Tag Archives: Anderson Cooper


Newsroom Disconnect

Are today’s journalists and news outlets doing their jobs well? According to journalists themselves, yes. According to the public, no.
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Accepting, Including, Embracing, and Sharing Deviance

What kind of twisted person makes a YouTube video in which she tells two five-year-old girls and two five-year-old boys that as a “child,” she “questioned” her sexuality and that she watched the movie Nell multiple times in order to see actress Jodie Foster naked?
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Conservative Gets Under Thin Skins of Petulant Progressive News Anchors

Next time Leftist journalists take umbrage over President Trump’s criticism of the mainstream press, pretending they think his criticism of bias is an attack on the foundation of our republic, or when a “progressive” talking head goes all middle-school snotty on a guest for his or her criticism of press bias, remember their responses to these comments from Obama and his water-carriers who routinely accused Fox News of being a fake news network and shill for the GOP...
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