Black Pro-Life Coalition Calls on Government to Investigate Planned Parenthood for Racial Discrimination

Planned Parenthood has been called out by the National Black Pro-Life Coalition for “systemic racism” and targeting pregnant Black women in a racial discrimination claim filed against the organization.

According to Catherine Davis, president of the Georgia-based Restoration Project, “Systemic racism and abortion intersect at the door of Planned Parenthood, an organization that has targeted Black women and their babies for almost five decades. These intentional actions violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which made it illegal for recipients of federal assistance to discriminate on the basis of race.”

In a claim filed in early October with Office of Civil Rights (OCR), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, the Coalition contends the discrimination has been taking place for close to half a century. The amount of federal assistance Planned Parenthood’s received over that time is no small sum. In the 2018-2019 fiscal year alone, it received $616.8 million in government revenue per its most recent report. The majority of assistance is said to cover Medicaid reimbursements for contraceptives and preventative services to low income and disadvantaged women.

The Coalition, a network of Pro-Life and Pro-Family organizations that embrace the biblical model, wants the federal government to “investigate and hold Planned Parenthood accountable for their continuing violations of civil rights laws as their services have had a tremendously negative and lasting impact on Black women and children–and overall, the Black family.” Several studies appear to back up the Coalitions claims. A study by the Guttmacher Institute found as many as 37% of abortions are obtained by Black women. In addition, a 2015 study found “nearly 80% of the organization’s surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.”

In July, the American Conservative reported, one third of abortions in the U.S. “happen to black babies, despite the fact that black women comprise less than 15% of our population. Indeed, the rate of growth in black communities is slower than among most other major U.S. race and ethnic groups.”

The consequences of this were borne out in a statement released by the Coalition from Walter Hoye, founder of the Issues4Life Foundation. “Abortion has been grown into the leading cause of death for Blacks resulting in a fertility rate (1.8) that is less than the required number (2.1) to replace the population,” Hoye said. “At this rate, by 2050 the total Black fertility rate will be 1.3 or lower, a rate that is irreversible.”

For anyone who doubts Planned Parenthood’s ultimate agenda the Coalition makes it clear. According to its media release, “The 2008 FORM 990, PART III, LINE 1, filed by Planned Parenthood, they described their mission in these terms: to achieve ‘…a U.S. population of stable size in an optimum environment.’” It also noted a tweet from former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, proclaiming abortion is as “vital to their mission as birth control or cancer screenings.” The statements are faithful to the organization’s roots.

Planned Parenthood was founded in 1916 in New York by Margaret Sanger who was open about her plans for population control, primarily among those she deemed “unfit.” Now rarely discussed, Sanger’s “Negro Project” was a plan to control the Black birth rate. “To this day, by executing the agenda of their white supremacist founder, Planned Parenthood has developed what I consider to be a method of womb lynching,” said Johnny Hunter, of the Coalition member’s Founder of the Life Education and Resource Network. “That lynching has resulted in the termination of more than twenty million Black lives.”

Stephen Broden of Protect Life and Marriage Texas calls abortion “a brutal form of population control.” He shared, “Abortion has and continues to be a devastating and permanent blow to the Black community. Our children in the womb are decimated. Women are scarred mentally, emotionally and physically–its malicious application disintegrates our families.”

Members of the Coalition appear to view the claim against Planned Parenthood as an extension of the fight for civil rights and social justice. “As my Uncle Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. reminded the nation in 1963, ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,’” shared Evangelist Alveda C. King, Director of Civil Rights for the Unborn. “It is my prayer that the arc of the universe will now impact HHS, igniting justice for our children in the womb. Now is the time!”

In 2018 (the most recent year reports are available), there were 42,441 abortions committed in the state of Illinois, 15,278 of which were on Black women, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health.

To learn more, please visit the National Black Pro-Life Coalition website.

HELP: Our get-out-the-vote campaign is up and running. 

We are distributing the IFI Voter Guide to hundreds of churches and civic groups throughout the state..
Will you financially support our endeavor to educate Illinois voters and promote Christian family values?

Margaret Sanger and the Racist Roots of Planned Parenthood

Written by Worth Loving

Recently, Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest (R-N.C.) came under fire for comments he made regarding Planned Parenthood and its founder, Margaret Sanger. Speaking to an MLK Day breakfast at Upper Room Church of God in Christ in Raleigh, Forest said this: “There is no doubt that when Planned Parenthood was created, it was created to destroy the entire black race. That was the purpose of Planned Parenthood. That’s the truth.” Forest later defended his comments to McClatchy News:

“The facts speak for themselves. Since 1973, 19 million black babies have been aborted, mostly by Planned Parenthood. I care too much about the lives of these babies to debate the intent of Sanger’s views when the devastation she brought into this world is obvious.”

Margaret Sanger, her sister, Ethel Byrne, and Fania Mindell opened the first birth control clinic in the United States in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York on October 16, 1916. The clinic was later raided by the NYPD, and all three women were arrested and charged with violating the Comstock Act for distributing obscene materials. After laws governing birth control were relaxed, Sanger founded the American Birth Control League in 1921, which was renamed the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942.

While Lieutenant Governor Forest was attacked by many on the Left for pushing an uneducated, insensitive agenda, history backs him up. The fact is that Margaret Sanger strongly believed the Aryan race to be superior and that it must be purified, a view that finds its roots from Charles Darwin’s defense of evolution in The Origin of Species. Darwin argued that a process of “natural selection” favored the white race over all other “lesser races.” Sanger advocated for eugenics by calling for abortion and birth control among the “unfit” to produce a master race, a race consisting solely of wealthy, educated whites. Sanger said she believed blacks were “human weeds” that needed to be exterminated. She also referred to immigrants, African Americans, and poor people as “reckless breeders” and “spawning…human beings who never should have been born.”

Sanger once wrote “that the aboriginal Australian, the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development, has so little sexual control that police authority alone prevents him from obtaining sexual satisfaction on the streets.” In an effort to sell her birth control and abortion proposals to the black community, Sanger said: “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” In 1926, Sanger was also the featured speaker at a women’s auxiliary meeting of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey.

Sanger opened her clinics in largely minority neighborhoods because she believed immigrants and the working class were inferior and needed their population controlled so as to purify the human race. That trend continues today where almost 80 percent of Planned Parenthood facilities are located in minority neighborhoods. In fact, although only 13 percent of American women are black, over 35 percent of all black babies are aborted in the United States every year. Abortion is the leading cause of death for blacks in the United States. According to Students for Life of America, “more African-Americans have died from abortion than from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart disease combined.” Black babies are about five times more likely to be aborted than whites. On Halloween in 2017, Planned Parenthood’s “Black Community” Twitter account tweeted: “If you’re a Black woman in America, it’s statistically safer to have an abortion than to carry a pregnancy to term or give birth.”

While Margaret Sanger tried to portray Planned Parenthood as a merciful organization that helps needy families, the facts speak for themselves. In her testimony to the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in September 2015, former Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards openly admitted that over 80 percent of her organization’s annual revenue comes from performing abortions and not basic health care for poor or disadvantaged women. When you dive deeper, well over 90 percent of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue comes from performing abortions.

Despite this sordid history, Margaret Sanger is almost universally recognized as a pioneer for women’s rights rather than the racist she actually was. When accepting Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Award, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated that she “admired Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision…I am really in awe of her.” Those like Hillary Clinton are ignoring the explicitly racist statements that Margaret Sanger made throughout her life. The fact is that Sanger normalized birth control and abortion in the United States as a means to accomplish eugenics. Her ultimate goal was to eliminate non-white races, people with sickness or disabilities, children born to felons, the poor, and immigrants, to name a few.

