Live Action: 1st Trimester Chemical Abortion

It’s incredibly awkward when you’re in an important worldview conversation with a friend, and you don’t know what to say. You can’t figure out the right facts or convincing words to combat their argument, and worse, the conversation ends with you questioning your own beliefs.

First Peter 3:15 says “…always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” Though this verse is speaking about sharing the gospel, the principle – always being prepared to make a defense with gentleness and respect – applies to anything we believe.

The Sanctity of Life is one area in which it’s especially important to be prepared. This video about the abortion pill from Live Action is a good starting place to build practical knowledge for your next conversation. Check it out and share the video!



Death Coming Soon to A Pharmacy Near You

As of early January 2023, Danco Laboratories, the U.S. manufacturer of the abortion pill, announced that the FDA has made changes to its guidelines surrounding the abortion pill. These changes allow pharmacies, from large chains like CVS or Walgreens to small, locally owned businesses, to dispense the pill to anyone with a prescription.

Many women choose the abortion pill (also known as a chemical abortion) because they assume it’s safer and more natural. However, complications occur during chemical abortion four times more frequently than during surgical abortion. According to Dr. Christina Francis, “approximately one in five women will experience a significant complication,” which often must be treated by emergency surgery.

The abortion pill is actually a two-pill regimen made up of different drugs:  Mifepristone, also known as Mifeprex or RU-486, and Misoprostol. When a woman chooses to abort her pre-born baby through a chemical abortion, she first takes Mifeprex. This blocks progesterone, starving the pre-born baby of the nutrients needed to continue developing. One to two days later, she takes Misoprostol, which causes her to deliver her now-dead baby. This part frequently happens in the woman’s own home, so she is responsible for disposing of her pre-born baby’s body, often by flushing it down a toilet.

Unsurprisingly, this causes significant trauma for the woman involved in an abortion. Aside from the moral harm it does to her conscience, seeing her dead child covered in blood and floating in the toilet, often awakens her to the reality of what just happened, causing insurmountable emotional problems she will struggle with for years.

But the emotional trauma resulting from the use of the abortion pill isn’t why it was under guidelines that prevented it from being sold in retail pharmacies. Mifeprex, the first drug in the regimen, is dangerous enough that the FDA gave it REMS status. REMS stands for Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy, which is described by the FDA as, “a drug safety program that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can require for certain medications with serious safety concerns to help ensure the benefits of the medication outweigh its risks. REMS are designed to reinforce medication use behaviors and actions that support the safe use of that medication… REMS focus on preventing, monitoring and/or managing a specific serious risk by informing, educating and/or reinforcing actions to reduce the frequency and/or severity of the event.”

Mifeprex is often dangerous. A few of the possible side effects include:

Under the previous REMS guidelines for Mifeprex, women could only receive the pill in person at approved clinics or hospitals that could provide certain medical and safety procedures. But as of January 3rd, 2023, the guidelines have been amended by the FDA so that retail pharmacies who “become certified in the Mifepristone REMS Program” can dispense this highly dangerous pill to anyone with a prescription.

Women in hopeless situations, who believe the lie that the abortion pill is a safe and effective way to deal with a difficult circumstance, are unwittingly walking into a deadly situation. These women desperately need Jesus. This world desperately needs Jesus. The culture of death is so insatiable in its thirst for blood that it’s willing to bypass any concern for human life, and any idea of the sacredness of human life, solely to make death easier, more accessible, and more desirable.

Read more:

Four Doctors Groups Tell Federal Court to Pull Abortion Pill From Market, It’s Dangerous for Women (LifeNews.com)

Planned Parenthood’s Abortion RV Seeking to Devour

Due to the reversal of Roe V. Wade, Planned Parenthood has been forced to close many clinics in states whose lawmakers and governors are upholding the sanctity of life. But sadly, the culture of death has so pervaded our society that many women in more pro-life states have been traveling to pro-abortion states (like Illinois) to kill their babies.

According to an article by the Christian Post, one clinic in Illinois has seen a 30 percent increase in abortion patients and a 340 percent increase in women arriving from outside Illinois.

As a response to their inundated abortion mills (and the reversal of Roe V. Wade), Planned Parenthood is debuting a 37-foot RV that will prowl the borders of Illinois near more pro-life states to offer quicker and easier access to abortion.

Planned Parenthood’s RV will facilitate chemical abortions (using the abortion pill) on babies up to eleven weeks gestation. Planned Parenthood is hoping for the RV to eventually be equipped to commit surgical abortions, as well.

