Tampons for Boys: IL Dems Pay Tribute to the “Trans” Community on Memorial Day

While patriots around the country spent the weekend paying tribute to soldiers who died to preserve our God-given liberties, Illinois Democrats took advantage of the holiday to ruin Illinois further by paying tribute to “trans”-cultists. Democrat lawmakers hoped Illinoisans would be too busy honoring our servicemen and women to notice the repugnant legislation they were passing.

“Tampons for Boys” bill

On May 20, 2021, the Illinois House passed an amendment to the school code, and then on May 31 when few Illinoisans were paying attention, the Illinois Senate passed it as well. This amendment (HB 156) expands the availability of free (taxpayer-funded) feminine hygiene products from all girls’ bathrooms in public schools to all boys’ bathrooms. It replaces all occurrences in existing school code of the word “feminine,” as in “feminine hygiene products” with the word “menstrual.” Now the bill goes to Governor J.B. Pritzker who can be counted on to sign every piece of garbage legislation that morally corrupt Democrat lawmakers send his way.

The “Tampons for Boys” bill requires every restroom in public schools that serve grades 4-12 to make available feminine hygiene products for free in all boys’ bathrooms. Remember, grades 4 and 5 are in elementary schools, so boys in grades K-3 will also be exposed to tampons and sanitary pads in their bathrooms. Such exposure will reinforce the leftist gender theory (i.e., “trans”-cultism) that Democrats just passed a bill requiring to be taught in elementary schools.

In a couple of hilarious exchanges between the science-denying chief senate sponsor of the “Tampons for Boys” bill, State Senator Karina Villa (D-West Chicago), and Republicans who asked why boys’ bathrooms need to be equipped with free tampons, Villa robotically replied multiple times “for emergencies.”

These tenacious Republicans persevered and finally with an assist from State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Summit), the two of them came up with one implausible emergency scenario that—they believe—justifies spending thousands and thousands of dollars to make feminine hygiene products available in every boys’ bathroom in every public elementary, middle, and high school in Illinois.

Here’s what the two pudd’nheads came up with: One day, there may be a female athlete who is participating in a competition held at another school at which the visiting girls’ team has to use a boys’ locker room. This girl may suddenly begin menstruating and, therefore, would need tampons available in the boys’ locker room.

Yep, they actually said that on the Senate floor.

No one bothered to ask whether it’s likely that no teammates would have any tampons or why a girl in this predicament couldn’t dash momentarily into the girls’ locker room or into a nearby girls’ restroom to obtain the necessary feminine hygiene product.

But, of course, everyone knew what this bill is really about, and it’s not about unlikely menstrual crises in boys’ locker rooms during athletic competitions. It’s really about expensive genuflecting to the “trans” cult, and finally the truth came out. Villa fessed up:

According to the American Journal of Medicine, 41% of folks who are transgender, have thought or attempted suicide. I don’t want to keep speaking around the subjects that you all are wanting me to talk about, because it wouldn’t be fair. It wouldn’t be fair to the kids that I’m standing here to help normalize life for. … they should be able to go in the bathroom, and get the product. That’s it.”

Illinois Democrats are forcing all Illinoisans to pay to retrofit every boys’ bathroom in every public school in order for menstruating, cross-dressing girls who don’t belong in boys’ bathrooms to be fortified in their delusion. And Villa is forcing this public expenditure in order to “normalize” disordered thinking and unethical practices.

It was not just women who made foolish statements, though. State Senator Christopher Belt (D-East St. Louis) made one of the most head-scratching comments:

[I]t doesn’t emasculate a man to know … a sanitary napkin dispenser is in a bathroom. … God forbid, we go to Walmart or Target and push down an aisle of sanitary napkins with our five-year-old son and expose them to all of the things that we’re dying about and having a fit about on this floor.

Say, whaaat? Who said anything about tampons in boys’ bathrooms emasculating men? And who opposes boys seeing feminine hygiene products in stores? The problems are that boys don’t need tampons, and schools shouldn’t be affirming anti-science, socially constructed, “trans”-cultic beliefs through expensive, taxpayer-funded practices imposed by leftist lawmakers.

It’s not just curricula that teach. Policies and practices teach as well. Leftists know that. Get your kids out of government mal-education camps yesterday.

Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to Gov. Pritzker’s administrative staff to urge him to VETO the foolish, science-denying HB 156. Our public schools shouldn’t be affirming socially constructed beliefs through expensive, taxpayer-funded practices imposed by leftist lawmakers.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


Illinois Democrats Trying to Give More Power to Bureaucrats During All Health Crises

Leftists here in Illinois have been heeding the opportunistic control freak Rahm Emanuel’s instruction:

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

Most Illinoisans going about their business, working hard and raising children, have heard nothing about the power grab underway right now by leftist swamp creatures in Springfield. As citizens continue to battle governmental authorities—both elected and unelected—who have used the pandemic crisis to usurp our rights, swampsters in Springfield are busy passing legislation to ensure the government will have such ill-gotten powers in perpetuity.

On Thursday, April 22nd, the Illinois House passed along party lines HB 2789, an authoritarian proposal sponsored by State Representative Michelle Mussman (D-Schaumburg). This bill adds an amendment to an existing law, which will grant sole authority to determine whether, when, and under what conditions public and private schools can return to in-person instruction in the event of a public health crisis to the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties.

The Department shall establish requirements by rule for providing in-person instruction at nonpublic schools and public schools that include, but are not limited to, personal protective equipment, cleaning and hygiene, social distancing, occupancy limits, symptom screening, and on-site isolation protocols and shall disseminate information about those requirements to nonpublic schools and public schools with the assistance of the Illinois State Board of Education. The authority to enforce the rules adopted pursuant to this Section lies with the Department and local departments of public health.