Margaret Sanger is no heroine, and Planned Parenthood is not some merciful health care provider as the Left paints it to be. Margaret Sanger repeatedly stated her racist intentions for the whole world to see and hear, and Planned Parenthood was and still is the manifestation of those racist ideologies. America was founded on the idea that no matter your race, creed, national origin, disability, or station in life, everyone who comes here or is born here has the opportunity to live a successful, fulfilling life. Margaret Sanger didn’t believe that.

As pro-life activists, we must do our part to expose Margaret Sanger for who she really was. We must also expose the racist history of Planned Parenthood and how that history is still relevant today. For more information on Margaret Sanger and the racist roots of Planned Parenthood, check out these FRC resources: Planned Parenthood Is Not Pro-Woman and The Real Planned Parenthood: Leading the Culture of Death.

This article was originally published at the FRC Blog.

Murder Is not Healthcare

Written by Walker Wildmon

When I was in high school, I sat next to a young lady in class who quietly mentioned to her friend that she’d had an abortion. At the time I didn’t completely grasp the heartache that she must have been experiencing though I could see the pain in her eyes. The only other detail I remember is that she said it was physically painful. It was a haunting conversation.

In March of 2017, it was reported that Planned Parenthood executives were making as much money as some professional athletes. To be specific, Planned Parenthood’s CEO, Cecile Richards, receives over $950,000 a year in compensation. For those who don’t know, Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion provider. Planned Parenthood was subsidized by over $543,000,000 in taxpayer dollars last year, according to their own 2016-2017 annual report. The report also revealed that Planned Parenthood performed 321,384 abortions with only 3,889 adoption referrals. This is a shocking number. Planned Parenthood is portrayed by the media and liberals as vital to women’s healthcare.  What this reveals is that Planned Parenthood is not only committing cruel and evil acts, its bosses are well compensated for providing them.

One claim you’ll hear regarding abortion is that it is only a small percentage of what Planned Parenthood provides. From a biblical perspective, this is a non-starter. Killing as many as one child is one too many. More than 321,000 abortions cannot be defined as a “small percent” of Planned Parenthood’s work. Nonetheless, in the early months of his presidency, President Trump offered to allow Planned Parenthood to keep its federal funds if they would cease performing abortions. Their executives denied this offer claiming abortion was vital in order for their organization to continue. You’d think if abortion was such as small part of what Planned Parenthood does then its leaders wouldn’t mind ceasing the practice in order to keep the federal funds coming in. But Planned Parenthood is absolutely committed to killing babies and misdirecting that reality by referring to it as women’s healthcare.

Under virtually no scenario is abortion the provision of healthcare. We must not grant validity to such a falsehood. Ending the life of a child is anything but healthcare as women often suffer emotional and physical harm from having an abortion.

A recent poll showed that 58 percent of likely voters oppose government subsidizing of Planned Parenthood. Even with the majority of Americans feeling this way, Congress has repeatedly failed to end the taxpayer funds to those who carry out the barbaric act that is abortion. Although I’m angry that Congress is complicit in this, I believe that abortion is likely to be ruled on at the Supreme Court in our lifetime. If the court were to hear a pro-life case, it is likely that it would overturn Roe v. Wade. Especially if President Trump adds another judge to the Supreme Court.

Over 1,000 babies’ lives are ended each day in Planned Parenthood facilities across America. This is terribly wrong.  At a minimum, we should stop sending our tax dollars to such an organization.

America will be judged by God for the way we treat the most vulnerable among us. Whether it be the elderly or infants. My prayer is that this generation will be remembered as the one that not only ended the taxpayer funds to abortion providers but ended the horrific practice altogether.

This article was originally posted at AFA.net

Planned Parenthood: This Evil, Baby Murder Mill Must Be Defunded

Heroism is usefully defined as an act of selflessness — sacrificing oneself for the life of another. Medal of Honor recipients perform acts of true heroism, often giving their life to save their brothers in arms.

But what is the opposite of heroism? What would you call an organization and its leader who brag about killing the most innocent among us and killing in a barbaric, painful manner for selfish reasons?

Planned Parenthood and its leader, Cecile Richards, are responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of babies annually and brag about just that.

Found within the Planned Parenthood Annual Report, a quote by President Cecile Richards:

We are here today to thank generations of organizers, troublemakers, and hell-raisers who formed secret sisterhoods, who opened Planned Parenthood health centers in their communities, and demanded the right to control their own bodies.

Cecile Richards
Women’s March 2017

Breathtaking! Ms. Richards is proud of generations of “organizers, troublemakers, and hell-raisers who formed secret sisterhoods, who opened Planned Parenthood health centers in their communities, and demanded the right to control their own bodies.”

Of course women should have the right to protect and control their own body. But should not the innocent child in the womb have the same right to life written in our Declaration of Independence and admonished in the Bible?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. (Declaration of Independence)

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. (Deuteronomy 30)

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. (Jeremiah 1:5a)

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14a)

Scripture is abundantly clear that we face a battle between death and life. Jesus said: “…I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6) We’re told to choose life.

But Cecile Richards boasts about her abortions and her agency that chooses death for millions of babies — over seven million, six hundred thousand unborn children murdered through Planned Parenthood alone since Roe v. Wade.

Richards wrote in a 2014 Elle column:

I had an abortion. It was the right decision for me and my husband, and it wasn’t a difficult decision. Before becoming president of Planned Parenthood eight years ago, I hadn’t really talked about it beyond family and close friends. But I’m here to say, when politicians argue and shout about abortion, they’re talking about me—and millions of other women around the country.

And in an Katie Couric interview Cecile expands:

It was a decision my husband and I made. It was a personal decision. And we have three children that we adore and that are the center of my life. And we decided that was as big as our family needed to be. It wasn’t anything more dramatic than that.

Let those words sink in.

“It was a decision my husband and I made.”

“And we have three children that we adore and that are the center of my life.”

“And we decided that was as big as our family needed to be. It wasn’t anything more dramatic than that. ”

It was just a decision. Like whether to have cable or dish network, whether to have beef or chicken for dinner. No big deal.

And think about Richards comment “we have three children that we adore and that are the center of my life.” How must those children feel? They are only adored because they happened to be number one, two and three. Had they been number four or more, they would have been killed. That’s a pretty calloused and capricious selection process.

Further, Cecile and her husband, Kirk Adams (who was vice president of the Service Employees International Union, and is now executive director of the Healthcare Education Project in New York), made that choice — a married, power couple. There was no hardship and no threat to Cecile’s life. Just the virulently selfish decision to use abortion as birth control. By any other name that would be called wickedness.

Looking on page 31 of the Annual Report, we see the total abortions performed by Planned Parenthood in 2017:

That’s 321,384 babies whose lives were ended at Planned Parenthood abortion mills in 2017. Consider that taxpayers contribute $500 million per annum to that vile organization, and try not to lose your cool.

Richards deceitfully explains that federal tax dollars do not go toward abortions, but that’s a misleading argument. The government money received by Planned Parenthood is fungible and frees up their other resources to promote their abortion services, lobby state and federal lawmakers, pay rent and the electric bill among other things. The notion that taxpayer money does not fund their abortion services is a ruse.

We should review the inception of Planned Parenthood to understand the true nature of this organization. Most worthy entities have great beginnings, such as the Ivy League Schools which were founded as seminaries. Over the decades, the original intent has degraded and the universities transformed into centers of Progressive propaganda, in direct opposition to a Judeo-Christian worldview.

Unlike the Ivies, Planned Parenthood was founded by an evil eugenicist, Margaret Sanger. As I wrote in 2014:

The real Margaret Sanger espoused sinister motives for advancing birth control and abortion: she fully endorsed eugenics for the betterment of race and society.

Sanger was a Darwinist who embraced a utilitarian view of human life, and proposed to rid our nation of the criminal element and “inferior races” through abortion and breeding programs.

