Tag Archives: Alliance Defense Fund


General Mills Comes Out of the Closet in Support of Gay Marriage

Another large company has recently come out of the corporate closet in support of same-sex marriage. Food giant General Mills has joined a growing list of corporate gay marriage supporters like Target and Starbucks.

Speaking at a Gay Pride event recently, CEO Ken Powell said General Mills opposes an effort to preserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman in Minnesota, where the corporation is headquartered.

Tom Forsythe, vice president of corporate communications, echoed Powell’s thoughts claiming the proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage would hurt Minnesota’s economy.  “For decades, General Mills has worked to create …

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Planned Parenthood Above the Rules?

Alliance Defending Freedom, previously the Alliance Defense Fund, has filed suit in federal court against Planned Parenthood of Iowa. The lawsuit claims repeated false, fraudulent or ineligible claims for reimbursements to Medicaid and suggests Planned Parenthood Iowa failed to meet acceptable standards of medical practice.

Michael Norton, senior Alliance counsel and a former U.S. attorney, tells OneNewsNow his group is representing former Planned Parenthood clinic director Sue Thayer.

Michael Norton (ADF)“Americans deserve to know if their hard-earned tax money is being funneled to groups that are misusing it,” Norton asserts. “People may hold different views about abortion, but everyone …

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ADF: Parents Matter in Abortion Decisions

Illinois Supreme Court accepts brief filed by ADF, allied attorneys in defense of parental notification law

Parents matter when their minor children seek abortions, according to the arguments of the Alliance Defense Fund and ADF-allied attorneys with the Chicago firm of Mauck & Baker in a brief filed with the Illinois Supreme Court.

Tuesday the high court accepted the friend-of-the-court brief filed on behalf of the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Catholic Medical Association in defense of an Illinois law that requires parents to be notified if their minor child …

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Pro-Life Nurses Win Court Battle Over Forced Abortions

Nurses in a New Jersey hospital who refused to participate in abortions will be able to keep their jobs under an agreement reached in federal court. The twelve nurses had been threatened with termination from their jobs by the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey if they failed to assist in abortion procedures. TheAlliance Defense Fund (ADF) had filed suit on behalf of the pro-life nurses in defense of their conscience rights under federal law.

Under the agreement reached with hospital administrators, the nurses will no longer be required to undergo abortion training or assist in any …

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Americans Overwhelmingly Recognize Natural Marriage

Mainstream media reports would have you believe that America is trending more in favor of same-sex “marriage.” Homosexual activists and their allies in the media and in Hollywood have been working overtime to promote their social agenda, leading many to believe that homosexual so-called “marriage” is inevitable.

But new, comprehensive, scientific polling coupled with analyses of marriage amendment voting patterns show that a vast majority of Americans still believe in the traditional definition of marriage.

The survey found that 62 percent of Americans believe marriage is only between one man and one woman, with 53 percent strongly agreeing with that …

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Law Targeting Pro-Life PRC’s Ruled Unconstitutional

A federal judge has struck down a law adopted by the city of Baltimore regulating pro-life pregnancy resource centers. The ordinance required that crisis pregnancy centers post signs stating that they do not offer abortions or birth control services and do not have licensed medical professionals on staff.

U.S. District Judge Marvin Garbis ruled that the ordinance infringed on the freedom of speech of pregnancy resource centers and amounted to viewpoint discrimination.

“Whether a provider of pregnancy-related services is ‘pro-life’ or ‘pro-choice,’ it is for the provider — not the government — to decide when and how to discuss abortion …

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