Tag Archives: CDC


Division 44

The U.S. Center for Disease Control is sending out an LGBTQ inclusive self-assessment guide to all schools in the country. The agency wants to find out how committed schools are to providing a safe and inclusive environment for these students. The CDC’s school health division believes that when schools provide such an environment for gay and transgender students, it will improve the health and success of all students.
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The Numb of Unbelief

Marijuana and alcohol abuse are at record highs, reports the federal Center for Disease Control (CDC).

The substance abuse trend skyrocketed during the pandemic, and the hike only continues. By the end of 2022, the marijuana industry’s expected worth is $32 billion, and its popularity increases.
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Reports of Menstruation Changes Following Vaccine are Ignored

Reports from women experiencing menstruation changes following receiving the vaccine are growing. In the United Kingdom, there have now been over 30,000 women reporting changes to their menstrual cycles. These changes include extreme bleeding, pain, and skipping cycles. As reports spread through the U.K. and the U.S., some young women are concerned that the vaccines could affect their reproductive ability.
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Mask Mandates Should be the Last Straw

With the increasingly extreme attack on parental rights and medical freedom represented by Governor J.B. Pritzker’s COVID mask and vaccine mandates for schools, there has never been a better time for parents to sever all ties with the government's “education” system.

As if the dumbing down, perverse sexualization and extreme indoctrination were not serious enough already for parents to make serious moves protecting their children, government officials in Illinois decided last month to double down on the extremism.
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Urge Gov. Pritzker to Let Kids Play

On July 29th, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced new COVID-19 restrictions on youth sports statewide for the upcoming school year. Starting August 15, only “low-risk” sports like tennis, baseball, cross country, swimming and golf will be allowed, but “medium” and “high” risk sports, including football, wrestling, soccer and competitive cheering will not be allowed. The governor’s office released a list of sports ranked in terms of their risk for COVID-19 transmittal.

During his coronavirus update last Wednesday, Gov. Pritzker explained,

This isn’t news that anyone wants to hear. But this virus remains dangerous to kids and parents and grandparents, teachers

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The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: An Important New Book from MassResistance (Part 1)

Charles Dickens famously opened his novel A Tale of Two Cities with the words, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Those words came to my mind as I clawed my way through the new book by MassResistance, The Health Hazards of Homosexuality. The book is as important as it is difficult to get through. It is the best resource I’ve seen on one of the worst topics in the modern public square.

Here is the book’s subtitle: “What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals.”

If you’re unfamiliar with the organization MassResistance, you …

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The Entire ‘LGBT’ Narrative Just Unraveled

If your daughter, sister, mother or friend “identified” as a fat person trapped in a perilously emaciated body – if she truly believed she was obese, but, in reality, suffered from anorexia – would you affirm her “fatness” and get her liposuction, or would you go to the ends of the earth to help her bring her subjective (and mistaken) identity into alignment with objective reality? When someone is engaged in demonstrably self-destructive behavior, it is not loving, but hateful, to encourage persistence.

It was, ironically, lesbian activist and writer Dorothy Allison who once wrote, “Things come apart so easily …

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Things That Make You Say, “Huh?”

According to a recent study in the American Public Health Journal, kids who identify as “LGBTQ” are not only getting pregnant, even though they claim to identify with sexual behaviors which are non-procreative same-sex interactions, they are getting pregnant at MORE THAN TWICE the rate of their heterosexual peers!

The study comes out of New York. Liberals have been quick to blame abstinence education. However, according the Guttmacher Institute, New York doesn’t even require abstinence as a part of their sex education, nor are parents required to give consent regarding their child’s sex education instruction.

Ironically, the Centers for …

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A Major Public Health Crisis

Last week the Centers for Disease Control released some frightening new numbers revealing that America is reaping what we have sown with our licentious culture and our war on values.  One in three Americans now have a sexually transmitted disease.  (The ratio is much closer to one out of two if you include only sexually active age groups.) 
We now have 20 million new sexually transmitted infections a year. Half of all new infections occur among those aged 15 to 24.  Today, 110 million Americans have a venereal disease, which costs the nation about $16 billion a year.  …

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CDC Reports Show Increase in Abstinence

By Leigh Jones, World Magazine

Sexual activity and pregnancy among teens is declining

Two reports recently released by the Centers for Disease Control show teens are embracing abstinence, despite the prevalence of promiscuity portrayed in music, movies and on television.

Abstinence advocates say the new statistics on sexual activity and birth rates among teens are an encouraging sign that young people understand the risks associated with having sex, even though most of them have been taught that taking the right precautions makes it safe. The new numbers also disprove one of the main arguments used by advocates of sex education, …

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