In John 10:10 Jesus says (speaking of the gospel of salvation), “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Abortion is predicated on the gospel of self; living for your own pleasures, and your own desires. This gospel of self, while promising fulfillment, ultimately leads to a culture of death (and not salvation), because the main goal is to fulfill your own desires and needs before anyone else’s. It steals, kills, and destroys, whereas the true gospel gives life.

Abortion is child sacrifice on the alter of I. The devil is a roaring lion, seeking to devour (1 Peter 5:8). Planned Parenthood’s abortion RV makes it easier to devour the lives of those made in the image of God and is part of the devil’s response to Roe V. Wade’s overturn.

Planned Parenthood’s RV doesn’t just devour the lives of the unborn. Pro-life advocates have pointed out that it’s dangerous for the mother, as well. Since the vehicle only administers chemical abortions (so far), they will give women the first pill, and send her home to take the second pill alone. According to an article by the Washington Post, the second pill “causes intense uterine contractions intended to force the mother’s uterus to expel the body of her aborted child.”

This pill is dangerous, painful, and traumatizing for the women who take it, and it can result in the death of both the mother and the child. The Planned Parenthood RV will start a woman on the pill, then send her home to deal with the rest of it by herself.

A culture of death is what you get when you turn away from the gospel of life as America has. A nation that forgets God also forgets the morals that He created, because hearts that do not know the Lord strive against Him. So what can we do? Well, a culture of death can only be changed by the gospel of Christ. John 1:5 says,

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Now, more than ever, the church is needed in culture. To stand up, speak out, and remain firmly planted on the gospel of Christ by reaching out to our  communities with the hope that comes from Him. Working to serve mothers in your area or partnering with pregnancy centers to assist them in providing resources is another great way to help.  Above all, remaining steadfastly in prayer, for “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working” (James 5:16).




The Exterminators’ Enemy Number One

What would it be like to be considered “Public Enemy Number One”? The term, first used in connection with Chicago’s notorious Al Capone, is a label most of us would prefer to avoid. However, when the organization slapping on this damaging label is Planned Parenthood, the label becomes a badge of honor. Such is the case for Judie Brown! According to her son, Hugh Brown of American Life League, in the early 2000s Planned Parenthood published a list of enemies to abortion rights and Mrs. Judie Brown topped the list.

Born in the mid 1940s, Judie has spent a major portion of her adult life fighting not just for the lives of the unborn, but for respect and dignity for all of human life from conception to the grave. Fighting tirelessly alongside her for many years was her husband, Paul, and in more recent years her daughter Catherine (Daub) and her son Hugh–whose passion in the fight for ending abortion (one can only assume) was ignited in him by his mother’s example. He had this to say about her:

“My mother is my hero. She is fearless, courageous, loved by her supporters, and works tirelessly to fight what she considers the apathy within the Catholic church from the laity to the leadership. Contrary to popular belief within the church leadership, abortion is not a political issue but rather a faith issue. My mother’s passion for life stems from the Catholic values she was raised with and has embraced her whole life.”

One of Judie’s greatest contributions to life was the founding of the American Life League (ALL)  in 1979 after leaving the National Right to Life because she felt their mission didn’t go far enough to align with her Catholic beliefs. The mission of the American Life League is primarily an educational one. Some of the many ways they accomplish this are:

  • STOPP (Stop Planned Parenthood) – premier program of American Life League
  • Celebrate Life Publication – mailed to 60-70,000 homes every other month and also available online
  • Culture of Life Studies Program (CLSP) – this branch of ALL is an effective tool for educating young people on the scriptural truths of who they are and the fight for life. Resources include a multitude of materials such as brochures, teaching models, and DVDs which they strive to get into Catholic, private, and home schools. This program was created by Judie’s daughter, Catherine Daub.
  • Marian Blue Wave (celebrating its 3-year anniversary) – a movement aimed at fighting the demonic ideology of abortion by encouraging daily prayer for the closing of specific abortion facilities. For Catholic people, it encourages the praying of the rosary daily and for other denominations praying in accordance with their beliefs.

The Marian Blue Wave movement has witnessed results in terms of outreach to women in a crisis pregnancy and the closing of those facilities seeking to exploit them. The prayers offered in this movement come from as many non-Catholics as they do Catholics.

