Demand an End to COVID-19 Tyranny

On March 9, Governor J.B. Pritzker issued his first “stay-at-home” emergency Executive Order (EO). That was followed by another EO extending his stay-at-home order through April 30th. Then last week, Gov. Pritzker extended his stay-at-home order for another 30 days, through the end of May. If not extended again, that would constitute a total of 11 weeks of a lock-down for Illinois residents and businesses.

Since Illinois law only grants the governor emergency authority for a period of 30 days, the extensions of Gov. Pritzker’s “stay-at-home” order, which closes businesses and forbids church services and assemblies in excess of ten citizens, constitutes an overreach of executive authority. Thankfully, State Representative Darren Bailey (R-Louisville) took Gov. Pritzker to court over this very issue and won an important decision that may lead to a definitive strike-down of the governor’s dangerous precedent. In fact, Clay County Circuit Court Judge Michael McHaney was reported as saying that Gov. Pritzker’s subsequent executive orders ‘shredded the Constitution.’ The governor has promised to appeal this decision, so it may not be resolved anytime soon.

Gov. Pritzker and state lawmakers need to hear from their constituents about the abuse of power and the infringement of our civil liberties.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to Gov. Pritzker and your state lawmakers asking them to end the lock-down and restore our civil liberties. Consider pointing out that our First Amendment rights to freely exercise our religion and to assemble in our churches are essential.


In fairness to Gov. Prizker, the state’s initial response was part of his administrative effort to slow the spread of the disease and “flatten the curve” of COVID-19 hospitalizations. Yet over the past 6 weeks we have learned a lot about the COVID-19 pandemic. For one thing, the initial government predictions of hospitalizations and deaths were wrong. Thank God that these projections have been repeatedly revised downward but, unfortunately, not before contributing to the incitement of great fear and anxiety.

In Illinois, we have not come close to exceeding hospitalization and healthcare capacity. An excellent article by Wirepoints provides evidence of the adequacy of ICU bed capacity and ventilator availability.

Three weeks ago, Governor Pritzker stood before the media complaining about the Trump administration and our great need for ventilators, ICU beds, and other medical equipment. He was wrong. Illinois didn’t use half of the available ventilators and only two-thirds of available hospital beds.

The facts that have emerged over the past few weeks do not warrant Gov. Pritzker’s extended “stay-at-home” order. So, it is not surprising that his announced plans to extend the Illinois lock-down through the end of May is provoking a growing “enough is enough” response.

This past Friday, Illinois State Representative Allen Skillicorn (R-McHenry) issued a press release publicly asking,

Has the Governor lost his mind! How in the world could he possibly think of continuing a statewide lockdown when Cook County and Chicago are 70% of the positive cases, while 84 counties have less than 100 positives of which 75 have less than 50 positives. Just what will it take to convince Pharaoh Pritzker to let people in most of Illinois go!

Additionally, an Illinois Appellate Prosecutors Office’s staff memo sent by David J. Robinson, Chief Deputy Director of the 102 State’s Attorneys across Illinois are forewarned of possible litigation:

A cursory review of the EO (and extension) reveal clear – although potentially justified – infringements on the constitutional rights of Illinois citizens. See Article I, §2 (the State due process clause); Article I, §3 (religious freedom, including “mode of worship” protection); Article I, §5 (right to assemble and petition); Article I, §15 (right of eminent domain); and Article I, §24 (rights retained).

Article I, §23 also specifically accounts for citizen’s being responsible for their actions to preserve liberty, as follows: “A frequent recurrence to the fundamental principles of civil government is necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty. These blessings cannot endure unless the people recognize their corresponding individual obligations and responsibilities.” Implicit in §23 is idea that emergencies may require adherence to individual responsibility rather than suspension of Constitutional rights.

From a strict enforcement standpoint, although well-intentioned on an emergency basis, the EO is very broad and does not appear to meet strict scrutiny – this is not to mention the EO appears to be beyond the framework of the specific Act it cites as support.

Illinoisans must awaken to the truth: the governor’s edicts infringe on our God-given, unalienable rights as set forth in our federal and state constitutions.

Speak Out

Calls and email messages to state lawmakers are vital. Too many politicians are keeping their heads down and have not challenged the abuse of power by the Pritzker administration. They are simply afraid of the media and the negative coverage they may receive as a result of being outspoken. Calls to these lawmakers are needed to get them off the sideline and into the fray. They need to be emboldened.

Our grand experiment in liberty, built firmly on Judeo/Christian (Biblical) truths and values, calls for servant leaders whose fallen human natures were reined in by a system of checks and balances. Let’s return to that vision and fight for the liberty our forefathers bled and died for.

Now is not the time for silence but for mighty prayers and grassroots action.

If you appreciate the work and ministry of IFI, please consider a tax-deductible donation to sustain our endeavors.  It does make a difference.

