Tag Archives: Bruce Rauner


State Politicians Turn Illinois into a ‘Sanctuary State’

Most everyone has heard about “sanctuary cities” during the past few years due to the attention they received during the presidential election. But have you heard of sanctuary states? How about sanctuary government buildings? Governor Bruce Rauner has agreed to sign SB 31 into law — a bill that will make taxpayer funded facilities sanctuaries for people who are here illegally.

Here is one summary of what “sanctuary” means:

The concept of a sanctuary city does not mean it is a place where federal law is unenforced by the feds. Rather, it is a place where local authorities have elected

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The Illinois Pension Scam: State Officials (Including Conservatives) Have Known About it for Many Years

Government employee compensation expert Bill Zettler, has had some great lines over the years. “Economics always wins,” is among his best. Despite the wishes and dreams of people on both the political left and political right, the day of accounting always comes. We are at that day right now as taxpayers face hundreds of billions of dollars in unfunded pension liability...
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Urge Governor Rauner: Please Veto These Two Terrible Bills

Two important pieces of legislation are awaiting Governor Bruce Rauner‘s action — to sign, or to veto — and both bills should be vetoed!

For him to do this, he needs to hear from the Illinois’ pro-life and pro-family community.  He needs to hear from all of us, and the sooner the better.

The top priority right now is getting calls and emails in opposition to HB 1785 — which arrived on the governor’s desk on June 29th after passing the Illinois House by a vote of 63-43 and the Illinois Senate by a vote of 32-22.

This …

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Unsustainable: Raising Taxes Solves Nothing, Makes Illinois Worse Off

The Illinois State House was back in session during the afternoon of July 6th to override Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of a 32 percent permanent tax hike on Illinois families (SB 9). This tax grab also raises the corporate income tax rate by 33 percent. As anticipated, the House voted to override the veto this afternoon by a vote of 71-42 — with 61 Democrats and 10 Republicans voting in favor of increasing our taxes.

To see how your state representative voted, please click HERE. To see how your state senator voted, please click HERE.

Much …

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Massive Tax Bill Rejected by Governor Rauner; Back to the House

Yesterday, the Illinois Senate took up the misguided proposal to massively increase the income taxes of citizens and corporations in Illinois. It is ironic that the General Assembly voted to impose oppressive government taxes on Illinoisans during Independence Day weekend.
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Illinois House Approves Massive Income Tax Increase

Late Sunday afternoon (July 2nd), the Illinois House passed a massive tax hike for families and businesses. What does that mean for taxpayers? Well, if this proposal isn't vetoed by Gov. Bruce Rauner, the personal income tax rate would increase by 32 percent, surging from 3.75 percent to 4.95 percent, and the corporate rate would jump from 5.25 percent to 7 percent. This would enable and fund business as usual. ("Enable" is the key word here...)
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Tax Increases, More Spending and ‘A Disaster’ of a Budget for Illinois

State government summer re-run season is underway at the Illinois capitol building where both political parties are cooperating to send our state further into the fiscal abyss. Midnight came and went as we closed out the month of June without a budget being signed into law, so Illinois has begun its third straight year without one.
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Comfort v. Chaos & Uncertainty

Fake news, alternative facts, covfefe, secret investigations—there is nothing new about the constant bombardment of news we receive all day, whether willingly or not. Our nation is experiencing such political turmoil. Where can we find peace? In Messiah alone.
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You Can Help Governor Bruce Rauner Pass an Elementary Science Test!

Majorities in both houses of the Illinois General Assembly recently flunked the kind of science test that used to be given to grammar school students. The question, which just a few years ago was not controversial, was “can a man become a woman?” “Can a woman become a man?”

Earlier this month, the Weizmann Institute in Israel released a study and posted an article about it under this headline: “Researchers Identify 6,500 Genes That Are Expressed Differently in Men and Women.”

This (un)shocking study was also reported on by Liberty Counsel:

“This recent study from Israel’s Weizmann

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Big Illinois Government’s Insatiable and Impossible Demands from Taxpayers

It’s a sad tale of two cities.

The news out of Washington, D.C. this spring is that President Donald Trump and the Republican majorities in Congress plan on cutting taxes. The unsurprising news out of Springfield, Illinois is that General Assembly Democrats are planning to raise taxes.

Also not surprising is that there is a hot debate about whether the GOP tax cut efforts in D.C. can succeed. There is no debate, however, about Illinois Democrats’ accomplishing their mission. Especially when Republicans, including Governor Bruce Rauner, appear poised to help the Democrats.

What is also not debatable is whether …

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State Senator McConchie Outlines the Simplicity of the Budget Crisis

Two years after the “temporary” income tax expired, rapacious Springfield lawmakers are once again working toward raising our taxes, supposedly in order to solve the state’s fiscal problems. This time they want to raise the state’s income tax from 3.75 percent to 4.95 percent, raise the corporate tax from 5.25 percent to 7 percent and expand the state’s sales tax to include certain services.

In a partisan line vote, Illinois Senate Democrats passed these ridiculous proposals in SB 9 on Tuesday afternoon by a vote of 32-26.  Most of these lawmakers honestly believe that taking more money from citizens …

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Anti-Baby Bill Passes Senate! Contact Gov. Rauner!

This afternoon, HB 40 passed in the Illinois State Senate by a vote of 33-22. Thirty votes are needed for passage in the Illinois Senate. This bill was passed with a party-line vote by the Democratic majority without one Republican vote, and four Democrats not voting on this controversial proposal.
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Republicans in the Illinois Senate Want to Increase the Size of Illinois Government and Your Taxes

Have you heard about the “Grand Bargain” that has been travelling the bumpy road of the legislative process in Springfield during this General Assembly session? Not surprisingly, it is neither a bargain nor grand for taxpayers. Illinois Senate Minority leader Christine Radogno (R-Lemont) has been (or was?) working with Illinois Senate President John Cullerton (D-Chicago) for a few months on trying to craft a budget that can pass.
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Prayers Needed for POTUS, Congress and General Assembly

Tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock our time, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. Last week, state lawmakers were sworn into office in Springfield to begin the 100th General Assembly. Two weeks before that, on January 3, 2017, our federal lawmakers were sworn in, starting the 115th Congress.
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More Questions About Dubious Illinois Human Rights Commission

Yesterday, I wrote about the profoundly unjust decision of the ideologically imbalanced three-member panel of commissioners from the Illinois Human Rights Commission who decided that Christian bed and breakfast owner Jim Walder should pay $80,000 for refusing to rent his facilities to a same-sex couple for their civil union ceremony. But there is more!
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