Tag Archives: Call to Prayer


Two Things We Need To Do This Election Season

If you haven’t heard the mid-term elections are coming up, you’ve obviously been living under a rock–a giant rock.  Between the constant political calls, mailings, TV and radio ads, and social media headlines, most of us are very aware of the upcoming election on Tuesday, November 6th.

There is a lot at stake for our country in this election. From healthcare to immigration policy to family values, there’s a lot riding in this year’s mid-terms. What are we to do? Here are two things Christians should be doing this election season.

  1. Vote

At a recent Bible study at …

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“The Harvest is Plentiful…”

I was in college, embarrassingly enough, when I crashed and burned in one of the most spectacular single-bicycle accidents never caught on camera. Pedaling along at full speed on my royal blue ten-speed Huffy with no particular place to go, I suddenly found myself hurtling over the handlebars through the summer air and face-planting squarely in the right lane of N. Robb Street.
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