Community Opt-Out for Marijuana Dispensaries

Last month, on June 25th, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed legislation to approve so-called “recreational” marijuana for persons 21 years old and older. When this law (HB 1438 Senate Amendment 2) takes effect on January 1, 2020, it will allow the licensed growth, sales, possession and use of marijuana. The Land of Lincoln becomes the 11th state to legalize this dangerous intoxicant for recreational purposes.

The federal government still classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 drug, which means it remains illegal. According to the DEA website, “Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.”

There is, however, a way to mitigate the consequences of this destructive policy. The bill that was passed by the General Assembly and hastily signed into law by our governor allows villages, cities and counties to opt out of marijuana retail sales. If you do not want marijuana addicts and recreational users driving in and out of your community regularly to purchase drugs, this important option must be considered.

Take ACTION: Ask your local mayor, village trustees, aldermen and county board members to pass an ordinance prohibiting marijuana dispensaries and marijuana businesses in your community. The Village of Morton in central Illinois is the first municipality to pass such an ordinance. Their ordinance can serve as a template for other communities: Click HERE for this sample ordinance.

Once it is introduced, ask local pastors, local law enforcement officials, doctors, counselors, fire chief and emergency personnel, teachers, school administrators, activists and others in the community to write letters and speak at public hearings in support of a ban on marijuana sales. Cover this entire process in your prayers. Pray especially for the wisdom of local officials who must vote on this proposal.


Today’s high potency marijuana is linked to increases in addiction, psychosis, schizophrenia and violence. States that have legalized it have seen an increase in emergency room visits, hospitalizations, poison control center calls and an increase in use in every age category, including youth. There has also been a dramatic increase in a condition called Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome.

As perceived risks are blunted by this law, we fully expect an increase in users, addicts, unqualified employee candidates, intoxicated drivers, work place accidents, disabilities, homelessness, mental illness and social welfare dependency. We expect to see marijuana use among people 25 and under—those whose brains are still developing and whose brains are most susceptible to the harms of marijuana use—dramatically increase.

Please take action to diminish the consequences of recreational marijuana in your community.

It is important to note that Gov. Pritzker worked diligently for this legislation, working with the Illinois Senate and Illinois House sponsors of this bill to secure it’s passage. NPR Illinois even highlighted the “Marijuana Moms” who led the charge: Illinois State Senators Heather Steans (D-Chicago) and Toi Hutchinson (D-Olympia Fields), and State Representatives Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) and Jehan Gordon-Booth (D-Peoria). How mothers of any political persuasion could promote this dangerous policy is baffling.

Furthermore, it is important to point out that six Republicans also supported this regressive policy to make our highways less safe and to enslave our neighbors to addiction and mental illness: Illinois State Senators Jason Barickman (Bloomington), Neil Anderson (Moline), Steve McClure (Jacksonville), and Illinois State Representatives Allen Skillicorn (Crystal Lake), Lindsay Parkhurst (Kankakee), and David Welter (Morris) voted in favor of this anti-family policy.

In their desperation to find a new revenue source to fix the financial mess they created (and/or to promote a so-called “social justice” antidote), these lawmakers failed sorely in their job to protect Illinois citizens.

IFI Fall Banquet with Franklin Graham!
We are excited to announce that at this year’s IFI banquet, our keynote speaker will be none other than Rev. Franklin Graham, President & CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Christian evangelist & missionary. This year’s event will be at the Tinley Park Convention Center on Nov. 1st.

Learn more HERE.

Lawmakers in Springfield Looking to Pump up the Gasoline Tax

Written by Rey Flores

If there is one freedom which we Americans have embraced since the invention of the automobile, it is the freedom to move about as we please. Whether it’s getting to and from work, driving our children to school, running to the grocery store, or taking a family vacation, our cars are a huge part of our lives.

There are those of us who rely on our vehicles to make a living, whether it’s someone using their own private vehicle to deliver food, or as a Lyft or Uber driver. Many companies and private businesses also rely heavily on their fleets of vehicles to deliver goods to and from distributors, suppliers and their own customers. But if one state lawmaker has his way, all of us will once again be facing an increased tax burden at the gas pump.

As if we didn’t already have enough increases on gas prices, here comes the state once again, picking our pockets. Every time the state needs more money, and that just happens to be always, they come at us with taxes, taxes, and more taxes.

As the Chicago Tribune reported, legislation introduced recently by State Senator Martin Sandoval (D-Chicago) would more than double the state’s gas tax to 44 cents a gallon. Furthermore, the driver’s license fee would double to $60.00 and vehicle registration fees would rise to a whopping $148,00. That’s twice what each fee costs now!

If these taxes and fees do indeed increase, those who own electric cars would feel the biggest shock of all. Do you realize that these increases would bring the registration fee for electric vehicles from $17.00 all the way to an astronomical $1,000.00? Talk about shocking!

In response to this legislative proposal, State Representative Allen Skillicorn (R-Crystal Lake) issued a press release pointing out that, “in light of the recent report from the Comptroller’s office that April revenues were $1.5 billion higher than expected, it appears that the legislation to ‘significantly hike’ gas taxes and licensing fees is unnecessary and one might even say punitive if enacted.”

