Tag Archives: Alabama


Letter Exposes Bigoted, Anti-Liberty and Anti-Life Attitudes of Leftists

How does opposition to human slaughter—including the slaughter of about 440,000 female humans annually—constitute "contempt and misogynistic views toward women"? And are the 36% of women who oppose abortion in "all or most cases" as revealed in a Pew Forum poll guilty of contempt for women and misogyny? Frank asked why "so many white Republican male legislators willfully rule that women carry a fetus to full term in cases of rape or incest." That's an easy-peasy question to answer...
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PODCAST: Letter Exposes Bigoted, Anti-Liberty and Anti-Life Attitudes of Leftists

In a “Voice of the People” letter appearing in Sunday’s Chicago Tribune, JoAnn Lee Frank of Clearwater, Florida says the following:

The bill passed in Alabama banning nearly all abortions smacks of contempt and misogynistic views toward women. Why else would so many white Republican male legislators willfully rule that women carry a fetus to full term in cases of rape and incest? Even if it is their religious belief, it has no business influencing the law. The attitude of the lawmakers is not only cruel and unjust, it’s also sick and destructive. This stunning decision violates the constitutional

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Saying No to Rogue Federal Judges

Many of us have wondered how long it would be before a prominent official proclaimed that rogue federal judges, like the proverbial emperor, have no clothes and thus no authority to make up laws.

That’s what Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore did this past week in a letter to Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, in which he began by asserting that “the recent ruling of Judge Callie Granade … has raised serious, legitimate concerns about the propriety of federal court jurisdiction over the Alabama Sanctity of Marriage Amendment.”

In 2006, Alabama voters approved the marriage measure by 81 percent to …

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