Tag Archives: Christian Medical and Dental Association


Stuff You Should Know About “Trans”-Cultism

Despite a lack of evidence proving the safety and efficacy of chemical and surgical interventions and social “transitioning” for those who experience gender dysphoria, “progressives” plow forward mutilating the healthy bodies and manipulating the psychology of children who feel they are or wish they were the sex they are not.

The science-denying, incoherent “trans” ideology affects all of society. The end game for “trans” activists and others in cultic thrall to this superstition is not access for a few boys and girls or men and women to opposite-sex private spaces and sports. The end game is the eradication of all …

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Rights of Conscience on the Operating Table in Springfield

The regular session of the Illinois General Assembly ended on May 31st,  but with lawmakers at an impasse over the state budget, they could be meeting in overtime sessions well into the summer.  Along with debate over a spending plan, workman’s compensation and the public sector pension crisis will keep lawmakers busy in  Springfield for at least several more weeks. According IFI  sources, Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) has told  state representatives that the Illinois House will be meeting every Tuesday throughout the month of June, and even into July.

Lawmakers could use their extra time in the State …

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“Medical” Marijuana Vote Coming Soon?

Lawmakers in the Illinois House, most if not all knowing little or nothing about medicine or disease, may be voting to legalize so-called marijuana as “medicine” in Illinois on Wednesday.

This bill allows a “qualified” patient to have 2.5 ounces of marijuana every 14 days (183 joints, 13 per day).  Even the most experienced user smokes an average of three or four joints a day, potentially allowing the surplus to be sold on the streets. Moreover, “medical” marijuana laws normalize marijuana use, which significantly decreases the perception of harm especially among adolescents and teens.

“The key to it is medical

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Medical Association Losing Members Over Pro-Abortion Stance

A leading Christian physician has announced his resignation from the American Medical Association (AMA) because of the organization’s support of abortion coverage in federal health care legislation.

Dr. David Stevens, the chief executive officer of the national Christian Medical and Dental Association(CMDA), says he can no longer in good conscience remain a member of the AMA. He is challenging other Christian physicians to also evaluate their affiliation with the organization.

“I can no longer associate with an organization that is unscientific, unprofessional, and controlled by special interests,” Stevens said in a letter to the organization’s leadership. “I no …

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