True. If April’s revenues were indeed $1.5 billion higher than expected, why on earth are increased fees and taxes being brought to the table? Some of our tax-happy legislators are acting like spoiled, petulant brats on Christmas morning who received a boatload of presents and began to cry about not getting more.

Skillicorn continued, “I commend Governor Pritzker for stepping back from a bad idea in the form of a pension holiday when the data from the Department of Revenue estimates that next year’s tax collections increased by $800 million. Let’s give the Trump economic recovery and the enactment of serious reforms, such as amending the pension clause, a try instead of passing more taxes and fees that crush Illinois families.”

These fees and tax increases would further squeeze Illinois families and hurt the many businesses which employ the heads of these households as well. When faced with increased overhead costs, small businesses in particular have to make hard decisions about how to cut corners. Unfortunately, the corners to be cut may be some of their employees. Cutting employees often results in decreased productivity and profit, as well as increases in the workload on the employees left behind, further burdening them for the same pay.

These fee and tax hikes would also have a long-term domino effect on the entire state. It’s been proven that higher taxes often equal fewer jobs, higher unemployment, social welfare programs further stretched, and people eventually moving out of state.

A December 2018 Wall Street Journal editorial reported that “Illinois’ population declined by 157,000 over the past five years, which is equivalent to the mid-sized city of Rockford.” The WSJ also wrote that “these population shifts mean that several states including New York, Illinois and Minnesota are likely to lose House seats after the 2020 reapportionment.”

Are we in need of transportation funding to fix Illinois crumbling roads, bridges and other infrastructure? You betcha. But at what cost? I can attest personally, at least regarding roads within Chicago’s city limits, that driving on some of these streets is akin to driving on the surface of the moon. These aren’t potholes anymore—they’re craters.

Let’s find other ways to fund the transportation and infrastructure needs of Illinois. There’s certainly no shortage of speeding and red-light cameras which are bringing in all sorts of revenue to the City of Chicago, at least. Increasing vehicle registration fees and raising taxes on gas will only drive many more people out of Illinois. Then who are they going to tax?

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to your Illinois state lawmakers as well as Gov. JB Pritzker in opposition to the legislative proposal to more than double the Illinois motor fuel tax. Tell them to stop any attempt to increase the gasoline tax. Let them know that working families cannot afford to give the government more of our hard-earned money on a daily necessity such as gasoline. Moreover, why would Illinois want the dubious distinction of having the highest overall gas tax burden in the nation?

Read more:

House Committee Passes Bill That Would Make Illinois Gas Tax Burden Highest in the Nation

Illinois Can Spend Another $10B on Infrastructure Without Tax Hikes

A bold voice for pro-family values in Illinois!

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Illinois House Ratifies the ERA

How did they vote?

On Wednesday evening, the Illinois House of Representatives voted 72 to 45 to ratify SJRCA 4, a completely unnecessary proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to eradicate sex as a legitimate characteristic on which to base reasonable distinctions.

Click HERE to see how your state representative voted on this legislation, or look at the graphic below.

For more than two hours, state lawmakers debated this issue. The fact that this legislation says nothing about women didn’t dissuade 15 legislators from rising to the microphone to express their support. These advocates included the sponsor, Lou Lang (D-Skokie), Ann Williams (D-Chicago), David Harris (R-Arlington Heights), Steve Andersson (R-Geneva), Stephanie Kifowit (D-Aurora), Laura Fine (D-Glenview), Christine Winger (R-Bloomingdale), Sue Scherer (D-Decatur), Emmanuel Welch (D-Chicago), Carol Ammons (D-Chicago), Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), Christian Mitchell (D-Chicago), Dan Brady (R-Bloomington), and Juliana Stratton (D-Chicago).

It is interesting to note that both State Representatives Christine Winger and Dan Brady prefaced their remarks by claiming to be pro-life, even though it is well known that Planned Parenthood is a strong proponent of this legislation precisely because it will expand abortion “rights” throughout the nation and dismantle vital abortion restrictionsincluding parental notification (or consent) laws.

On the pro-life/pro-family side, eight state lawmakers rose to speak against the ERA, including Pete Breen (R-Lombard), Allen Skillicorn (R-Crystal Lake), Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton), Mary Flowers (D-Chicago), Tom Morrison (R-Palatine), Terry Bryant (R-Mt. Vernon), and Rita Mayfield (D-Waukegan).

Proponents of the ERA claim that they need one more state to ratify this constitutional amendment for complete victory, even though the deadline for passage expired decades ago and even though five states have voted to rescind their ratification over the years it has been pending. If one more state votes for its passage, the issue will certainly wind up in the courts.

In addition to proponents of the legalized slaughter of human beings in the womb, there is another constituency that is celebrating tonight: people who masquerade as the sex they are not.

Thanks for nothing to the 72 feckless state representatives who demonstrated again why Illinois is such a sorry state.

The official roll call of this vote: