Tag Archives: Alberto Giubilini


Virginia Lawmaker Wants to Make Child Sacrifice Easier

Nothing screams “nasty woman” quite like Virginia lawmaker Kathy Tran’s cold-blooded bill that would legalize de facto infanticide. When asked if her bill would allow the slaughter of a full-term baby during labor, she was forced to publicly admit that it would.
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Abortion is much in the news lately as Judge Brett Kavanaugh—who many abortion-cheerleaders fear will overturn Roe v. Wade—stands poised to become the newest member of the U.S. Supreme Court. Their protestations to the contrary, abortion supporters—who call themselves euphemistically “pro-choice”—are, in reality, pro-death. Women who seek abortions do not seek centrally to terminate a pregnancy. They seek to terminate a human life.

Here’s a thought experiment that might help reveal the ugly truth hiding behind euphemisms: Imagine if all these past 45 bloody years, it had been technologically possible to extract tiny humans from the wombs of …

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Abortion, Infanticide and Euthanasia Oh My!

It was recently reported that the Netherlands will soon open the country’s first center for child self-murder euthanasia for children between the ages of 1-12. The country, which already permits the involuntary killing of infants up to the age of 1 and permits medically assisted suicide for children over the age of 12, is revisiting prohibitions of child-killing between the ages of 1-12.
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