And as noted in the 2016 article, “Planned Parenthood, An Unnecessary Evil“:

The original intent of Planned Parenthood has been veiled with a facade of honorable work, but the truth is despicable to the core.

Planned Parenthood’s predecessor, The American Birth Control League, was founded by Nazi-inspiration Margaret Sanger, the godmother of modern eugenics, in 1921.

So, this behemoth baby-killing business had a nefarious founding and mission, and an anti-biblical, anti-Christ goal of convincing teenaged and older females to choose death rather than life.

And notice, the “other services” touted so frequently by abortion-lover Richards have been dwindling as the main cash crop — killing the unborn and then selling the baby body parts — has increased.

As written at the Daily Wire by Paul Bois:

Feminists love to throw out the “but Planned Parenthood provides other valuable services” line when discussing the organization’s lucrative war against the unborn in the practice of abortion.

It turns out, according to the organization’s 2016-17 Annual Report, those “other services” have been steadily dropping since 2008 while their abortions remain stable, making it PP’s most reliable revenue stream — other than the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars it receives from the government, of course.

As noted by LifeNews, Planned Parenthood’s revenue has increased since 2009, from $1.1 billion to roughly $1.4 billion in 2017. That Planned Parenthood’s overall services have decreased rather increased makes this all the more puzzling. LifeNews provides a summary of the report’s findings:

In 2008, PPFA affiliates were seeing 3 million patients a year. Today, they see only 2.4 million—a huge drop of 20%.

PPFA’s highly publicized ‘cancer screenings’ fell by almost 2/3rds–from 1,830,811 in 2009 to just 660,777 in 2016.

What about contraception services? They dropped from 3,868,901 in 2009 to 2,701,866 in 2016—a 30% tumble.

How about their much vaunted (but barely existent) prenatal services? From 40,489 in 2009 to just 7,762 in 2016—a decline of more than 3/4s.

Bottom line: Planned Parenthood is a vile organization that should be defunded and its president, Cecile Richards, should be out of a job.

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to send an email or fax to your U.S. lawmakers in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representativesurging them  to defund Planned Parenthood. Let them know that you strongly believe that businesses which profits from the wholesale killing of babies and the (illegal) selling of baby body parts should be shuttered and never receive another penny of taxpayer money.

More ACTION:  Please pray that our state and nation will repent from supporting this moral, political, and financial evil. Pray that your “pro-choice” family members, friends, and neighbors will finally understand that abortion is barbaric and indefensible in every situation — not just when tax dollars are being spent to support it. Pray that our state and nation will mourn the legalization of abortion, which has eradicated 60+ million innocent lives.

Spread the word! Ask your friends to speak out to their federal lawmakers also by forwarding this email or by posting it on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #DefundPP.

Be heroic! Take a strong stand in defense of the unborn! Join Illinois Family Institute in its battle to call for the complete defunding of tax dollars for Planned Parenthood!

March for Life Chicago!

Join thousands at March for Life Chicago 2018 as we come together from across Chicago, the Midwest and the U.S. to defend, protect and celebrate LIFE this Sunday at the Federal Plaza from 2 PM to 4 PM.  For more information, click HERE.

Our goal is to serve as a visual and vocal reminder that the people of Chicago and the Midwest stand for LIFE.  We come together to change perceptions in a society that thinks abortion is the answer. We call upon religious, civic and community leaders to renew every effort to build a nation and culture dedicated to protecting life at every stage and eliminating the violence of abortion. Our women, men, children and families deserve better than abortion!

Join us and choose life and blessing for our nation and the unborn!

Let Madonna, Judd, and Cyrus Fund Planned Parenthood

lauries-chinwags_thumbnailLet’s see, Planned Parenthood provides age-inappropriate, Leftist dogma packaged as sex “education” to children and kills incipient human life in the womb. Moreover, no Planned Parenthood performs mammograms, and very, very few offer prenatal care. And yet Planned Parenthood is an essential provider of women’s healthcare?

Curiouser and curiouser.

In 2013, Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood (PP), was paid $590,928. In regard to her 2013 income, U.S. News and World Report said “Richards makes about $100,000 more than the typical CEO for a nonprofit similar to the size of Planned Parenthood.” Here’s the kicker, in 2014 Richards was paid $957,952. PP vice president Dawn Laguens pocketed $599, 721 of blood money.

It’s time for the federal government to cease funding Planned Parenthood until such time as they  stop killing humans in the womb; stop providing contraception and abortifacients; and stop peddling a Leftist sexuality ideology to minors.

If Planned Parenthood wants to provide those products and services to minors and women of childbearing age, they should ask George Soros, Madonna, Miley Cyrus, and Ashley Judd to subsidize them.

Taxpayers should not be forced to do so.


Will This Be the Final Nail in Planned Parenthood’s Coffin?

lauries-chinwags_thumbnailThe national pro-life organization Live Action has just released a bombshell video that darn well better be the final nail in the coffin of Planned Parenthood—a coffin brimming with baby corpses.

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, in a futile effort to persuade the public that the pro-death organization she heads is all about women’s “health,” has publicly stated that Planned Parenthood provides prenatal care. In so doing, she clearly suggested and the gullible public believed that all Planned Parenthood facilities provide prenatal care. Surprisingly, that’s not what Live Action found in its undercover investigation.

Of the 97 Planned Parenthood facilities Live Action contacted, only 5 provided prenatal care. Live Action’s short video provides persuasive evidence that Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards lied through her pearly whites.

Here’s a sampling of the responses featured in Live Action’s video:

Tempe, AZ: “Planned Parenthood offers abortions, so they don’t offer prenatal care.”

Albany, NY: “No Planned Parenthood does prenatal care, hon.”

Farmington, NM:“We don’t offer prenatal care at Planned Parenthood…We specialize in abortions. You know that’s what our ultrasounds are for, to see how far along the, um, patient is.”

Elizabeth, NJ: “We do birth control, things like that—terminations.

Cornell, NY: “We tell you you’re pregnant, and then we offer…to do the abortions.”

Merrillville, IN: “No, we don’t do prenatal services. I mean it’s called Planned Parenthood. I know it’s kind of deceiving.

Dallas, TX: “We only offer termination services.”

Ironically when the undercover patient asked where she could receive prenatal care, the Planned Parenthood operative recommended Care Net, the type of crisis pregnancy center that “progressives” accuse of not caring about women and babies.

Racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood, and today’s money-sucking  organization bears the morally corrupt values of its founder. While blacks comprise 12 percent of the population, they comprise 28 percent of abortions, a statistic that would please Sanger who was hell-bent on ridding the world of blacks:

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities.  The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

In Sanger’s proposed “baby code” she recommended the extermination of those deemed unfit:

[F]eeble-minded persons…those afflicted with inheritable disease, and others found biologically unfit by authorities…should be sterilized or, in cases of doubt, should be so isolated as to prevent the perpetuation of their afflictions by breeding.”

Which populations do “progressives” today exploit to promote abortion as an act of compassion? Don’t death merchants talk about feticide as a compassionate act for babies with tragic physical anomalies? Aren’t children with Down Syndrome—in earlier, less enlightened times referred to a “feeble-minded”—being aborted in numbers that should offend and outrage all decent people?

Cecile Richards is an attractive corporate mask that conceals incomprehensibly evil acts, and where there is evil, there is deception.

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The Gates Foundation: Philanthropy Cloaked Abortion

When William “Bill” Henry Gates III was born to William Henry Gates II and Mary Maxwell Gates, in Seattle in 1955, little did they know he would grow up to be (reportedly) the world’s wealthiest man.

Bill III and Paul Allen co-founded Microsoft on April 4, 1975, and grew the fledgling company into an $85 billion multi-national computer software business. Bill transitioned from CEO to CSA (Chief Software Architect) in 2000, the year he and wife, Melinda, established the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). Then in 2006 Bill backed off, becoming part-time at Microsoft and full-time at BMGF.

