Tag Archives: Allen West


Our Border Crisis

Biden’s border crisis is dangerous enough already, and it may soon get worse. But his Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandra Mayorkas, paints a rosier picture, “We are preparing for the end of Title 42….We continue to enforce the laws of this country.”
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The IFI Banquet Early Bird Special Expires Soon!

As a former Congressman and decorated U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel with nearly 2.7 million Facebook followers, Lt. Col. Allen West is one of the most sought after voices in politics. His steadfast and unwavering advocacy for limited government, strong national defense, Judeo-Christian values and religious freedom has led him to become a household name in conservative circles.
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Colonel Allen West on The Military, Foreign Affairs and School Choice

In an interview posted at the Accuracy in Media website, Colonel Allen West delivers what conservatives have come to expect from him since his arrival on the national political scene back in 2010 when he was elected to Congress from Florida.
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Immediate Calls for the Further Unraveling of Marriage

One day after the [Obergerfell v. Hodges] ruling, I received a press release from Pro-Polygamy.com  one of the largest Polygamy groups east of the Mississippi, located in Maine.  Their slogan is “Polygamy: The Next Civil Rights Battle.”   Last Sunday they followed up with another release of an editorial.   Both items complain, “all that Kennedy declared about the importance of marriage to those who choose same sex marriage (SSM) equally applies to others who choose unrelated consenting adult polygamy (UCAP).”

Mark Henkle of Pro-Polygamy states, “for UCAPs, only one obstacle to freedom remains to be overcome – …

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