Also, key among the work done by American Life League is the research they conduct and the reports which ensue such as the just released report on Planned Parenthood facilities which reveals the abortion vendors’ increasing reliance on the “abortion pill” for revenues. The DIY abortion drug is now sold at 391 locations (an 82 percent growth over previous years), putting women and girls at serious risk as they self-abort without medical oversight.

Mr Brown had some interesting things to say about the information from this report and the evolution of the abortion pill in particular.

“What stopped me in my shoes was when I realized this pill is being manufactured by the same company that produced Zyklon B – the drug that was used in the extermination of millions of jews and political dissidents under the Nazis during World War II.”

He was even more surprised to learn from his research (and “no!” it’s not a conspiracy theory) that even before the lockdown in March of 2020, Planned Parenthood was already working on apps and websites so they could send pills for home abortions. To be clear, this was set up BEFORE the actual lockdown. Also accomplished was the signing of emergency orders allowing the interstate shipping of these pills. 

What exactly IS the procedure utilized for aborting with this pill? It is one which violates the sanctity of life even more and contains the potential for encouraging an even more calloused attitude to the ending of innocent life. While an expectant woman needs to visit a doctor, be examined, and receive the first dose under their supervision, the second dose is administered to one’s self at home.

Mr. Brown passionately continued,

“Imagine the scenario of death pills being supplied to our daughters and young women, them self-aborting, and then experiencing the emotional trauma, all alone, of expelling their baby in the toilet!

A key point from the Planned Parenthood Facilities report is that Planned Parenthood now has 133 fewer facilities than in 1973 begging the question: Is Planned Parenthood in decline? According to Mr Brown,

“not really. There is actually an uptick in abortions in spite of the decline in facilities. Much of this can be attributed to the abortion pill.”

The impact is astounding. The life of the unborn, in spite of the reversal of Roe v Wade, is more precarious than ever. According to Brown, Planned Parenthood, already benefiting from $500 million a year in tax dollars and charitable contributions from wealthy patrons such as Mackenzie Scott (Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife) in the amount of $270 million, has unlimited resources and the firepower of the world behind them.

Those of us who have a heart for life and want to get involved want to know, “What can we do?”

Mr. Brown offered this succinct answer:

  • Outlawing abortion isn’t the answer. Whether legal or not, without truth and proper education of the facts, abortion will continue. Be a part of educating in truth!
  • Pray! Pray against the demonic horror of abortion! The devil has been released. We must pray against it.
  • Get involved in your community. What is your church doing or how can you get involved on the local level?
  • Support the efforts of American Life League and other pro-life organizations.

Judie Brown, Planned Parenthood’s Public Enemy Number One, has done her part to make a difference for life! We can do the same!

Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do
Do not wait to shed your light afar
To the many duties ever near you now be true
Brighten the corner where you are
Charles Hutchinson Gabriel

Read the 2021 Planned Parenthood Facilities Report, released in July 2022 by American Life League here.

Regarding the Sale of Abortifacients in College Vending Machines

Most Americans, when correctly informed regarding abortion, oppose it.  It has only been through deception that the abortion lobby has been able to keep abortion legal, but the tide is turning as technology has opened the womb before our eyes.  However, the proponents of abortion miss no opportunity to increase the number of victims and thus we are today faced with the Illinois Democrat led House attempting to hound the unborn to death even into the private spaces of state colleges and universities.  They are seeking to place abortifacients “in an area of campus where students can access the emergency contraception on weekends or after class hours,” making these drugs of death nearly ubiquitous to young college women.  The hatred of the Left for unborn children appears pathological.

While so-called “emergency contraceptives” are promoted as a means of preventing pregnancies, they also act to impede or prevent implantation of a fertilized ovum, should conception occur, thus making them abortifacients as well.

God, however, is avidly prolife.  In Psalm 127 we read that “children are a heritage from the Lord. . . . blessed is the man who has his quiver full of them.”  From the beginning of mankind’s existence we see God’s favor toward reproduction as He commanded Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth. . . .”

For those who love life and children, it is difficult to understand the perspective of those who hate God Christianity and babies.  Just as we find ourselves enjoying what our loved ones enjoy, we also tend to hate the things our enemies favor. Because God loves life, His enemies hate it. Proverbs 8:36 notes that “all those who hate Me love death.” Life, and especially innocent children, apparently reflect God so brightly that the Left hates their very existence and targets them for death. The unborn are not collateral damage in the Left’s quest for equality or freedom, they are the target of a malignant hatred.

Therefore, anyone who loves God and life must oppose abortion and its related evils.

Abortion is evil because it is the taking of an innocent life, period. There is no rebuttal to the factual and scientific evidence that a new human being comes into existence at the moment of conception. Jerome LeJune, considered in his time a leading, if not the leading geneticist in the world, noted that he knew of no geneticist who would disagree with the statement that a new human life began at conception!

Thus, abortion is a scientific and spiritual abomination, but it has other significant moral and ethical implications. It trivializes life by promoting its destruction. It is not surprising that as abortion has become common, life itself at all ages has become less precious. What quantifiable difference is there between a life at 38 weeks after conception and 42 weeks after conception, or for that matter fifty years after conception? The reality of this is seen in the willingness of some leaders to allow the taking of the life of little babies in the hours following delivery, if the mother chooses.  The value of human life is becoming subjective, depending on the opinion of mere people.

Abortion trivializes relationships, as people disconnect sexual activity from childbearing and long-term relationships. It is abundantly clear that sex does not nor can stand alone as a mere bodily function. It is fraught with deep personal attachments, feelings, and emotions, which cannot be turned on or off at will. The real possibility and responsibility of parenting a child that once was a given with sexual activity has been weakened to the point that many young people believe that the two have little or nothing to do with each other; yet, contradicting the voices of the “experts,” sexually active young people do not find themselves liberated, but rather burdened by guilt, estrangement, loneliness, and long-term pain. A life of one-night-stands is neither satisfying nor fulfilling.

Additionally, these young people are finding that establishing long-term trusting relationships has become frustratingly elusive, and for some, impossible. Thus, the one relationship that is, next to a relationship with the Creator, most conducive to one’s long-term wellbeing is being avoided by millions of Americans, with the attendant disfunctions.

Human sexuality is tremendously complex, and while holding the potential of great pleasure, satisfaction, and strengthening a couple’s relationship, it is also fraught with peril. So, great idea here: let’s place abortifacients in vending machines right next to the Twinkies, popcorn, and Tootsie Rolls! That will certainly help facilitate young people’s understanding of the seriously life-altering reality of sexual activity, pregnancy, and abortion!

The fact is, America has created an incoherent common culture. On the one hand we will spend millions of dollars to save the life of one preemie, when the mother wants it. But at the same time, we kill millions of babies in the womb because they are inconvenient to mothers who don’t want them or have been convinced for the moment that a baby is not in their best interest.

There is no explanation for promoting such barbarity other than a deep-seated hatred for the unborn, which can only be attributed to a hatred for mankind in general. Anyone who can see the grisly reality of abortion without a visceral reaction reveals a callous antipathy toward the unborn and distain for women and motherhood.

As horrendous as abortion is one must ask why the urgency to promote it, as HB 4247 indicates? Moreover, why legislatively cap the price of these abortion pills to $40? The message delivered is that every pregnancy is a crisis of vast proportion.

And, putting drugs that can bring an end to a human life in every nook and cranny of our existence is safe, right?  (no irony there!) What could possibly go wrong?  Young women self-diagnosing, no doctors involved.  Nothing of concern here!

Then we look at America’s children. Yeah, I am referring to those who managed to survive the nation’s lethal attacks against children. How does abortion affect them, especially as we make the process as available as a candy bar? Make no mistake. Children are not so naïve as the Left would have us believe, and they are not as resilient as many suggest. The rising depression and suicide rates among America’s children did not happen in a vacuum. How can they not perceive that the nation has put a target on their backs? How can they not wonder whether they might be unwanted, too? Might they see themselves as expendable, just as the preborn are? Abortion providers can rationalize the slaughter all they want, but children are not sophisticated enough to manipulate facts so as to rationalize away the reality of babies dying all around them. Abortion is itself an abominable abuse, it is only made worse by the fact that the holocaust cannot be hidden from the eyes and hearts of the surviving children.

Finally, because abortion is evil, to force opponents to participate in it is an egregious violation of liberty and conscience. It is bad enough to hinder people from doing what they want to do, it is evil of a different class to force them to participate in an act they abhor, that of snuffing out the lives of innocent children.

Such wickedness must be opposed at all cost.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to contact your local state senator to let him/her know that you do not want your tax dollars used to subsidize emergency contraceptives on college campuses. Moreover, it is absolutely foolish to encourage risky sexual behavior in young people.

This bill passed out of the Illinois House on March 3rd by a vote of 62-38 with two voting present. If you agree with us that that HB 4247 is dangerous and threatens the well-being of our young people, please help us stop this bill in the Illinois Senate by contacting your state senator right away.

Even During a National Medical Emergency, the Abortion Industry Still Thinks It’s “Essential”

Written by Patricia Mosley

As part of their COVID-19 response, the U.K. initially approved new measures to allow women to take the complete abortion pill regimen at home. Now, it appears that this measure has been reversed. The reasoning given was, “This was published in error. There will be no changes to abortion regulations.”

The abortion pill is a two-drug regimen that is basically a do-it-yourself method anyways, but normally, the woman would have some type of interaction with a physician by taking the first pill (mifepristone) under their supervision at the clinic and then going home to take the second drug (misoprostol) 24-48 hours later.

Because the U.K. considers abortion an “essential service” amid the pandemic, their response was to completely place the burden of abortion on women. These women would have been popping both pills at home with no physician oversight.

But this is what the abortion industry all over the world has been calling for even before the current pandemic—for abortions to be unrestricted, unregulated, and do-it-yourself. Gone are the days when they were calling for “safe, legal, and rare” to protect against desperate women performing their own “back-alley” abortions. Now abortion pills are the new back-alley method, credentialed by the world’s most prestigious medical institutions.

Because the U.S. has FDA restrictions (REMs) on the abortion pill (U.S. brand “Mifeprex”), it cannot be a “complete” DIY method, but either way, restrictions or no restrictions, the abortion pill method is set up to be an at-home, multi-day, traumatic process that comes with the risk of serious complications.

Chemical abortions carry four times the rate of complications compared to surgical abortions. The two side effects observed to be more prevalent during chemical abortions than surgical abortions were hemorrhage and incomplete abortion. An incomplete abortion means there needed to be surgical intervention to extract any remaining parts of the unborn child from the woman’s uterus. Prolonged hemorrhage requiring blood transfusion can occur. It’s already been reported to the FDA that over 500 blood transfusions, over a thousand hospitalizations, and 24 deaths took place as result of Mifeprex. And that is just what’s been reported.

Fortunately right now, the U.S. has strong pro-life leadership from the top down, so at a national level it’s unlikely that we will see abortion be declared an “essential service” at a time like this. However, that will not stop the abortion industry from demanding that it should be. Some states have already deemed abortion “essential.”

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and their allies have already put out a statement complaining that abortions are being left out of essential health care services that need to remain open at this time. Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio is at war with the state Attorney General and Health Department as they continue to perform abortions even though they have been directly ordered not to.

Planned Parenthood claims they can still achieve the goal of conserving medical resources for essential health care personnel combatting COVID-19 by remaining open. How would they do this? They didn’t explain.

It doesn’t take a lot of time to deduce that the abortion industry is likely dispensing abortion pills to pregnant women who are past the FDA-approved gestational age limit of 10 weeks. The abortion industry has already been experimenting with performing abortions past 13 weeks on vulnerable women in Burkina FasoColumbia, and Mexico.

Even the once abortion-neutral humanitarian aid group Doctors Without Borders (DWB), with the approval of the World Health Organization, has instructional guidelines on how women can perform their own drug-based abortion up to 22 weeks!

Although they claim these instructional videos are for training their medical workers, they acknowledge that they expect women to go to the site in order to learn how to induce their own abortions.

The fact that chemical abortions already carry significant complications and that the rate of those complications only increase as the gestational age of the pregnancy increases shows that Doctors Without Borders are bordering on medical malpractice.

The complications that can arise from taking the abortion pill place women in life-threatening situations that may require follow-up visits to the abortion clinic and the emergency room. We are now likely to see scenarios where women who have taken the abortion pill regimen will need blood transfusions, treatment for infections, and possible follow-up surgery to complete the abortion, which means they will need to go to the emergency room and wait for treatment next to possible victims of the coronavirus pandemic. How is this conserving medical resources? How is this protecting the safety and health of women?

Thankfully, there are still some reputable medical leaders, such as AAPLOG, who refuse to put women in this type of danger by categorizing abortion as an “essential service.”

Killing innocent children in the womb should never be considered any type of “service,” in the midst of a pandemic or not. By encouraging women to self-manage an abortion up to 22 weeks and calling do-it-yourself abortion a “paid” service, the abortion industry has been and is currently showing us that they have no regard for human dignity whatsoever—for the child or the mother.

