This is why it is so very important to support legislation to require that abortion clinics in Illinois meet basic safety regulations of other similar outpatient treatment centers.  (They have never been regulated.)



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Report: Illinois Clinics Hid Six Abortion Deaths, 4,000 Injuries

The Chicago Tribune newspaper has released the details of a new investigative report revealing the number of abortions in the state has been massively underreported. Those numbers include six women who have died from botched abortions and 4,000 who were injured.

Although state law on abortion that Illinois adopted in 1975 requires abortion centers to report numbers and complications to the Illinois Department of Public Health, the Tribune found the state system for tracking abortions is so broken that officials are likely missing as many as 7,000 abortions annually.

The newspaper found state officials documenting between 7,000 and 17,000 fewer abortions per year than the Guttmacher Institute, the former Planned Parenthood research arm that obtains numbers directly from abortion businesses. Although failure to report abortion figures or to do so properly is technically a criminal act, the Department of Public Health has never come down against an abortion business for violating the state law.

Kelly Jakubek, an agency spokeswoman, told the newspaper that it is the responsibility of abortion practitioners, not the state, to ensure they are complying with the law. She said the health department never responds to the reports because they are meant for statistics purposes only.

The Tribune also indicated that Illinois has no process other than the abortion statistics reporting to monitor whether abortion facilities or abortion practitioners have high rates of complications and may be killing or injuring women in abortions. Although Illinois currently tabulates abortions from 26 locations that do abortions in the state, Guttmacher lists 37 places as doing abortions in Illinois.

The newspaper also found that 4,000 women injured by botched abortions failed to have those injuries noted in official reports.

“For example, in 2002, after an area woman’s uterus was torn in an abortion, she began hemorrhaging, went into cardiac shock and was hospitalized for three weeks. Several years later, a mother of three experienced seizure symptoms and slipped into a coma following her abortion at a city clinic. And in 2009, a teenage girl suffered respiratory and cardiac arrest and died immediately following her abortion in a northern suburb, according to court records,” the Tribune reported.

“In certain medical malpractice cases reviewed by the Tribune, women said they were never informed by their provider that the abortion was unsuccessful and later underwent challenging pregnancies, painful deliveries and other complications.”

“Others suffered anesthesia-related problems, hemorrhaging and infections, according to the suits,” it indicated.

Maurice Stevenson, who lost his wife to a lethal infection that her 2002 abortion at a Planned Parenthood center in Chicago brought on, told theTribune he is upset to learn of the newspaper’s discoveries, saying, “It’s outrageous. These procedures, complications and deaths should be public record.”

The Tribune said the abortion business refused to discuss the abortion deaths.

“Planned Parenthood could not confirm for the Tribune whether it had reported the 2002 death of Stevenson’s wife, only that it had reported the 2008 death of another patient. The organization said it had no reason to believe the 2002 death was not reported but that the records were in storage,” theTribune reported. “And Family Planning Associates said it could not confirm whether it had reported three deaths, in 1998, 1999 and 2000. A woman who identified herself as a manager of the Women’s Aid Clinic of Lincolnwood would not comment on a 2009 death.”

President Obama: Helping to Make the Murder of Newborns Possible

An abortion doctor in Philadelphia has been charged with the gruesome murders of seven babies, babies born alive whom the doctor then killed with a pair of scissors.  (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SUN6CHSICE)

Dr. Kermit Gosnell induced labor and forced the births of viable babies in their sixth, seventh and eighth months of pregnancy. After the newborns drew their first breath, he stuck a pair of scissors into the back of their necks and severed their spinal cords. Gosnell cavalierly referred to the practice as “snipping,” as if he were pruning flowers in his garden.

Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams said hundreds of other babies likely died in the squalid clinic that Gosnell ran from 1979 to 2010. The grand jury report said, “These killings became so routine that no one could put an exact number on them. They were considered ‘standard procedure.'”

According to the DA, the state agencies charged with overseeing individual physicians flatly refused to do anything despite knowing that 46 lawsuits had been filed against him and being presented repeatedly with evidence of wrongdoing in Dr. Gosnell’s clinic. The clinic had not been visited by oversight officials since 1993, after pro-life Democrat governor Bob Casey left office, and was not in fact visited again at all until February of 2010 in connection with a drug investigation.

The DA said the doctor demonstrated “disregard of the law (note: abortions after 24 weeks are illegal in Pennsylvania), and the disdain for the lives and health of mothers and infants.”

Gosnell charged his clients, most of whom were poor, between $1,625 and $3,000 for these illegal abortions, and authorities found $240,000 in cash in his home. He has become a millionaire by murdering babies in their first moments of life. The DA said he had cleared $1.8 million in one recent year alone through his grisly and gruesome dungeon. He is America’s Dr. Mengele.

Williams says the doctor “cut short the lives of living, breathing babies who would have survived with proper medical attention.” In the understatement of the year, he went on to say, “A doctor who cuts into the necks severing the spinal cords of living, breathing babies, who would survive with proper medical attention, is committing murder under the law.”

Added Williams, “My comprehension of the English language can’t adequately describe the barbaric nature of Dr. Gosnell.”

Bags and bottles holding aborted babies were found scattered throughout the building. One shelf was lined with jars containing the severed feet of babies. Gosnell used unsterilized instruments, re-used disposable medical supplies, and performed procedures in filthy rooms which reeked of cat urine.

No wonder local officials described his clinic as a “house of horrors.”

Another murder charge has been filed on behalf of the family of an adult immigrant woman, who was killed through an overdose of anesthesia administrated by an untrained high school student when Dr. Gosnell was not even on the premises.

Who has made this kind of barbarity possible? For an accomplice, look no further than the Oval Office. The sitting president of the United States used his influence no less than four times as an Illinois state senator to prevent newborn babies from receiving medical care that could have saved their lives.

He used his political power to make sure that babies born alive in Illinois after surviving an abortion attempt were tossed in a corner of the room and left to die.

What is the moral difference between discarding a baby and allowing it to die with no care, no comfort, no medical attention, and killing the same baby with a pair of scissors? Perhaps there is a difference in savagery, but there is no difference in barbarity.

I submit that the president of the United States shares moral culpability for creating a climate in which this kind of Mayan-era butchery could take place. He too, just like Dr. Gosnell, has shown a “disdain for the lives and health of … infants.”

Utter moral failure can be found on all fronts. One cannot imagine the darkness of a man’s heart who could enrich himself by sticking scissors into the necks of newborn babies, or fathom the conscience of government officials who deliberately refuse to exercise accountability. They could have saved the lives of these seven babies, but were absent without leave for at least 17 years.

And yet even worse, the man who sits in the most powerful office in the world does not believe in the sanctity of newborn human life. If he doesn’t, why should a butcher in Philadelphia?


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