Three trustees shepard BMGF, commonly called The Gates Foundation: Bill Gates III, Melinda Gates, and Warren Buffett. Buffett (Chairman/President/CEO of $65B Berkshire Hathaway Inc.) is ranked as one of the world’s wealthiest men (net worth of about $66 billion) and has vowed to disburse 99% of his fortune to charities and causes mostly via the Gates Foundation. One Buffett pet cause being the Democratic party; he endorsed Hillary Clinton in her run for president.

The Gates Foundation, by all appearances is a humanitarian endeavor, seeking to help the least of these throughout the world, and especially in Africa. As written on the opening page of the BMGF website:


That by giving people the tools to lead healthy, productive lives, we can help them lift themselves out of poverty.

Every year, millions of people find ways to transition out of poverty—by adopting new farming technologies, investing in new business opportunities, or finding new jobs. We know women and girls have a unique power to reshape societies. When you invest in a woman’s health and empowerment, it has a ripple effect, helping families, communities, and countries achieve long-lasting benefits.

A “woman’s health and empowerment” — now that’s an interesting phrase. Just what might that mean?

Click on the link under A CLOSER LOOK Help women make informed family-planning decisions and more of the BMGF agenda is revealed:

The Challenge

Voluntary family planning is one of the great public health advances of the past century. Enabling women to make informed decisions about whether and when to have children reduces unintended pregnancies as well as maternal and newborn deaths. It also increases educational and economic opportunities for women and leads to healthier families and communities. Family planning is a smart, sensible, and vital component of global health and development.

However, more than 220 million women in developing countries who don’t want to get pregnant lack access to contraceptives and voluntary family planning information and services. Less than 20 percent of women in Sub-Saharan Africa and barely one-third of women in South Asia use modern contraceptives. In 2012, an estimated 80 million women in developing countries had an unintended pregnancy; of those women, at least one in four resorted to an unsafe abortion.

Significant challenges stand in the way of making contraceptives more widely available and accessible, including insufficient donor and developing country funding, lack of appropriate products that meet users’ needs, weak distribution systems, lack of reliable monitoring and data collection mechanisms, and cultural and knowledge barriers.

Farther down The Foundation Strategy is defined:

Our Strategy

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Family Planning program is working to bring access to high-quality contraceptive information, services, and supplies to an additional 120 million women and girls in the poorest countries by 2020 without coercion or discrimination, with the longer-term goal of universal access to voluntary family planning.

With our partners, we support national governments that have committed to the goals of FP2020 and are leading the development and implementation of their own country-specific plans.

Foundation support includes assessing family planning needs, particularly among the poorest and most vulnerable populations; identifying access barriers and funding gaps; developing and testing interventions; sharing evidence-based practices; promoting accountability through real-time performance monitoring and data collection; and fostering coordination among governments, partners, and donors.

The verbiage repeatedly refers to “contraceptive information” and “contraceptives and voluntary family planning” and then, tucked away, “at least one in four resorted to an unsafe abortion.”

So, a whole lot of talk about women and contraception information and worries about unsafe abortions. What is starkly missing from the page is any mention of “life” or “babies.”

Also of note, The Gates Foundation operates with entities aligned with FP2020: Family Planning 2020. What is the goal of that initiative?

FP2020 is an outcome of the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning where more than 20 governments made commitments to address the policy, financing, delivery and socio-cultural barriers to women accessing contraceptive information, services and supplies and donors pledged an additional US$2.6 billion in funding. Since then, the number of countries with FP2020 commitments has grown to 36 and, in 2014 alone, donors provided US $1.4 billion in bilateral funding for family planning—32 percent more than in 2012.

Led by an 18-member Reference Group, operated daily by a Secretariat, and hosted by the United Nations Foundation, FP2020 is based on the principle that all women, no matter where they live should have access to lifesaving contraceptives.

One of the FP2020 guiding principles:

  • Universal access to voluntary contraceptive information, services and supplies, within the context of integrated programs to achieve sexual and reproductive health and rights and the health-related MDGs.

The website, like its partner the Gates Foundation, is full of mentions of contraceptive information and “sexual and reproductive health and rights.” And even more telling, the list of “Core Partners“:

  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • The Department for International Development (DFID)
  • UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund
  • USAID (The United States Agency for International Development)

Much has been made of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s investment in African charities, but a closer inspection yields something less of a true philanthropic effort to save lives, and more of an effort to advance family planning and abortion. And this pro-abortion, utilitarian worldview was cultivated in Bill Gates III from a young age.

In a 2003 interview, Bill Moyers questioned Gates about his interest in advancing “family planning”:

MOYER: But did you come to reproductive issues as an intellectual, philosophical pursuit? Or was there something that happened? Did you come upon… was there a revelation?

GATES: When I was growing up, my parents were always involved in various volunteer things. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that. And so it’s fascinating. At the dinner table my parents are very good at sharing the things that they were doing. And almost treating us like adults, talking about that.

My mom was on the United Way group that decides how to allocate the money and looks at all the different charities and makes the very hard decisions about where that pool of funds is going to go. So I always knew there was something about really educating people and giving them choices in terms of family size.

Indeed, Bill Gates II, a prominent Seattle lawyer, also served on the board of Planned Parenthood. His wife, Mary, Bill III’s mother, was the first female president of King County’s United Way. The United Way shunts a portion of all donations, unless earmarked otherwise, to Planned Parenthood.

Gates Sr. is Co-Chair of the Board of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

All of these connections explain Bill Gates’ implicit pro-abortion biases, they all add up. And The Foundation doesn’t dicker, it contributes major bucks to abortion providers. Live Action News’ Josh Craddock wrote in June 2014:

Fr. Boquet notes that, “The Gates Foundation has in the past and will continue to give tens of millions of dollars to the largest abortion providers in the world, including International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopes International. These large sums of money will undoubtedly expand the reach and influence of the abortion industry.”

According to the Gates Foundation grant database, the Foundation gave Planned Parenthood of America, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, and Planned Parenthood of Western Washington about $71 million from before 2009 through 2013. Additionally, the Gates Foundation gave $46.1 million to Marie Stopes International in 2012 alone.

A year later, Micaiah Bilger writes for Life News:

The Gates Foundation promised to give an additional $120 million to Family Planning 2020 programs that support “the rights of women and girls to decide when and how many children they want to have,” the news website All Africa reported today.

. . .

Both Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes International, two of the largest abortion businesses in the world, are partners in the global Family Planning 2020 initiative, according to a press release from the initiative.

Now factor in BMGF Trustee Warren Buffett, Hillary Clinton’s BFF. Remember that Planned Parenthood awarded Hillary the Margaret Sanger Award in 2009 and the Democratic Presidential candidate has pledged to have “Planned Parenthood’s back if elected president.” In fact, not only is Mrs. Clinton pals with Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, she was also good friends with Cecile’s mother, Ann Richards.

The mafia had a term to describe who they were, “cosa nostra,” translated that means “our thing.” And “our thing” to Bill and Melinda Gates, Bill Gates Sr., Mary Gates, Warren Buffett, Hillary Clinton, Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood, United Way, Marie Stopes International, and FP2020 is a desire to advance an abortion agenda around the globe.

And at its heart, abortion countermands the culture of life admonished in Deuteronomy:

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.

Yes indeed. Mainstream Media adores The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and touts their Progressive “Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA),” but that’s just one small endeavor and not the heart of what the Microsoft billionaire really does with his fortune.

The word Philanthropy comes from the Greek: philos loving + anthrōpos man. Alas, Philanthropy, Gates-style, has absolutely nothing to do with real love of human life.

Our get-out-the-vote campaign is up and running. We are distributing the IFI Voter Guide to hundreds of churches, civic groups and tea party organizations. Will you financially support our endeavor to educate Illinois voters and promote Judeo-Christian values?  Donate today.


