Boy Scouts Snubbed by UPS

United Parcel Service has announced that they are suspending all funding to the Boy Scouts of America because of the organizations’s requirement that Scouts and their leaders be “morally straight.”  
UPS says it will end its annual grants to the Boy Scouts until homosexual Scout leaders “are welcome within the organization.” The UPS Foundation gave $85,000 to the Boy Scouts last year.

“We promote an environment of diversity and inclusion,” says UPS spokeswoman Kristen Petrella. “UPS is a company that does the right things for the right reason.”  Ironically, failure to exclude morally flawed leaders may cost the Boy Scouts millions of dollars in lawsuits because of past abuses by homosexual scoutmasters.

Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality, says that the company’s definition of “diversity” amounts to discrimination of its own.  “They call it non-discrimination, but what they mean is they intend to discriminate against and punish organizations which abide by a moral code or a faith creed.”

Deron Smith, public relations director for the Boy Scouts of America, says the decision will negatively impact the youth of the nation.

“These types of contributions go directly to serving young people in local councils. We have 110,000 units across the country who benefit from corporate grants like these.”

Homosexual activists have been badgering the Boy Scouts of America to abandon their policy on homosexuality, which is strongly supported by those active in Scouting and by the parents of Boy Scouts.

UPS is a strong supporter of the homosexual rights movement. The UPS Foundation provided a recent grant of $100,000 to the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the nation’s leading homosexual advocacy organization — an organization that has a $40+ million dollar annual budget.  The HRC keeps track of LGBT-friendly companies and has consistently given UPS a score of 100 percent. UPS has even bragged about the score. The Human Rights Campaign frequently labels people and organizations like IFI “homophobes” and “bigots” if they believe God’s definition of marriage should not be redefined.

Attack, Vandalism Won’t Silence God’s Truth

Pro-homosexual vandals recently attacked an Illinois Christian academy where Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) was holding a banquet to honor an evangelical Christian leader.

Anonymous activists have taken credit for throwing concrete bricks through windows and doors at Christian Liberty Academy in Arlington Heights to protest the banquet for the “homophobic hate group” and guest speaker Scott Lively, co-author of The Pink Swastika and founder of Watchmen on the Walls.

“I’m not surprised that they did this,” admits Liberty Counsel Action vice president Matt Barber. “This really amounts to an act of terrorism in that they threatened more violence if Dr. Lively and his speech went forward and if the Christian Liberty Academy did not disassociate from Americans for Truth About Homosexuality.”

But in the face of all opposition, AFTAH has remained steadfast in exposing the homosexual agenda throughout the country. Barber contends the attack should trigger an investigation on the basis of hate crimes laws. He also points out that homosexuals who demand tolerance are not willing to repay the favor to opponents as they try to shut down the Christian message about their lifestyle.

“We are going to speak God’s truth in love without fear of reprisal, or even in this case, without fear of violence,” the attorney assures. “So I have a message to the gay terrorists that perpetrated this crime: Your terrorist tactics have failed, and you will not succeed in silencing God’s truth.”

Meanwhile, the Christian Liberty Academy vandals stand by their actions and claim they threw concrete through the windows and doors to “show that there is a consequence for hatred and homophobia” in the community and to directly cause the October 15 event to be shut down. And since the event was not called off, the academy has been warned that it “will continue to be under constant attack.”

Even so, the incident is not being treated as a hate crime because Lively was apparently targeted for his views, not for any characteristic cited in the Illinois hate crime law, such as race, color, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.

Obama’s Choice of Homosexual Bishop Gene Robinson to Pray at Inaugural Event is a Slap in the Face to Christians

Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans For Truth about Homosexuality (AFTAH), issued the following statement regarding President- elect Barack Obama‘s selection of V. (Vicki) Gene Robinson, the openly homosexual Episcopal bishop of New Hampshire, to deliver the invocation at an official inaugural event Sunday:

“President-elect Obama has signaled a tragic departure from America’s godly, Judeo-Christian heritage with his choice of a defiant homosexual activist, (Vicki) Gene Robinson, to recite a prayer at an official Inaugural event Sunday. Choosing Robinson — who supports homosexual ‘marriage’ and compares his agenda to mainstream sinful and changeable homosexual behavior to the noble Black civil rights struggle — is a sop to ‘gay’ activists who blasted Obama for picking evangelical pastor Rick Warren to say an Inauguration Day prayer.

“By choosing Robinson, who left his wife and family to embrace homosexuality – and who claims to revere the Bible as ‘holy and sacred’ while defying its clear teachings on sex and marriage – Barack Obama has given his first indication of how he could use the bully pulpit to undermine biblical values. (Obama promised homosexual activists that he would work to repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which prevents states from being forced to recognize out-of-state same- sex ‘marriages.’ He pledged that as President he would advocate for homosexual adoption, and has distorted the Bible to justify his support for homosexual relationships.)

“Bishop Robinson is a radical sexual activist masquerading as a man of God. He is an affront to faithful Christians and religious defenders of morality everywhere. His selfish defense of sin literally has helped destroy and divide a denomination. Robinson – who was given the female name ‘Vicki’ at birth because his parents were hoping for a girl — has become a ‘gay’ celebrity: last year he gave a keynote speech praising the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, a far-left, anti-Christian organization that annually honors sadomasochists with its ‘Leather Leadership Award.’

“Robinson personifies the prophet Isaiah’s admonition to Israel (Is. 5:20): “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.” Christians and traditionalists – especially those who helped elect Obama – should urge him not to use his bully pulpit to undermine marriage and the biblical morals that helped build this blessed nation.”