Tag Archives: Birthrate


Chuck Schumer Laments Lack of Workers, Calls for Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

Left-wing Democrat U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer rallied with Dreamers last week claiming that mass immigration is vital for the survival of the U.S. because not enough Americans are having children. Therefore, Schumer announced, Democrats' "ultimate goal" is to create "a path to citizenship for all 11 million" illegal immigrants in the country.
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Be Fruitful and Multiply

Embracing the blessings of children in a culture that doesn’t

It was reported recently that the number of births in the U.S. fell in 2018 for the fourth consecutive year, marking the lowest number of births in more than three decades. The fertility rate also hit a record low of 1.7 births per woman, which means, as a nation, we’re not even on track to replace our current population. (If it weren’t for immigration, the population would already be declining.)

Some experts were surprised at the decline. Traditional wisdom suggests that the number of babies decreases during times of economic …

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The Anti-Natalist Fallacy

Back in college, I participated in one of those summer-long, Koch-funded libertarian internship programs. During the final week of the program, clusters of us interns, fresh off working in the "real world" for two total months, were tasked with arguing an esoteric philosophical point of our choosing.
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Illinois’ Shrinking Birthrate Adds to State’s Decline

In 2000, the U.S. Census showed Illinois with 12,419,293 residents. Ten years later, the number of Illinois residents had grown by 411,339 to 12,830,632. The latest estimate for July 2014 is 12,880,580 – four years, and the amount of growth dropped to a little under 50,000. That means instead of growing by 400,000 in the 2010 to 2020 decade, Illinois may grow by little more than 100,000 – perhaps a generous 150,000.

That’s a dramatic decline from growing by 400,000 in the 21st Century’s first decade to 150,000 in the second. In statistics circles, it’s called “negative growth.”

Sunday, the 

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