This article was originally published at the FRCblog.com.

This Life Saving Pill Has Already Saved 300 Babies from Abortion

Recently the California Board of Registered Nursing determined that the scientific evidence in support of the Abortion Pill Reversal was important to the health and safety of mother and child.

The Board audited the method for over a year and, according to LifeSite News, then “decided that the Abortion Pill Reversal a medical intervention that has been pioneered by doctors George Delgado and Matthew Harrison and now includes a network of 350 physicians throughout the U.S.” This method allows mothers who have taken the abortion pill (Mifeprex or RU-486) to call a 24/7 helpline at (877) 558-0333 in order to have the process reversed.

Over 300 women have stopped their abortion from working by means of the abortion pill reversal.

“We’re grateful to California’s Board of Registered Nursing for their professionalism and diligence throughout this process,” Heartbeat International president Jor-El Godsey said, according to National Right to Life News. “Every nurse needs to know the truth about abortion—including the truth that a woman can change her mind in some cases even after the abortion has begun.”

Family Research Council’s Director of the Center for Human Dignity, Arina Grossu writes for the Daily Signal:

This innovative procedure was discovered by Dr. Matt Harrison in 2006. He realized that if he gave women extra progesterone, it competed with the effects of mifepristone and could save the baby’s life by allowing nutrients to once again reach the growing baby.

Since 2009, Dr. George Delgado has also been involved in the abortion pill reversal. Delgado and others established the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline in 2012. Now, there are more than 350 providers nationwide who are equipped to do the abortion pill reversal technique.

A medically inaccurate and misleading video by Planned Parenthood instructs its viewers to first take mifepristone, saying, “it stops your pregnancy from developing.” It then instructs its viewers to take misoprostol one to two days later, claiming that the drug “causes cramping and bleeding that empties your uterus.” But this is far from reality. A Live Action video featuring Dr. Levatino details what really happens during this type of abortion:

At the abortion clinic or doctor’s office, the woman takes pills which contain mifepristone, also called RU 486. RU 486 blocks the action of a hormone called progesterone. When RU 486 blocks progesterone the lining of the mother’s uterus breaks down, cutting off blood and nourishment to the baby, who then dies inside the mother’s womb. Twenty-four to forty-eight hours after taking RU 486, the woman take misoprostol… that is administered either orally or vaginally. RU 486 and misoprostol together cause severe cramping, contractions, and often heavy bleeding to force the dead baby out of the mother’s uterus. The process can be very intense and painful, and the bleeding and contractions can last from a few hours to several days. While she could lose her baby anytime and anywhere during this process, the woman will often sit on a toilet as she prepares to expel the child, which she will then flush.

For abortion pill regret stories, visit here. For abortion pill reversal stories, visit here.

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FDA Makes a Dangerous Abortion Pill Even More Dangerous

Written by Lila Rose

In a stunningly reckless move, the Obama Food and Drug Administration recently relaxed standards for administering the abortion pill RU-486, allowing it to be used to abort children who are more developed in the womb and, shockingly, requiring even less physician supervision of a drug that has hospitalized and even killed women.

Last week, members of Congress asked the FDA to show the scientific evidence it used to justify loosening the guidelines for such a dangerous drug. Concerned that the decision was a political one and not one based on safety, Congress has also asked for copies of all communications between the White House, the FDA, and Planned Parenthood.

Despite the controversy, Planned Parenthood called the FDA’s decision to loosen the pill’s protocol “great news,” likely because of the new business it will get from being able to advertise the expensive pill to women with later-term pregnancies. Planned Parenthood’s abortionists will also be required to spend less time with individual clients.

RU-486, or mifepristone, was first approved in 2000 to chemically abort preborn children up to seven weeks into pregnancy (counting from a woman’s last menstrual period). With this latest move, the FDA expanded its use to ten weeks.

Let me tell you what a baby at ten weeks looks like. Despite the euphemisms the abortion industry uses to dehumanize them, these children aren’t just “clumps of cells.” At ten weeks, a baby has arms and legs, and she can suck her tiny little thumb, open and close her jaw, stretch, and even sigh.

And contrary to what the abortion industry tells women, the RU-486 protocol is not a simple set of pills that make a pregnancy magically disappear. Mifepristone cuts off blood and nutrients to the growing preborn baby, slowly starving her inside the womb over the course of a day or two. After the baby is assumed dead, the mother takes another drug — misoprostol — that causes intense contractions and heavy bleeding, which forces her dead baby from her womb.

