Tag Archives: Bob Ferguson


Shame on the Silent Christian Leaders Who Refuse to Stand Against Government Tyranny

There is only one thing more appalling than the Washington Supreme Court’s 9-0 ruling against religious liberty [on Thursday]. It is the silence of Christian leaders across America, leaders who choose convenience over confrontation, leaders who would rather be popular than prophetic, leaders who prefer the favor of people over the favor of the God. Shame on these silent leaders. Today is a day to stand.

There are, of course, the handful of expected Christian voices protesting the court’s outrageous decision, as these justices ruled unanimously against florist Barronelle Stutzman, claiming that she discriminated against a longtime gay customer …

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Dhimmitude in America?

You may not know what dhimmitude is and hopefully you never experience it. But you’ve probably heard of ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) and you’re almost surely aware of what Christians are. Dhimmitude is an Islamic system that governs non-Muslims who have been conquered through Jihad by folks like ISIS. If you surrender to Muslim control – though not Muslim – you are referred to as dhimmi. Sounds fun, right?
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The SCOTUS Decision: Where Are We Headed?

A few weeks ago managers inside the United States Justice Department received a memo titled: “LGBT Inclusion at Work: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers.” It was sent in advance of “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month.” One of the instructions to the managers cited the need to verbally affirm the lifestyle of these individuals. It read: “Don’t judge or remain silent. Silence will be interpreted as disapproval.”

This is where this issue is headed in government and perhaps in the private sector. Forced affirmation of other people’s lifestyle choices or else. This leads me to …

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