Tag Archives: American Library Association


If You Care About Children and America’s Future, Keep Your Kids Out of Public Schools

Once upon a time, I held a naïve hope that public education could be pried loose from the iron grip of self-righteous, presumptuous, intolerant, diversity-loathing, illiberal, idea-banning, bullying leftists fluent in Newspeak. That was then. This is now.

Now I know that is not possible—at least not in time to educate properly children who are currently in school or soon-to-be in school. There are good signs that a movement is afoot to challenge the MAN—who now is a homosexual, drag queen who uses the pronouns fae, faer, faers, and faerself.
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Smidge of Hope on the Education Horizon

For those who for years have been battling critical race theory-infused and sexually deviant material in public schools with little help from their friends, recent developments offer a smidge of hope.

I began opposing both types of resources in about 2005 when I was a member of the highly partisan English Department at District 113’s Deerfield High School on Chicago’s North Shore. At that time, my opposition and warnings fell on deaf ears—well, except for the propagandists. Theirs were hostile ears—very hostile.

Teachers in District 113 were pushing CRT-tainted content in the classroom and in what is loosely called …

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Taxpayer-Funded Libraries Defend Obscenity, Child Corruption and Censorship

How many times have conservatives heard “progressives” claim that the controversial, obscene material they want taught to children is “age-appropriate”?

Government school teachers who are paid by the public want absolute autonomy and absolute anonymity, and that is why we now have adults introducing obscene material to other people’s children.
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Warping Children’s Hearts and Minds

The contexts and materials “progressives” use to warp the hearts and minds of children on sexuality are far too numerous to list. The pro-homo/pro-sex-impersonation propaganda campaigns in government schools, publicly funded libraries, and children’s programming are both bold and ubiquitous. The sexually disordered among us no longer feel the need to hide their intentions to lure children into their deceptive world. Today they can get jobs in elementary schools, public library children’s departments, and the colorful cartoon universes that thrive on Amazon, Netflix, Disney, and Cartoon Network from which they light up the viral world and darken children’s worlds.

By …

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If Leftists Ran the Zoo, Dr. Seuss Would Be Caged

This September 19-25, the displays in public libraries for the American Library Association’s annual Banned Books Week are going to be overflowing with banned books. In addition to Ryan T. Anderson’s book When Harry Became Sally, and Abigail Schrier’s book, Irreversible Damage, there will be not one, not two, not three, but SIX Dr. Seuss books.
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The Self-Congratulation in Banned Books Week

Washington Post book critic Ron Charles made a confession the other day. "I banned a book," he wrote. "Or at least I helped get it banned, which makes Banned Books Week a little awkward for me this year. Like celebrating Arbor Day by cutting down a tree."
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The LGBT (Ideological) Seduction of Our Children

One of the accusations that is most offensive to gays and lesbians is that they are child predators who want to seduce our children sexually. I stand with them in finding this accusation to be highly offensive.

To be clear, I have documented elsewhere that the arguments put forth by advocates of pederasty parallel key arguments used by gay activists. And some studies indicate that there is a higher percentage of homosexual pederasty than heterosexual pederasty.

Nonetheless, the vast majority of gays and lesbians are not pederasts. And so, to accuse them of infiltrating our schools in order to prey …

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The ALA Plunges Deeper into the Drag Cesspool

The American Library Association (ALA) has revealed that it has not yet reached the nadir of ethical corruption. Through its Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) division, the Intellectual Freedom Committee, which promotes “continuing education programs” for children, just wrote this (you better be sitting down):

Interested in bringing Drag Queen Storytime to your library? ALSC Committee Members received tips for optimizing success from library pioneers who have already done it.  We also had the chance to meet a Drag Queen who talked about the value of offering this program, including fostering empathy, tolerance, creativity, imagination and fun.

I …

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West Chicago Library Votes to Retain Age Inappropriate Picture Book

On August 28th, the West Chicago Public Library Board voted 6-1 to retain the homosexuality-celebrating picture book This Day in June. IFI thanks you for your support in emailing the library director Benjamin Weseloh to share your concerns about this book.
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Totalitarian Librarians Rage About Pitman Picture Book Controversy

Never poke a sleeping bear or the ideology of “tolerant” librarians. IFI’s recent article  by John Biver about a controversy brewing in West Chicago over a picture book for young children that positively portrays the homosexuality-celebrating “pride” parades that pollute city streets throughout the country every June has unleashed the fury of freedom-lovin’ librarians across the nation.
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Library Internet Filter Bill

State Representative Peter Breen (R-Lombard) recently introduced HB 2689, also known as the Internet Screening in Public Libraries Act. This common sense legislation would help protect children and families from obscene and illegal material on the Internet and prevent public libraries from becoming sexually hostile work environments.

Sexually graphic websites — including child-pornography — would no longer be found at your local public library. Internet filtering technology would help clean up communities and protect children, families, and library personnel from being exposed to these harmful and illegal materials.

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to send a message to your state …

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Grandmas and Ex-Porn Addicts Ban Together to Fight a Common Enemy

Concerned grandmas and old-fashioned church ladies are locking arms with a growing group of young men plagued with erectile dysfunction. 

Yes, you read that correctly. 

This eyebrow-raising army is taking different approaches to fight a common enemy: pornography

Gone are the days of pre-teen boys being introduced to images of naked women’s bodies via discarded Playboy and Penthouse magazines.  Studies show that boys as young as 14 are addicted to pornography easily available on their iPads, laptops, and smart phones.  

The problem is so widespread that in 2009 researchers realized there were not enough college-aged men who did not …

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Homosexual Faux-Marriage and Public Education

The legal recognition of same-sex unions as marriages will have far-reaching, devastating and pernicious cultural consequences, including within our public schools. Here are some of the ineluctable changes in public education that Illinoisans can expect if “same-sex marriage” is legalized...
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Chicago Librarian Says Kids Should Read Anything They Want

Words to describe librarians who eagerly promote the American Library Association’s “Banned Books Week,” of which we are in the midst, include sanctimonious, condescending, dishonest, hypocritical, and alarmist. Many, perhaps most, of the books that parents express concerns over are picture books. And their interest is not in banning these books. Their interest is in making them inaccessible to little ones.

Moreover, in recent years, most of the controversies over picture books have involved the relentless efforts of homosexual activists and their allies to change the moral beliefs of other people’s children. Embedding sexually subversive ideas in soft …

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My ‘Reprehensible’ Take on Teen Literature

By Meghan Cox Curdon, Wall Street Journal

Raise questions about self-mutilation and incest as a young-adult theme and all hell breaks loose.

If the American Library Association were inclined to burn people in effigy, I might well have gone up in smoke these past few days. ALA members, mostly librarians and other book-industry folk, are concluding their annual conference today in New Orleans, and it’s a fair bet that some of them are still fuming about an article of mine that appeared in these pages earlier this month.

The essay, titled “Darkness Too Visible,” discussed the way in which young-adult …

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