P.S. Listen to recent IFA podcast episodes at : illinoisfamilyaction.org/podcast

Planned Parenthood, An Unnecessary Evil

So many organizations and entities have noble and good beginnings. For instance “The Ivies” and the Seven Sisters colleges, most of which were either Christian schools or seminaries that, over the last century, have departed faith moorings.

Other organizations have nothing but evil inceptions; case in point Planned Parenthood.

The original intent of Planned Parenthood has been veiled with a facade of honorable work, but the truth is despicable to the core.

Planned Parenthood’s predecessor, The American Birth Control League, was founded by Nazi-inspiration Margaret Sanger, the godmother of modern eugenics, in 1921. As I wrote in the article, Margaret Sanger’s Dream Come True: Eugenics by Abortion:

The real Margaret Sanger espoused sinister motives for advancing birth control and abortion: she fully endorsed eugenics for the betterment of race and society.

Sanger was a Darwinist who embraced a utilitarian view of human life, and proposed to rid our nation of the criminal element and “inferior races” through abortion and breeding programs.

“To deal with the problem of resistance among the black population, Sanger recruited black doctors, nurses, ministers and social workers ‘in order to gain black patients’ trust’ in order ‘to limit or even erase the black presence in America’.”

Many Americans found the name, The American Birth Control League, anti-family and distasteful. Thus, the name was changed to The Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942, with Sanger as president.

Just think about an entity whose stated goals included:

  • Children should only begotten under conditions which render possible the heritage of health
  • Sterilization of the insane and feebleminded
  • To enlist the support and cooperation of legal advisers, statesmen and legislators in effecting the removal of state and federal statutes which encourage dysgenic breeding*

This was no family-friendly, baby-friendly organization; this was an entity designed from its inception to limit the breeding of inferior people, and to, inversely, encourage the breeding of “superior” humans.

Today Planned Parenthood performs approximately 300,000 abortions per year — about 1/3 the total number of abortions performed annually in the United States. Extrapolated out since Roe v. Wade in ’73, that would be approximately 13 million babies slaughtered by taxpayer-funded PP.

Present day Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards has remarked that “abortion is key to women’s opportunity.”

Opportunity? How is killing one’s own child the key to any opportunity?

The post-abortive women I’ve spoken to found abortion key to only guilt, overwhelming shame, and brokenheartedness, and only found reprieve via the grace and forgiveness of God.

Think on this; we are instructed in Deuteronomy 30:

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

But Planned Parenthood was founded and conceived as a means to choose death and cursing, and should not receive one dime of taxpayer assistance.

Unfortunately, currently the taxpayer moneys fund $528 million of PP’s budget per annum. Is it any wonder God’s hand of protection around America seems to be departing?

And contrary to the noisy, incessant arguments made by Planned Parenthood and the radical pro-aborts, there is a viable alternative, Community Health Centers, which actually help, rather than harm, women, men, and children.

there are over 1,200 Community Health Centers serving more than 24 million people at over 9,200 sites located throughout all 50 states and U.S. territories.

Every day, health centers meet escalating health needs and bring good health to needy communities, without regard to family income, health insurance status, race, culture or health condition. In communities fortunate enough to have a health center, fewer babies die, emergency room lines are shorter and people live longer, healthier lives.

Three words in the descriptive trump all else: “fewer babies die.”

The ancient Hippocratic Oath includes:

I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.

Though physicians in the 21st century typically take the oath of their particular medical school upon graduation, and not a standardized oath, the content of such oaths points toward “healing arts” rather than ghoulish methods of death and dismemberment of innocents.

Planned Parenthood was, and is, a nefarious organization, conceived by wicked woman. Thanks to PP and other abortion providers, over 57 million babies have been murdered in 43 years: over 57 million infants are in heaven, and Margaret Sanger, barring a Paul-like, deathbed conversion, is paying the due recompense in hell.

Given the REAL choice of Planned Parenthood OR Community Health Centers, the former snuffing out lives, the latter saving lives, America should choose Community Health Centers.

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to send Governor Bruce Rauner an email or fax asking him to cease all state business with Planned Parenthood in Illinois.

Let’s demolish once and for all the Planned Parenthood facade of “health provider” and choose better: let’s choose life, and insist our elected officials understand the consequences of not supporting our choice.

*The belief that deterioration of the human gene pool occurs by the increased survival and reproduction of people with undesirable traits.

The Illinois Family Institute is completely dependent on the voluntary contributions of individuals just like you.  Without you, we would be unable to fight the radical agenda being pushed by the godless Left.

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Dear Planned Parenthood: Stopping Illegal Profiteering From Baby Body Parts Does Not Erase Past Profiteering

To recap, undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress have revealed Planned Parenthood’s potential involvement in four illegal activities: 1) selling baby body parts for profit; 2) manipulating abortion procedures to secure the choicest and most intact baby body parts; and committing 3) partial birth abortions and 4) live birth abortions for same.

(These are aside from charges of overbilling patients, committing Medicaid fraud, covering up child rape, side-stepping parental involvement laws, and violating FDA protocol for RU-486 administration, etc.)

Today, Planned Parenthood sought to ameliorate the only allegation it really could: selling baby body parts for profit.

In a letter to the director of the National Institutes of Health, after obligatorily claiming, “we will never bow to political pressure,” Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards proceeded to clearly bow to political pressure (all underlined emphases mine):

In order to completely debunk the disingenuous argument that our opponents have been using – and to reveal the true political purpose of these attacks – our Federation has decided, going forward, that any Planned Parenthood health center that is involved in donating tissue after an abortion for medical research will follow the model already in place at one of our two affiliates currently facilitating donations for fetal tissue research. That affiliate accepts no reimbursement for its reasonable expenses – even though reimbursement is fully permitted under the 1993 law. Going forward, all of our health centers will follow the same policy, even if it means they will not recover reimbursements permitted by the 1993 law.

All this “to take away any basis for attacking Planned Parenthood to advance an anti-abortion political agenda,” wrote Richards.

Right, as if stopping an illegal practice provides legal cover for previous breaches. I will no longer rob banks, so let’s forget about all those banks I robbed? That’s not how the law works.

The more Richards writes, the more trouble she draws.

Such as those “reasonable expenses.” Richards previously admitted in a August 27 letter to Congress that the PP Pacific Southwest affiliate in California, about which she was writing in her new letter to NIH, received $60 “per tissue specimen.” Heart, lungs, liver, thymus, eyeballs, brain… those add up. That’s $360 profit right there, on top of profit from the surgical procedure that garnered the parts to begin with. What’s more, PP Pacific Southwest Medical Director Katherine Sheehan stated on video that they partner with Advanced Biosciences Resources, which provides “trained personnel [to] coordinate the retrieval, preservation and delivery of each specimen.” So what exactly did PPPS do to merit reimbursement?

Then there’s that Clintonesque word, “currently.” Richards wrote that only two affiliates were currently involved in fetal parts trafficking. But how many PPs have shut down operations since July? And what’s the scale of Planned Parenthood’s previous involvement? As CMP’s David Daleiden wrote Congress on August 31 about PP’s August 27 letter:

The letter references 11 affiliates total with fetal tissue involvement in the past 5 years – nearly 20% of 59 affiliates – but based on statements from Planned Parenthood representatives to our investigators in September  2013, October 2014, and February 2015, and public statements from TPOs [tissue procurement organizations], CMP counts at least 14 Planned Parenthood affiliates that have definitively engaged in fetal tissue harvesting in that time period.

A new House select committee specifically formed to investigate Planned Parenthood will have subpoena power. The CEOs of each of those 14 affiliates should be immediately slapped with one.

At this point, defunding Planned Parenthood stands no chance of success unless we elect a pro-life president.

