Tag Archives: Caitlyn Jenner


I Will Stop Crying Out When the Transanity Stops

One of my colleagues has been combating LGBTQ extremism for several decades, working tirelessly for almost no money, and with constant vilification as his main reward. I asked him one day on the air, “Why don’t you just stop?” He answered, “I’ll stop when they stop.”

That is exactly how I feel. 
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Privacy in Transtopia

Virtual ink has been saturating the Internet on the allegedly discriminatory laws pending or passed in many states that limit girls’ sports to girls or prevent the medical malpractice of mainlining cross-sex hormones into the healthy bodies of children in order to “treat” unhealthy, obsessive thoughts about their sex. Less has been written about legislation that would prohibit schools from forcing boys and girls to share locker rooms and bathrooms with opposite-sex peers.

For example, the Tennessee House and Senate recently passed a commonsense bill that will allow not only students but also staff and faculty to refuse to share …

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Stop Lying to Us!

A couple of weeks ago, "Caitlyn" Jenner announced his intention to run for governor in California. Various establishment "news" outlets happily reported this development but, of course, intentionally used the wrong pronouns to identify Mr. Jenner in their stories. When Fox News started to use female pronouns in their broadcasts, I could take it no longer, so I sent the following message via webform:
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Recent Events Offer a Glimpse into Leftist Dreams for America

The most recent was Sunday’s Super Bowl during which a vulgar man/boy who calls himself the Weekend performed his song “Earn It” which is a paean to sadomasochism written for the softcore porn movie Fifty Shades of Grey which was based on the softcore porn bodice ripper Fifty Shades of Grey. In the name of “equity,” leftists want to get women as addicted to porn as men are.
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Does Gender Really Matter?

In a 20/20 interview with Diane Sawyer in April 2015, Bruce Jenner announced he is a “transgender woman,” saying that he had dealt with gender dysphoria since his youth and that, "for all intents and purposes, I'm a woman." In the summer of 2017, Pastor Paul Williams, who led the conservative church-planting organization Orchard Group for 20 years, announced he is a “transgender woman.”
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When Christian Conservatives Are Compared to the 9/11 Terrorists

You may have thought I was overstating things in my recent article, “Will California Go from Banning Religious Books to Burning Them?” You may have thought I was exaggerating when I referenced LGBT activists who compared Christian conservatives to ISIS and Al-Qaeda. Be assured that there was not a word of hyperbole in what I wrote. The truth is unsettling enough.

To put things in perspective, when Barack Obama ran for president in 2008, he stated clearly that marriage was the union of one man and one woman. And he knew he needed to do this to win …

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Birth Certificates and the Cultural Extinction of Biological Sex

It’s clear from the number and nature of the Facebook responses to IFI’s update on the passage of HB 1785 in the Illinois House that many Illinoisans are passionately opposed to this bill which now moves to the Illinois Senate. HB 1785 is the bill that will make it even easier-peasier for men and women who seek to “pass” as the opposite sex to obtain fraudulent birth certificates...
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America’s Cultural Health May Be Worse Than Its Economic Health

It is undeniably true to say that never before in U.S. history has homosexuality been more acceptable, celebrated and promoted than it is today.   Although almost never mentioned, this change is having a negative impact upon many American’s physical health.  What we are seeing now may only be the tip of the iceberg as more and more young people are taught that homosexuality is a perfectly normal alternative lifestyle choice.

For example, a new report from the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) finds that disease among homosexuals is at a level not seen in 35 years before the scare …

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7 Troubling Questions About Transgender Theories

In case you’re just tuning in, Bruce Springsteen, Target, and bathrooms are at the center of controversy these days, as Americans learn more about the T in the LGBT acronym – Transgender.
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Girl Scouts, Faux-Courage, and Leonard Pitts

Leonard Pitts is out in orbit —I mean, over the moon—over the CEO of the Girl Scouts of Western Washington’s refusal of a $100,000 donation to the Girl Scouts that stipulated the money could not be used to support “transgender girls.” Just to be clear in our increasingly cloudy culture, “transgender girls” are actual boys.

Pitts feels “indebted to [CEO Megan Ferland] for her…inspiring moral courage.” This act of “moral courage” will likely be celebrated by lesbian Krista Kokjohn-Poehler who is the “Chief Girl Experience Officer” (yes, that’s really her title) of the Girl Scouts of America.

Even the …

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Bruce-Caitlyn Jenner And A Warning About The Coming Transanity

To all those celebrating the transition of Bruce Jenner to Caitlyn Jenner, I have a word of warning: Be careful watch you wish for.

You see, if gender is whatever you perceive it to be, then there is no way to limit or control what is coming.

I’m not just talking about things like Facebook’s 50 ways to describe your gender, including 10 different ways simultaneously, which turned out not to be enough, leading to the “fill in the blank” gender option.

I’m not even talking about things like gender neutral bathrooms and locker rooms, as misguided and …

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