Tag Archives: Bisexual


Ideologically Grooming Kids in Schools

Parents, grandparents and Christian leaders must understand how morally and intellectually unmoored activists are corrupting our children. Many of these activists are teaching our children in our government schools. They propagandize in many ways, including through literature, direct instruction, and demagoguery. They propagate highly controversial beliefs without telling young students that the “explanations” are controversial, disputed, pagan-based, and devoid of scientific support.
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Identity Politics in 2018 and Beyond: Are Conservatives Ready?

Here is Jonathan Haidt delivering the 2017 Wriston Lecture to the Manhattan Institute, Nov. 15 (the emphasis is my own):

Today’s identity politics . . . teaches the exact opposite of what we think a liberal arts education should be. When I was at Yale in the 1980s, I was given so many tools for understanding the world. By the time I graduated, I could think about things as a utilitarian or as a Kantian, as a Freudian or a behaviorist, as a computer scientist or as a humanist. I was given many lenses to apply to any given

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Identity Politics and Paraphilias: ‘Public Discourse’ Weighs In & Bisexuality

One of the email newsletters I receive is from the Witherspoon Institute’s “Public Discourse,” and often link to and/or excerpt articles posted at their website. Recently there has been a number of articles touching on “identity politics.” In this post and in the next I will link to and excerpt from a few of the the articles...
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Pride & Presidential Proclamations

Earlier this month, President Barack Obama issued a Presidential “proclamation” asserting that by his authority, the month of June will be celebrated as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month”. It’s a curious thing, really, to have a whole month officially devoted to feeling pride for traits which represent “who you are”, as the proclamation puts it.
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