Until then, there are now five congressional committees investigating Planned Parenthood, and they should pull out all stops. It does not look like PP’s latest ploy has dissuaded them. Of course, it should NOT.

This is not just about defunding, this is about prosecution. The videos opened the door. But the new select committee in particular is our best vehicle to secure damning evidence of Planned Parenthood as an institution.

It and other committees on both the federal and state level have the ability to seek out and secure evidence of Planned Parenthood’s local and corporate criminal operations in a way no undercover investigator can.

If properly directed, committee investigations will yield a ready-made case for both defunding and federal prosecution in a new pro-life administration. And even if we do not win the White House in 2016, this body of evidence will provide ready-made cases for local prosecution, defunding, and legislation in friendly jurisdictions.

One committee success we have already seen is in the procurement of Planned Parenthood’s contracts with StemExpress.

The little that has been quoted from those contracts clearly shows the exchange of valuable consideration for human fetuses and their body parts, and the monetary incentivization of Planned Parenthood to provide salable parts.

A good examination of all 14 Planned Parenthood affiliates that have supplied fetal tissue in the past five years and their financial data will likely show millions of dollars total in illicit profit off of baby body parts.

Cecile Richards’ letter cannot erase those profits

This article was originally posted at the JillStanek.com blog.

Stand Up To Planned Parenthood!

Jericho Prayer March This Saturday!

When Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards testified before Congress last month, she asserted that abortions represent only 3 percent of total services provided by Planned Parenthood. However, when questioned further about a funding discrepancy by U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis (R-WY), Richards admitted that not 3%, but 86 percent of Planned Parenthood’s revenue comes from abortions!

The taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood’s long-time claim that as a part of its crucial cornerstone women’s health care, it does mammograms. But again they’ve lied. When specifically asked how many mammogram machines Planned Parenthood owns, Richards had to admit that they do not own or operate even one mammogram machine.

When asked about the $127,000,000 that Planned Parenthood raised over their expenses, Richards struggled to explain where the dollars went.

Despite the gruesome videos, lawmakers in Washington D.C. have decided to continue funneling your tax dollars to this vile business. Remarkably, some politicians and members of the media have actually denied the existence of what is on these videos! It is shocking to realize that we live in a culture and among a people that are willing to deny the reality of what can be seen on these video to maintain the status quo.

But you can make a difference by standing with us this Saturday to continue draw attention to the brutality of the abortion industry and Planned Parenthood!  I hope you’ll be a part of the effort this Saturday!

When: This Saturday!  October 24th
Where: Governor’s Mansion in Springfield (See map HERE.)
Time:  11 AM to Noon

Click HERE for a flyer.

We cannot rely on Washington D.C. to have enough backbone to do what is morally right.  We have a moral responsibility. Here in Illinois, we need to work with every other pro-life group to stop this evil in our state and communities. We must pressure Governor Bruce Rauner to terminate all Illinois government business with Planned Parenthood and allocate those funds to one of the other qualified healthcare providers who can provide real health services for women. 

Take ACTION:  Forward this email to a friend or share on your social media accounts. Invite friends and family to attend with you.

Make custom signs, for example:

No TAX $$ to PP


STOP Funding Butchers

Save Our Future Children

PP – $127 Million Last Year

PP = NO Mammograms

Pray! Pray that many people attend this march to be a public witness for the sanctity of life. Pray that the hearts of Gov. Rauner and our lawmakers in Springfield AND Washington D.C. are changed. Pray for good weather and the safety of everyone who is protesting Planned Parenthood on Saturday morning. 

Thank you for your continued support…

Donate to the work & ministry of Illinois Family Institute!

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Cecil Richards’ Counterproductive Letter to Congress

By Charles Butts

A pro-life leader believes a letter from Planned Parenthood attacking The Center for Medical Progress proves the abortion giant is guilty of violating federal law.

The 11-page letter from Cecile Richards to members of Congress tries to explain away The Center’s secret videos of dealings between Planned Parenthood and organ procurement organizations to harvest aborted baby body parts.

But Judie Brown of the American Life League (ALL) tells OneNewsNow the letter actually admits the abortion giant is breaking the law, as the Planned Parenthood Federation president admits, among other things, that its affiliates have accepted payments ranging from $45 to $60 “per tissue specimen” from abortions.

“I think the letter was, [Richards] thought, written in such a way that it would defend and protect Planned Parenthood from any kind of assault, because the purpose of the letter was, of course, to attack The Center for Medical Progress,” Brown asserts. “But quite the opposite has occurred when you read the letter with a clear head.”

Brown points out that pro-lifers, including U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), have said all along the videos prove criminal wrongdoing.

“The whole purpose of The Center for Medical Progress’ campaign and all these videos has been focused on getting somebody to indict Planned Parenthood for committing crimes against humanity by the brutal way that they have not only taken the lives of preborn babies, but then made a profit on selling their body parts,” the ALL spokesperson notes.

She feels the public needs to continue pressuring Congress to take action.

“I am so proud of David Daleiden and all the people at The Center for Medical Progress, because they’ve given a face to this horrific practice, and they’ve given it a name — it’s murder,” the pro-lifer concludes.

Originally posted at www.onenewsnow.com

This is Your Nuremberg, Planned Parenthood

Nazi monster Dr. Josef Mengele is known to have ordered the murder of over 400,000 Jews at Auschwitz from 1943 to 1945. Thousands more he kept alive and mercilessly tortured to death during experiments intended to create an Aryan super-race.

Much of Mengele’s “medical research” was conducted on children and newborns – especially twins. One witness described what happened after Mengele once delivered a Jewish “fetus”: “But when he saw that there was only one baby and not twins, he tore the baby right out of the mother’s uterus, threw it into an oven and walked away,” she said. “We saw this.”

Cryin’ shame. Were he alive today and working for Planned Parenthood, Mengele’s abortion could have easily yielded an extra $300 for this “intact specimen.” Sell baby’s body parts separately, and the profit margin goes up. That’s good money toward a Lamborghini.

Such a waste.

In 1990 attorney and author Mike Godwin coined the concept that has come to be known as “Godwin’s Law.” It holds that, “As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.” The first person to compare another to a Nazi or Hitler, as it goes, loses the argument.

But what of that rare occasion when the Nazi comparison is 100 percent accurate and the best available analogy for a given set of circumstances? In that instance, Godwin’s Law must properly be suspended.

That instance is now.

Indeed, there is nowhere else for Planned Parenthood and its “pro-choice” supporters to hide. No more “clump of cells” euphemisms, no more denials about Planned Parenthood’s human-chop-shop-for-profit schemes, and no more nonsense about “reproductive freedom” and “women’s rights” in the context of the wholesale slaughter of babies.

The jig’s up, you cold, calculating, modern-day Mengeles. The amazing investigative journalism of The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) has exposed smoking-gun proof that you intentionally and illegally profit, in the millions, by “crushing,” dismembering alive and otherwise torturing to death our most innocent fellow human beings, and then selling their body parts for Mengelesque “medical research.”

These are babies, and you know it. You’ve always know it. Even so, and with a conscience seared black by the father of lies himself, you simply don’t care.

Neither did the Nazis.

To be sure, in CMP’s fourth video release, investigators reveal “undercover footage [that] shows Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains’ Vice President and Medical Director, Dr. Savita Ginde, negotiating a fetal body parts deal, agreeing multiple times to illicit pricing per body part harvested, and suggesting ways to avoid legal consequences.”

“When the actors request intact fetal specimens,” continues CMP, “Ginde reveals that in PPRM’s abortion practice, ‘Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact.’”

Yes, you read that right. This is a high-ranking Planned Parenthood official admitting that they “sometimes” deliver live babies, murder them and then sell their “intact” bodies for “medical research.”

“It’s a baby,” Ginde admits to the undercover investigators while pointing at various body parts on a tray.

“And another boy!” jokes her medical assistant.

