Sharia for Women: A Female Sharia Survivor Shares Her Story

Islam, Muhammad, life in Iran, Sharia – how knowledgeable are you on these topics? Anni Cyrus is well-acquainted with all of them. She was born in Iran to a father who was a sheikh and a mother who taught the Quran. At age seven she began to wear the hijab to school; at age nine she first wore the full burqa and was officially certified as an “adult woman.” When she was barely into her teens, her father married her off to a man who gave him $50 (USD) and a month’s supply of opium. Ms. Cyrus knows all too well the horrific oppression of women under the dictates of Sharia in Iran.

Anni Cyrus also knows that Muslim girls and women in the United States are not immune from the abusive and controlling tactics that Sharia inflicts on females. Forced marriage, honor-based domestic violence, honor killing, and female genital mutilation are routinely practiced not only in the Middle East and other foreign regions, but also in our own country. Ms. Cyrus’ personal story and the facts and truths she shares can be uncomfortable to hear and view, but our discomfort is infinitesimal compared to the “legally” sanctioned pain these women experience through physical and mental abuse, mutilation, and even murder. We cannot afford to remain ignorant or silent on the evil of Sharia.

Please watch and share this video of Anni’s testimony with your friends to help them become better informed about Sharia:

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Orland Park: Panel of Experts on Responding to Islam

Invite and bring your friends! A panel of esteemed experts will share their personal experience and extensive knowledge, answering your questions about the threat and the response to radical Islam. This is a rare opportunity to learn from extremely knowledgeable experts on the front-line of the spiritual and political battle that is being waged all around us. Come prepared to learn, purchase some materials and if you can, support their work!

Join us at Stone Church in Orland Park on July 15th as we proudly bring you a great panel of experts!

Please RSVP to IFI at (708) 781-9328.
You must RSVP to be seated.

Philip Haney: Founding member of the Dept. of Homeland Security, high-level counter terrorism agent and eventually a government whistleblower, when he refused to violate his oath of office — Mr. Haney is author of the bestseller, “See Something, Say Nothing” and will share his vast knowledge on threats and solutions.

Anni Cyrus: From a child bride, abused spouse and imprisoned teen in the Islamic Republic of Iran, to becoming an American Citizen and civil rights leader, Ms. Cyrus is a champion for women and girls wanting to be safe and free. Anni will share her remarkable story and provide a unique perspective on the plight of women and girls under Sharia.

Samya Johnson: Born in Beirut, Labanon, Samya lived through a civil war between Muslims and Christians. Saved from death three times, while watching her friends and neighbors be killed, God was still at work, healing her brokenness and enabling her to forgive and love. The miracle of redemption in her own life grew into a lifetime commitment to bring the Gospel to Muslims while training and educating the Western Church about Islam and reaching its followers. Samya and her husband Mike founded Call of Love Ministries which produces effective equipping resources for Christians and have just launched a 24/7 Christian TV Channel that can reach over 600 million Muslims worldwide!

Click here for an event flyer.

Naperville: Panel of Experts on Responding to Islam

Invite and bring your friends! A panel of esteemed experts will share their personal experience and extensive knowledge, answering your questions about the threat and the response to radical Islam. This is a rare opportunity to learn from extremely knowledgeable experts on the front-line of the spiritual and political battle that is being waged all around us. Come prepared to learn, purchase some materials and if you can, support their work!

Join us at Grace for Life Church in Naperville on July 14th as we proudly bring you a great panel of experts!

Please RSVP to IFI at (708) 781-9328.
You must RSVP to be seated.

Philip Haney: Founding member of the Dept. of Homeland Security, high-level counter terrorism agent and eventually a government whistleblower, when he refused to violate his oath of office — Mr. Haney is author of the bestseller, “See Something, Say Nothing” and will share his vast knowledge on threats and solutions.

Anni Cyrus: From a child bride, abused spouse and imprisoned teen in the Islamic Republic of Iran, to becoming an American Citizen and civil rights leader, Ms. Cyrus is a champion for women and girls wanting to be safe and free. Anni will share her remarkable story and provide a unique perspective on the plight of women and girls under Sharia.

Samya Johnson: Born in Beirut, Labanon, Samya lived through a civil war between Muslims and Christians. Saved from death three times, while watching her friends and neighbors be killed, God was still at work, healing her brokenness and enabling her to forgive and love. The miracle of redemption in her own life grew into a lifetime commitment to bring the Gospel to Muslims while training and educating the Western Church about Islam and reaching its followers. Samya and her husband Mike founded Call of Love Ministries which produces effective equipping resources for Christians and have just launched a 24/7 Christian TV Channel that can reach over 600 million Muslims worldwide!

Click here for an event flyer.

Arlington Heights: Panel of Experts on Responding to Islam

Invite and bring friends! A panel of esteemed experts will share their personal experience and extensive knowledge, answering your questions about the threat and the response to radical Islam. This is a rare opportunity to learn from extremely knowledgeable experts on the front-line of the spiritual and political battle that is being waged all around us. Come prepared to learn, purchase some materials and if you can, support their work!

Join us at Church of Christian Liberty in Arlington Heights on July 13th as we proudly bring you a great panel of experts!

Please RSVP to IFI at (708) 781-9328.
You must RSVP to be seated.

Philip Haney: Founding member of the Dept. of Homeland Security, high-level counter terrorism agent and eventually a government whistleblower, when he refused to violate his oath of office — Mr. Haney is author of the bestseller, “See Something, Say Nothing” and will share his vast knowledge on threats and solutions.

Anni Cyrus: From a child bride, abused spouse and imprisoned teen in the Islamic Republic of Iran, to becoming an American Citizen and civil rights leader, Ms. Cyrus is a champion for women and girls wanting to be safe and free. Anni will share her remarkable story and provide a unique perspective on the plight of women and girls under Sharia.

Samya Johnson: Born in Beirut, Labanon, Samya lived through a civil war between Muslims and Christians. Saved from death three times, while watching her friends and neighbors be killed, God was still at work, healing her brokenness and enabling her to forgive and love. The miracle of redemption in her own life grew into a lifetime commitment to bring the Gospel to Muslims while training and educating the Western Church about Islam and reaching its followers. Samya and her husband Mike founded Call of Love Ministries which produces effective equipping resources for Christians and have just launched a 24/7 Christian TV Channel that can reach over 600 million Muslims worldwide!

Click here for an event flyer.

Special Panel on Radical Islam – 3 Locations

Illinois Family Institute and local ACT for America leaders are hosting a panel of experts to answer your questions about radical Islam in three locations this weekend.

This panel includes:

Philip Haney, former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistle blower and counter-terrorism expert. Haney studied Arabic culture and language while working as a scientist in the Middle East before becoming a founding member of the DHS in 2002. He specializes in Islamic theology and the strategy and tactics of the global Islamic movement. He retired in July 2015 and is the author of “See Something, Say Nothing.”

Anni Cyrus of the Glazof Gang. A child bride in her home country of Iran, abused and imprisoned as a teen, she escaped to America and now advocates for women and girls suffering under Sharia. Her mission is to bring hope and healing to women and girls who have been unfortunate enough to be exposed to the plague of Islamic ideology. She experienced first hand, the horrors of living under Islamic theocracy in Iran.

Samya Johnson: Born in Beirut, Labanon, Samya lived through a civil war between Muslims and Christians. Saved from death three times while watching her friends and neighbors be killed, God was at work healing her brokenness and enabling her to forgive and love. The miracle of redemption in her own life grew into a lifetime commitment to bring the Gospel to Muslims while training and educating the Western Church about Islam and reaching its followers. Samya and her husband Mike founded Call of Love Ministries which produces effective equipping resources for Christians and have just launched a 24/7 Christian TV Channel that can reach over 600 million Muslims worldwide!

RSVP — You must have a reservation.

Three Locations!

Arlington Heights

WHEN:        Friday, July 13th
TIME:           7:00 PM
WHERE:      Christian Liberty Academy (map)
RSVP:           Click HERE to reserve your seat(s)


WHEN:        Saturday, July14th
TIME:           10:00 AM
WHERE:      Grace for Life Church (map)
RSVP:          Click HERE to reserve your seats(s)

Orland Park

WHEN:        Sunday, July 15th
TIME:           6:00
WHERE:      Stone Church (map)
RSVP:          Click HERE to reserve your seat(s)

Click here for an event flyer

BRING FRIENDS! Come prepared to learn, purchase some materials and, if you can, support their work!

If you have questions, please call us at (708) 781-9328.

Anni Cyrus Shares Her Experience with Sharia Law in Iran

Iranian born Anni Cyrus came to the United States for freedom, she says. Back in Iran, she had been declared an adult at age 9, and a few years later was sold for fifty American dollars by her father to a man to be his wife. That, she said, is permitted by Sharia Law, since the prophet Mohammad married girls as young as 6 and consummated the marriages when they were 9. Every day, an average of 5-7 little girls are sold in Iran.

Cyrus was abused and imprisoned as a teen, and then escaped to America. She now advocates for women and girls suffering under Sharia. Her mission is to bring hope and healing to women and girls who have been unfortunate enough to be exposed to the plague of Islamic ideology. She experienced, first hand, the horrors of living under Islamic theocracy in Iran.

For example, wife beating is permitted if the husband merely suspects her of disobedience. Everyone, Cyrus said, needs to read the Koran. Get educated, she said, and speak out.

Anni recently spoke for at a forum on radical Islam in the Chicago suburbs. Her presentation was video-recorded. Her story is now posted on the IFI YouTube channel. This 19-minute presentation will leave you much better informed and with a deeper understanding of why Christians should actively oppose the promotion of Sharia in our nation. You can watch it here below, or click HERE.

Her Twitter account is @Anni_Cyrus, and her website is Live Up To Freedom.

The Left is working overtime to silence and/or marginalize conservative voices in America
The time to support IFI is now!