Abortionists don’t want to stand around and wait for this long process to take place, so the FDA also relaxed the amount of supervision abortionists are required to provide, leaving women mostly on their own during the abortion.

That’s right, during this multi-day process, a woman is often alone at home with absolutely no medical supervision. She’s told to sit in the bathroom as she goes through hours of bleeding and contractions and eventually bleeds her baby into the toilet.

You can see exactly how RU-486 works and how developed the baby is at the time in this short medical animation of what occurs inside the womb. In the video, Dr. Anthony Levatino, an OB/GYN who performed over 1,200 abortions, also discusses the pill’s effects on the mother. The video is part of Live Action’s new AbortionProcedures.comwebsite, which shows medically accurate animations of the four most prevalent abortion procedures.

If the Obama administration cares as much about women as it claims, it’s hard to imagine why the Obama FDA told abortionists that they could be even more hands-off.

The situation is even more frightening when you realize that in states that don’t require parental consent for abortions or that have ways of getting around it, minors can get the abortion pill and go through this dangerous days-long abortion without any adult or medical supervision.

The pill also presents a dangerous complication for women who have undetected ectopic pregnancies, where the embryo implants in a place other than the uterus, often in one of the fallopian tubes. RU-486 is ineffective in ending an ectopic pregnancy. While the mother thinks she has aborted her child, the preborn child may continue to grow in this hostile environment, leading to the eventual death of the child and internal rupturing, severe bleeding, and possible death for the mother.

No one can deny the financial benefits to the abortion industry of these new, slacker rules. Not only does allowing the abortion pill to be used later in pregnancy open the doors to new clients, it also guarantees a greater failure rate for the pill, subjecting some mothers and their babies to two abortion procedures. That’s because the more developed the baby, the greater the failure rate of the pill.

At the new ten-week limit, the FDA’s own numbers show the chance of an incomplete chemical abortion is more than triple the rate of the prior seven-week limit. That means under the new guidelines, in three times as many cases, abortionists will have to follow up with — and may charge for — a second, surgical abortion.

In the end, loosening the restrictions on such dangerous drugs doesn’t make “health care” more accessible to women. Instead, it shows what little regard the Obama administration and the abortion industry have for mothers and the vulnerable lives developing inside them.

The antidote to their recklessness is to share the truth about the harm chemical abortions do to both mother and child. Perhaps then, mothers will see that this latest move isn’t about making things better for them, but about President Obama paying back an industry that has given him millions in campaign contributions and now wants something in return.


Lila Rose is the president and founder of Live Action.

This article was originally posted at NationalReview.com

Pharmacists For Life Condemns FDA Approval of Chemical Cousin of Abortion Pill (RU 486)

In many places of employment a gigantic board is posted listing the shortages and outages of essential medications, such as antibiotics, pain relievers, anesthetics and drugs for sedation. This problem has been significant for years, and has worsened considerably in the last year, impeding pharmacists’ ability to provide vital care for our patients. The FDA has placed the approval of this “chemical cousin” analog of mifepristone (sometimes known by its antiquated experimental name, RU 486) ahead of the need to address this severe health care issue.

Our disgust for the deadly FDA action is profound and beyond the ability to verbalize. Ulipristal acetate, according to its own developers, can kill embryos and feti. It is marketed in Europe as EllaOne® . The low dose 30mg form of Ella®, has been prioritized for approval by the US FDA, which would have served the citizens of the US better by adequately addressing the current, rolling shortages of truly lifesaving and essential medications, rather than chemicals whose main intent is to snuff out a nascent life in the first few weeks of existence.

The embryocidal doses of ulipristal acetate may now be stockpiled and accumulated by prescribers or patients for “medical” chemical abortions at home, sidestepping the so-called regulation of mifepristone/misoprostil (the other abortion drug brought to the US in the 1990s by the Population Council and whose $4 million experimentation bill was entirely footed by mega-billionaire Warren Buffett). This will lead to additional life-endangering problems for the targeted adolescent girls and women, as well as giving continued cover for sexual predators of underage girls and incestuous abusive relationships.

The FDA is expected to continue in its long tradition of relegating females to lowest class health care status. PFLI rounded and vehemently denounces and condemns the FDA for this inappropriate use of its drug regulatory power to destroy life rather than approve and regulate medicines which actually are life-saving and preserve health.