This is a holocaust no less real, no less evil than that perpetrated by the Nazi regime. We’ve simply moved from the gas chambers to the abortion chamber – from Auschwitz to Planned Parenthood.

To live under Roe v. Wade is to live in shame. To live under pro-abortion leadership is to live under the Fourth Reich.

Whereas the Nazis were responsible for the wholesale murder of more than 6 million Jews, those today who support the practice of abortion homicide are no less complicit in the systematic slaughter of 55-million-and-counting equally precious human beings post Roe v. Wade. The parallels are undeniable and the science unequivocal. Murder is murder whatever stage of development the human victim.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German pastor who famously faced the gallows for his efforts to end the Nazi holocaust and assassinate Adolf Hitler. He was likewise an outspoken abortion opponent and pro-life advocate.

“Destruction of the embryo in the mother’s womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed upon this nascent life,” he once wrote.

“To raise the question whether we are here concerned already with a human being or not is merely to confuse the issue. The simple fact is that God certainly intended to create a human being and that this nascent human being has been deliberately deprived of his life. And that is nothing but murder,” he concluded.

Indeed, Psalm 139:13 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

If pro-life advocates like those at CMP are modern-day Dietrich Bonhoeffers, and they are, then what does that make abortion supporters and providers? In the years leading up to and during World War II, many Germans who were otherwise generally good people succumbed to Nazi propaganda and acquiesced to the horrific Jewish persecution that escalated from a slow boil to a red-hot torrent around them. In effect, they bought into exactly the same kind of dehumanizing, euphemistic, semantical garbage embraced by those who today call themselves “pro-choice.”

In the heart of Washington D.C. sits the United States Memorial Holocaust Museum. Someday, Lord willing, there will be an Abortion Holocaust Museum nearby, and on that day people will walk through it and experience the same sense of shame, sadness and disgust felt by those who today visit the Nazi Holocaust Museum.

There remains good and evil in the world.

Hitler, Josef Mengele, Nazis and Nazi supporters were evil.

Cecile Richards, Savita Ginde, Planned Parenthood and its “pro-choice” supporters are evil.

They are one and the same.

If you consider yourself “pro-choice,” you are woefully deceived. As did many of the German people before you, you support mass murder. You embrace a culture of death. History will not treat you well. Repent now and join the culture of life.

If you are an individual supporter or corporate sponsor of Planned Parenthood, then shame on you. Stop! You are helping to finance this holocaust. The blood of millions of innocents is on your head.

If you are an elected official, no more excuses. Immediately withholding all taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood is a no-brainer, but it’s only the beginning. These crimes against humanity must cease, and Planned Parenthood officials must be thoroughly investigated and, where supported by the weight of the evidence, prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

This is your Nuremberg, Planned Parenthood.

Download a Planned Parenthood Fact Sheet or a Church Bulletin Insert.


Join IFI at the
National Day of Protest against Planned Parenthood

Saturday, August 22, 9:00 to 11:00 A.M.
Planned Parenthood, 3051 E New York St, Aurora (map)
Initiated by the Pro-Life Action League

Second Shocking Video of Another Planned Parenthood Abortionist

The second secretly-recorded Planned Parenthood video is out, and like the first, it reveals that Planned Parenthood is staffed by Josef Mengele wannabe’s.

In this mindboggling video, Dr. Mary Gatter, president of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Directors Council, negotiates compensation for preborn baby body parts:

While discussing the possibility of manipulating abortion procedures to increase the likelihood of preserving babies’ bodies intact, the cold, calculating, conscience-less abortionist Gatter makes this stunning comment:

If we want to pursue this mutually, I’ll mention this to Ian [the abortionist in the facility Gatter runs in Pasadena] in terms of how he feels about using a less crunchy technique to get more whole specimens.

“Progressives,” always eager to manipulate language to promote moral deviance, refer continually to “specimens” and “tissue” rather than body parts. They seek to equate baby hearts, lungs, livers, and limbs with tumors and cysts without  explicitly making the case for equivalence. They hope that no one notices their sickening use of euphemistic language.

When the buyers from the fake fetal-tissue procurement company inquire about the possibility of acquiring “intact specimens” from 10-12 week human fetuses, Gatter responds:

So, that’s an interesting concept. Let me explain to you a little bit of the problem, which may not be a big problem. If our usual technique is suction, at 10-12 weeks, and we switch to using an IPAS [manual vacuum aspirator] or something with less suction, or to increase the odds that it will come out as an intact specimen, then we’re kind of violating the protocol that says to the patient that “We’re not doing anything different in our care of you.” Now to me that’s a specious little argument, and I wouldn’t object to asking Ian, who’s our surgeon who does the cases, to use an IPAS [manual vacuum aspirator] at that age in order to increase the odds that he’s going to get an intact specimen.

Manipulating the abortion procedure to preserve babies’ bodies intact for the purposes of “donating” them to medical research doesn’t only “kind of” violate “protocol.”  It also violates federal law.

Even more seriously, the deliberate killing of innocent humans, whether preserving their bodily integrity or destroying  it in the process of murdering them, violates God’s command and, therefore, should violate the consciences of all humans.

Federal law allows for “reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue. Here are Dr. Gatter’s compensation considerations:

If [other California Planned Parenthood affiliates] are getting substantially more, then we can discuss it….[The amount of money] has to be big enough that it makes it worthwhile for me….so let me just figure out what others are getting, and if this is in the ballpark, then it’s fine. If it’s still low, then we can bump it up. I want a Lamborghini [giggle].

Note that when Gatter discusses the possibility of increasing compensation from her original figures of $50-75 per “specimen,” she does not refer to transportation, processing, preservation, quality control or storage costs but to what other Planned Parenthood facilities are getting.

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards apologized last week for abortionist Dr. Deborah Nucatola’s tone when discussing crushing preborn babies’ bodies. It appears that Richards is going to be one busy lady, apologizing for the tone-deafness of Planned Parenthood leaders. It is hoped that one day, she’ll apologize for the murders about which her employees talk in such cavalier tones. If Richards ever fully apprehends the enormity of the evil the organization she leads and defends has committed, it’s hard to imagine that she would be able to survive her guilt and grief.

Recently, liberal Chicago Tribune columnist Rex Huppke expressed his annoyance at the “pragmatic, dismissive, clinical, compassionless” response from Planned Parenthood on the first secretly-taped exposé of their disposition of preborn babies. He expressed no offense about the careful crushing of preborn babies’ bodies to maximize their utility for medical researchers. In the perverse existential universe of “progressives,” what is the source of tiny human livers, lungs, limbs, and hearts other than tiny humans?

Every time a “progressive” refers to the inappropriateness of the tone in these videos, they dig themselves a deeper ethical hole. It becomes incumbent upon them to explain why “pragmatic, clinical, compassionless” tones are inappropriate. If these “specimens” were the ontological equivalent of cysts, tumors, or liposuctioned fat, no one would argue that discussions should be somber or compassionate.

The product of conception between two humans is undeniably human. Since when does dependency-status, physical location, or absence of developmental maturity grant more developed humans the moral right to exterminate less-developed humans? And if the right to control one’s reproductive capacity directly conflicts with another person’s right simply to exist, which is a right of a higher moral order? What kind of people find tone-deaf discussions about “donating” preborn baby parts a greater moral outrage than poisoning, crushing, and dismembering preborn babies?

Huppke admits that “in parts” of the first video, abortionist Deborah Nucatola “comes off as a monster.” There’s a reason for that monstrous image. Crushing human beings—whether for convenience, profit, or medical research—is a monstrous act.

Please don’t allow yourselves to become desensitized to the evil revealed in these videos. Don’t allow your passion to wane when the press hurriedly moves on to other stories. And don’t allow yourselves to be distracted by the red herrings the Left is frantically tossing up about the ethics of secret recordings, or the legality of compensation for “donations,” or the value of “donated” baby body parts for medical research, or their pathetic apologies for tone.

