Tag Archives: Bruce Rauner


Taradiddler Diana Rauner and Her LGBTQ-Allied Activist Hubby

Governor Bruce Rauner lied—or perhaps more precisely his wife, helpmeet, and mouthpiece, Diana Rauner, lied for him.

In a campaign ad, Mrs. Rauner stated with a Cheshire grin and a long nose that “Bruce doesn’t have a social agenda.”

Oh really…

Just this afternoon following the day during which we had to hear more about Planned Parenthood’s bloody baby-breaking business—which Ms. Rauner heartily supports—Governor “No-Social-Agenda” signed into law the anti-autonomy “Youth Mental Health Act,” deceitfully called the “conversion therapy ban” by radical LGBTQQIP activists. HB 217 will now become law.

Now minors who experience same-sex attraction as a result …

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Urge Governor Rauner to Veto Deceitful, Vague, Anti-Autonomy Bill

The politically expedient title of the anti-autonomy, anti-choice bill (HB 217) sitting on Governor Bruce Rauner’s desk points to its nebulous, overbroad, and deceitful content. It’s titled the “Youth Mental Health Protection Act.” I mean, who isn’t for “youth mental health.”

Among Illinois’ sexuality dogmatists, like lesbian activist Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), who never miss an opportunity to exploit minors for their selfish political ends, the bill is informally called the “conversion therapy prohibition act.” It’s a deceitful colloquial title intended to connote religiosity and compulsory therapies and to conceal that some therapeutic protocols are neither religious nor …

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Sixth Planned Parenthood Video

The Center for Medical Progress released its sixth video earlier this week titled Human Capital – Episode 2: Inside the Planned Parenthood Supply Site. The video features a former StemExpress procurement technician explaining how women are manipulated to “donate” to research parts of their babies’ bodies after abortion for Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s (PPFA) profit.

“If it seems disturbing and repulsive to proudly flaunt participation in the killing of a human life, that’s because it is,” said Carol Tobias, National Right to Life president. “In previous videos, that’s exactly what we’ve seen Planned Parenthood officials doing–with total …

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Illinois Senate Passes HB 217 — Heads to Gov. Rauner’s Office

Yesterday afternoon, the Illinois Senate voted 34-19-1 to pass HB 217, a bill that will censor professional therapits who want to help children who suffer from unwanted same-sex attraction disorder. Republican State Senators Christine Radogno (Lemont) and Chris Nybo (Hinsdale) voted with the majority of Democrats to pass this tyrannical legislation. Five state senators did not vote, while State Senator Bill Haine (D-Alton) voted present -- which is as good as a "no" vote.
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Internecine Battle for Conservative Votes

Residents of California’s 52nd Congressional District were just confronted with the choice between Democratic incumbent Scott Peters and homosexual “pro-choice” Republican challenger Carl DeMaio, whom the GOP establishment vigorously supported. Not only is DeMaio openly homosexual—which is no problem for House Speaker John Boehner who campaigned for him—but according to multiple accusations, DeMaio has a peculiar practice of engaging in semi-public self-pleasuring. According to Slate Magazine, a third man has recently come forward alleging sexually inappropriate conduct on the part of DeMaio:
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