If upon investigation, a school is found to be in violation of the rules adopted under this Section, the Department has the authority to take the appropriate action necessary to promote the health or protect the safety of students, staff, and the public, including, but not limited to, closure of a classroom, gym, library, lunch room, or any other school space until such time that the Department determines that the violation or violations have been remedied. Nothing in this Section limits the authority or requirements of the Department or local public health departments.

Don’t be deceived into believing this bill has anything to do with public health and the welfare of children. This bill is solely about the government expanding and retaining control over the lives of citizens.

It is neither the Illinois State Board of Education nor the Illinois Department of Public Health that is lobbying for this bill. The pressure for this dangerous bill is coming from the powerful teachers’ union, the Illinois Education Association (IEA), an affiliate of the National Education Association (NEA).  The IEA-NEA, with its insatiable appetite for power, is “demanding” that lawmakers pass this bill.

We have seen federal and state governments issue mandates about masking and school closures for which there is no scientific support. And we have seen state lawmakers genuflect to teachers’ unions that have been making demands wholly irrelevant to COVID-19—demands that harm children.

Local elected school boards, accountable to the people who elect them, must retain control over decisions related to their communities. And neither Springfield swampsters, nor an Illinois governor, nor the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties, nor the appointed and politicized Illinois State Board of Education should have unrestricted authority to control how private schools respond to public health crises.

Why does any Illinoisan think the bureaucrats in corrupt Illinois government (who, by the way, deny school choice to Illinoisans, including disadvantaged children in lousy, dangerous Chicago schools) have the best interests of children in mind or know better how to protect them than do parents and local school districts?

Instead of granting more power to the corrupt, inefficient, feckless, and power-hungry government, let’s starve it.

This bill passed the Illinois House by a partisan vote of 70 to 42. The legislation now moves to the Illinois Senate for consideration, where it is sponsored by State Senator Christopher Belt (D-East St. Louis).


Take ACTION: Click HERE to send a message to your state senator, asking him/her to vote against HB 2789. If we have learned anything during the COVID-19 lockdown, it is that a one size fits all approach doesn’t work. We have local school boards and county health officials who are better positioned to respond to health crises.

With approximately 5 weeks left before the Illinois General Assembly adjourns for the summer, your local state senator must hear from you. Please! Let them know clearly, but politely, that we vehemently oppose giving bureaucrats at the Department of Public Health Powers in Springfield MORE authority.

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


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Clowns to the Left of Dale Righter in Springfield

You must watch 8 gut-busting minutes of one floor “debate” that took place recently in the Springfield swamp. Then when you’ve caught your breath and dried those tears of laughter, take a moment to dash off a thank you to State Senator Dale Righter (R-Mattoon) for his exasperated and exquisite exposure of yet another exasperating and chuckleheaded bill sponsored and unfortunately passed by Springfield clowns.

The bill (HB 3394) amends the Business Corporation Act of 1983 in such a way as to try to force corporations to judge people by the color of their skin—or rather by the color of skin they wish they had—rather than the content of their character or their skills. HB 3394 blathers on about requiring publicly held domestic or foreign corporations with their principle executive offices located in Illinois to submit annual reports to the secretary of state identifying, among other things, the “self-identified” race, ethnicity, and “gender” of their board members.

The bill passed in the Illinois Senate by a vote of 38-16 and in the Illinois House by a vote of 105-0 (Say whaaat?).

Don’t look now, you pesky and peevish “trans”-cultists, but your incoherence is showing.

You see, in trying to slavishly suck up to the identity politics of science-denying “trans”-cultists, Springfield swampsters are undermining the identity politics of racialists and second wave feminists.

So, let’s look at what could happen if Governor JB Pritzker signs into law this silly, anti-business bill that seeks to force corporations to diversify their boards by using the self-identification of board members as black or female, rather than their objective race or sex: A 12-member racially colorless board that includes three white men who identify as black and Rachel Dolezal would be considered racially diverse, and a 12-member board of all biological males, six of whom “identify” as women, would be deemed sexually diverse.

So as not to spoil your fun, I’ll provide just a teaser from the video in which Senator Righter makes intellectual mincemeat of the legislative nonsense poor State Senator Christopher Belt (D-East St. Louis) was forced to defend:

Senator Righter: “[Amendment] subsection 4 regards members of the board who self-identify as a racial minority or ethnic minority. Now, I’m going to be completely honest with you. I didn’t know that you could self-identify as a member of a different ethnicity or race. So, my question for you is, in the instance where there is a corporate board that is all Caucasian, could half of them self-identify as minority and, therefore, receive a score as being diverse?”


You’re going to have to watch the remaining 6 minutes to find out how this debate played out. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

Cultural regressives in Springfield better get with the “LGBTQQAP” agitprop. “Gender” no longer refers to biological sex—or so, we’re told. Gender now refers to the arbitrary, socially constructed and imposed norms, roles, behaviors, and conventions associated with maleness and femaleness. So, demanding diverse “gender” representation means exactly what?

Maybe Humpty Dumpty can help answer that question:

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”

Listen to this article read by Laurie:


A bold voice for pro-family values in Illinois!

PODCAST: Clowns to the Left of Dale Righter in Springfield

You must watch 8 gut-busting minutes of one floor “debate” that took place recently in the Springfield swamp. Then when you’ve caught your breath and dried those tears of laughter, take a moment to dash off a thank you to State Senator Dale Righter (R-Mattoon) for his exasperated and exquisite exposure of yet another exasperating and chuckleheaded bill sponsored and unfortunately passed by Springfield clowns.

Read more…