Send letters to your local press. Donate to organizations committed to eradicating this evil from our midst. Contact your lawmakers, demanding that the unscrupulous Planned Parenthood Feticide Federation of America be defunded and investigated. Don’t let up. The Left never does. It’s not the rights of women that are at stake. It’s the lives of babies. There exists no moral right to kill innocent humans.

Please support IFI as we fight for liberty & work to advance the truth
about the sanctity of life & importance of marriage in our culture!


Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

U.S. Representatives Trent Franks (R-AZ) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) have reintroduced the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” an earlier version of which passed the U.S. House of Representatives in the summer of 2013 but was stalled in the Harry Reid-controlled U.S. Senate. If passed, this bill would prohibit abortions performed past 20 weeks, the point at which some research suggests babies can feel pain.

According to Huffington Post, Cecile Richards, president of the feticide-profiteering organization Planned Parenthood, is already proclaiming victory:

This is an unconstitutional ban, and this is something we expect to defeat….The people of this country believe Congress should be focused on making people’s lives better, and they shouldn’t be involved in making personal medical decisions for women and their doctors.

First, let’s not forget that the U.S. Supreme Court has on occasion erred in its decisions regarding the constitutionality of laws.

Second, increasing numbers of “people in this country” believe that “making people’s lives better” necessarily involves preventing innocent people from being murdered, including those who are guilty of nothing other than being unwanted by their mothers. In fact, according to a Huffington Post poll, 59 percent of Americans  support laws banning abortion after 20 weeks.

Third, the decision to kill a preborn baby is rarely a “medical” decision. When the life of the mother is not in jeopardy, the decision is first and foremost a moral decision.

What is most troubling is the pathological commitment of “progressives” to preserving the legal right of women to exterminate their own babies. The regressiveness of their commitment to barbarism becomes increasingly evident when they defend it.

Huffington Post links to a New York Times article in which experts conclude that the science regarding when preborn babies are capable of feeling pain is inconclusive. How can Cecile Richards and other pro-abortion dogmatists oppose this bill if there’s even a possibility of a baby feeling pain—perhaps excruciating pain—during an abortion? Civilized people would err on the side of compassionate caution. Remember, “progressives” are the same people who believe that waterboarding terrorists or testing cancer drugs on mice is a moral bridge too far.

When “progressives” wax indignant about the ethical outrage of waterboarding, let’s remember that all Special Operations Units volunteer and journalist Christopher Hitchens volunteered to be waterboarded. When was the last time you heard of anyone volunteering to have their skin chemically burned off or be dismembered as can happen in late-term abortions? This is not a defense of waterboarding. It’s an attempt to point out the Left’s inconsistent moral reasoning. If waterboarding is torture, abortion most assuredly is.

In a concession to the possibility that preborn babies feel pain as their skin is burned off or their bodies dismembered, some doctors, including Dr. Kanwaljeet Anand whose research is often cited by supporters of this bill, recommend administering a heart-stopping poison medication as the solution to the problem of a preborn baby feeling pain:

“In the very few abortions where fetal pain could possibly occur…consider what can be done to avoid inflicting a lot of pain on the fetus.” [Dr. Anand] said a common method used after 20 weeks—injecting amniotic fluid or fetuses with heart-stopping medication before removing the fetus— “would be fine, really, from a point of view of fetal pain,” a “compassionate way to do it.”

At this point, regressive absurdists really get themselves trapped in an ethical sticky wicket. They’re recommending pain management in the service of killing an innocent human being. Barbarism is redefined as “compassion.”

Not to worry—absurdists assure the morally sane among us—even if preborn babies feel pain after 20 weeks, only a relatively few are being exterminated that far along. According to the liberal, pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute , in 2011 there were 1.06 million abortions, 1.2  percent of which were performed after 20 weeks. For the math-challenged among us, that means last year 12,720 preborn babies were killed in utero after 20 weeks. It’s important to note, that many in the pro-life movement believe post-20-week abortions are underreported, so 12, 720 may be an inaccurately low figure.

Let’s see, how many terrorists were waterboarded? Oh, yes, three. Let’s even count each number of times each terrorist was waterboarded. With Khalid Sheikh Mohammed being waterboarded 183 times, let’s round it out to 200 times radical Islamists have been waterboarded as compared to 12,720 preborn late-term babies wiped out.

Those who oppose this law make the silly suggestion that conservatives have a secret ulterior motive for this law. The Left suggests the real motive is to limit abortion. That must be the worst kept secret in America.

What may be news to “progressives” is that those who oppose the intentional killing of preborn babies have more than one reason for supporting legislation that limits or better still prohibits abortion. The central reason is that no ethical, compassionate, civilized society permits the intentional killing of innocent humans—especially children.

The second reason is that no ethical, compassionate, civilized society permits torture in the service of killing innocent humans—especially children.

And the third reason is that no ethical, compassionate, civilized society would permit any means of killing innocent girls and boys that may even potentially torture them before it kills them—even if it’s a mere 12,720 children annually 

Last time I heard, the product of conception between two humans is a new human with its own unique genetic code. A compassionate and just society doesn’t condone the killing of  humans based on their location (e.g., in utero), their dependency-status, their physical or cognitive abilities, or the feelings other humans have about their existence.

Take ACTION:  Click HERE to send a message to your U.S. Representative asking them to support H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

You can also call the Capitol Switchboard to ask to be connected to your U.S. Representative’s office at (202) 224-3121.

If you live outside of Illinois, Click HERE to send an email through the National Right To Life Committee’s web site.

The Truth Project

First Annual IFI Worldview Conference
featuring Dr. Del Tackett
April 10-11, 2015

CLICK HERE for Details

The Culture of Death Says Life Begins at Delivery

Cecile Richards is no stranger to controversy. As the president of Planned Parenthood she leads one of the central institutions of the Culture of Death — an organization that was born in the dark vision of Margaret Sanger and now exists as the nation’s most visible promoter and provider of abortion. Cecile Richards has been an ardent defender of a woman’s “right” to abort her baby at any time for any reason. She also believes that women should be able to abort their babies for free, with taxpayers footing the bill.

Her support of abortion for any reason and for any stage of fetal development — including the most barbarous partial-birth abortions — was explained, perhaps accidentally, in an interview she recently gave to Jorge Ramos of Fusion TV. When Ramos asked Richards when life begins, she said: “It’s not something I really feel like is really part of this conversation … every woman needs to make their own decision.”

Her non-answer to one of the most fundamental questions of human dignity was shocking enough, but there was more to come. As it turns out, Richards does have a belief  about when life begins.

Ramos was apparently surprised by her evasion of the question and asked, “Why would it be controversial for you to say when you think life starts?”

Richards offered another non-answer: “I don’t know that it’s controversial. I don’t know that it’s really relevant to the conversation.”

Seriously? When the conversation is about abortion?

Then she dropped the bombshell:

“For me, I’m the mother of three children. For me, life began when I delivered them. They’ve been probably the most important thing in my life ever since. But that was my own personal decision.”

So life begins at delivery. Until then, no life, no dignity, no sanctity at all. This defies any moral sense, but it also defies modern biology. Cecile Richards did not try to argue the now infamous trimester argument of Roe v. Wade or a point of viability or any other argument about fetal development. As her comment makes clear, in her worldview the fetus doesn’t matter at all.

She identified her three children as “probably the most important thing in my life” since their delivery. Were they nothing to her in her womb? Each of those three precious children was precious in the womb — at every point of development.

Candid admissions of a worldview like this one are rare, but Cecile Richards’ statement perfectly explains her advocacy of abortion at any time for any reason. In her interview the Culture of Death bares its teeth.

This article was originally posted at the AlbertMohler.com blog.